Accessibility Options:
ABI/INFORM Collection
ABI/INFORM Collection indexes and abstracts articles covering all aspects of business worldwide. The complete article is provided for many titles. The Collection brings together resources appearing in ABI/INFORM Global & (business information worldwide), ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry, and ABI/INFORM Dateline (local & regional business information). Previously known as ABI/INFORM Complete.
Business, Economics: local and regional business publications. A local and regional business news coverage of large corporations, privately held companies, local start-ups, executive profiles, marketing, finance, and industry news. Contains news and analysis, information on local markets, and more gathered from major business tabloids, magazines, daily newspapers, wire services, and city, state, and regional business publications.
Business, Finance, Economics: journals, company profiles, Wall Street Journal. Coverage of business research topics, business and economic conditions, management techniques, theory, and practice of business, advertising, marketing, economics, human resources, finance, taxation, computers. Also, contains business and executive profiles.
ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry
Business, Economics: trade and industry periodicals and newsletters. Business periodicals and newsletters with a trade or industry focus. Coverage of industry news, product and competitive information, and marketing trends. Contains publications on major industry, including finance, insurance, transportation, and construction.
Academic Search Premier
Academic Search Premier is a multi-disciplinary full text database containing full text for nearly 4,500 journals, including more than 3,600 peer-reviewed titles.
Academic Video Online
AVON is a streaming video platform providing more than 79,000 titles spanning a wide range of subject areas, including anthropology, business, history, music, and more. The platform allows users to to organize and bookmark clips, create and share playlists, personalize folders, and manage their entire collection.
Access World News
Provides full-text information and perspectives from over 1400 U.S. and over 1200 international sources. Each source has its own distinctive focus offering diverse viewpoints on local, regional and world issues.
Ad*Access presents images and database information for over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines covering five product categories - Beauty and Hygiene, Radio, Television, Transportation, and World War II propaganda - dated between 1911 and 1955.
Ambrose Video
Ambrose Video provides streaming educational content in a variety of disciplines. The University of Miami currently has access to over 30 videos in the BBC Shakespeare Play collection and the entire Long Search series, a discussion of the basic beliefs of the world's major religions.
American Film Institute Catalog
AFI Catalog is a national filmography documenting the history of American cinema. Cataloging currently covers the years 1892-1973 comprehensively, with additional records covering selected major films from 1975 onwards.
Arts and Humanities Citation Index
International coverage of more than 1,150 leading arts and humanities journals as well as selective coverage from leading science and social sciences journals.
Business Insights: Global
A resource for research and analysis of companies and industries around the world, featuring extensive reference content from Gale's core business collection, easy-to-use company fundamentals and investment research reports, industry rankings, profiles, market share data, and company histories.
Chronicling America (Library of Congress)
This site allows you to search and view newspaper pages from 1789-1963 and find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.
CIA World Factbook
US government profiles of countries and territories around the world.
ComAbstracts indexes and abstracts journal articles in communication studies and related areas (rhetoric, journalism, mass communication, new media technologies, and speech).
ComAnalytics provides data about the relative publication performance of individual scholars and of departments of communication (journalism, mass communication, speech, communication studies, media studies, rhetoric, etc.).
ComIndex indexes