Accessibility Options:
Ambrose Video
Ambrose Video provides streaming educational content in a variety of disciplines. The University of Miami currently has access to over 30 videos in the BBC Shakespeare Play collection and the entire Long Search series, a discussion of the basic beliefs of the world's major religions.
Arts and Humanities Citation Index
International coverage of more than 1,150 leading arts and humanities journals as well as selective coverage from leading science and social sciences journals.
Bloomsbury Cultural History
<em>Bloomsbury Cultural History </em>is an extraordinary, fully cross-searchable digital resource that engages with culture throughout the ages from antiquity to modernity. Thanks to its interdisciplinary nature and ever-expanding collections, this unique digital reference tool promises to be an essential resource on many courses from cultural studies and sociology to history and anthropology.
Digital Theatre + Plus
Digital Theatre+ is the world's leading educational platform for English and the Performing Arts, providing students with access to 600+ theatre productions and educational resources. Digital Theatre+ collaborates with renowned theatre companies, actors and creatives to capture live performances in stunning quality and bring you insights from behind the scenes.
Eighteenth Century Drama
A unique archive of almost every play submitted for licence between 1737 and 1824 as well as hundreds of documents that provide social context for the plays.
Feature Films for Education
<em>Feature Films for Education</em>&nbsp;is a digital video streaming platform that offers hundreds of full-length feature films for educational purposes; focusing on both current and hard-to-find titles, the collection includes literary adaptions, blockbusters, classics, foreign films, and more. Recommend Chrome browser.
Gale Academic OneFile
Gale Academic OneFile connects learners to the information they&rsquo;re looking for with tools that make discovery fast and easy. This premier periodical resource provides millions of articles from scholarly journals and other authoritative sources with extensive coverage in key subject areas, such as biology, chemistry, criminal justice, economics, environmental science, history, marketing, political science, and psychology. Includes full-text coverage of the New York Times back to 1995.
Gale Literary Index
Author/title index to Gale reference publications including Contemporary Authors, Contemporary Literary Criticism, and the Dictionary of Literary Biography. It combines and cross-references more than 137,000 author names, including pseudonyms and variant names, and more than 173,000 titles into one source.
Global Newsstream (ProQuest)
Global Newsstream covers national and leading regional newspapers including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA TODAY, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Barron's, The Boston Globe, The Christian Science Monitor, and The Washington Post. International coverage includes The Guardian, The Globe and Mail, Jerusalem Post, and El Pais.
Note: Login at Hathi Trust site to download and build collections. From login tab, select University of Miami as the HathiTrust Partner Insititution and login with CaneID username/password.
UM users have full-text access to over 6.4 million public domain works within the HathiTrust.
Humanities Full Text (H.W. Wilson)
Wilson Humanities Full-Text indexes more than 300 key humanities journals. Abstracts of journal articles are included from the spring of 1994; selected full-text coverage began in January 1995.
A tool for finding plays published in collections.
JSTOR provides digital versions of the backfiles of major scholarly journals. Primarily an archival collection, JSTOR does not provide access to the most recent 3-5 years of content for most titles.
Literature Criticism Online
A database of ten encyclopedias of literary criticism. Centuries of analysis of scholarly and popular commentary from broadsheets, pamphlets, encyclopedias, books and periodicals.
Literature Resource Center
Literature Resource Center is a current, comprehensive, and reliable online resource for research on literary topics, authors, and their works. What you'll find in Literature Resource Center is: Full-text scholarly articles from more than 300 academic journals and literary magazinesthe majority peer-reviewedas well as excerpts from scholarly monographs, literary correspondence and diaries. Reviews of books of all sorts, from children's literature to adult fiction, from popular non-fiction to scholarly studies. Substantive biographical essays on more than 130,000 authors, providing insights into life and times, works, and critical reception. Full text of thousands of poems and short stories published in contemporary journals and magazines. Overview essays on thousands of books and literary topics. Links to editorially selected websites on authors and their works, as well as pictures of well-known authors. New and updated material is added daily.
MLA International Bibliography
The MLA Bibliography indexes some one million citations from over 4,000 journals and series published worldwide on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics.
Music and Performing Arts from Alexander Street
Music and Performing Arts consists of multiple music and performing arts databases, including American Song, Classical Music Library, Classical Scores Library, Dance in Video, Jazz Music Library, Popular Music Library, Contemporary World Music, and Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries.
Musical Theater Songs draws from 150 years of musical theater repertoire, ranging from well-known standards to rare finds to help you find the right songs quickly and easily. Its easy-to-use interface lets you enter up to 20-plus parameters (voice type, character age, etc.) to generate a list of songs tailored to your needs from an ever-growing database. As an added feature, once you get your list of titles, we link you to various sites to make it simple to buy, rent, trade or download the sheet music and recordings (subject to availability).
National Theatre Collection 1 and 2
Now complete and consisting of 30 videos, National Theatre Collection 1 pulls from 10 years of NT Live broadcasts as well as high-quality recordings never previously seen outside of the NT's Archive to make this rich body of work available to the widest possible audience. National Theatre Collection 2 has added a further 20 videos.
New Play Exchange
The New Play Exchange is the world&rsquo;s largest digital library of scripts by living writers. Designed and built with the needs of the entire new play sector in mind, serving writers, producers, directors, artistic directors, literary managers, dramaturgs, publishers, agents, actors, professors, students, and even fans of the theater.
New York Times via ProQuest (1980-Current)
Provides national and international news, opinion and commentary.
NewsBank Full Text Newspapers
Provides full-text information and perspectives from over 1400 U.S. and over 1200 international sources. Each source has its own distinctive focus offering diverse viewpoints on local, regional and world issues.
Nexis Uni
Nexis Uni™ features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis®—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790—with an intuitive interface that offers quick discovery across all content types, personalization features such as Alerts and saved searches and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents.
Oxford Bibliographies Online: Cinema and Media Studies
Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO) Cinema and Media Studies is an authoritative research guide designed to help find reliable sources of information within books, websites, archives, or data sets. Each entry receives multiple peer-reviews as well as Editorial Board approval.
Performing Arts Encyclopedia
The Performing Arts Encyclopedia is a guide to performing arts resources at the Library of Congress. The Encyclopedia provides access to digitized scores, sheet music, audio reordings, films, photographs, and other materials.
Project MUSE - Premium Collection
Project Muse provides access to the full-text of over 40 of the Johns Hopkins University Press's scholarly journals. Dates of coverage vary. In general, Literary Theory & American Studies journals begin with the 1995 volume, while most others start with 1996. New issues of these journals are placed online in advance of the print version. Readers may search the full-text of individual journals to find a specific author, subject or title, and/or search the full-text of all journals in the collection. Among Muse features are hypertext links in the tables of contents, endnotes, author biographies, illustrations and, the option to create online reference shelves or electronic syllabi.
ProQuest Research Library
ProQuest Research Library provides in-depth coverage of the top 150 core academic subject, including 5,060 titles -over 3,600 in full text- from 1971 forward. It features a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and newspapers.
Shakespeare in Performance
Shakespeare in Performance showcases rare and unique prompt books from the world-famous Folger Shakespeare Library. These prompt books tell the story of Shakespeare's plays as they were performed in theatres throughout Great Britain, the United States and internationally, between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries.
Swank Digital Campus
Streaming videos primarily of classic and modern Hollywood films. Additional films may be available upon request by faculty for course reserves. Group viewings are limited to classroom use only.
Teatro Espanol del Siglo de Oro (ProQuest)
Containing more than 800 plays written by 16 dramatists, Teatro Espanol del Siglo de Oro is a full-text database covering the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Spain.
World Shakespeare Bibliography Online
A searchable electronic database consisting of the most comprehensive record of Shakespeare-related scholarship and theatrical productions published or produced worldwide since 1960.
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LinkedIn Learning
Tutorials just a click away. We offer access to LinkedIn Learning's 5,000 video tutorials covering business, creative, and technology topics.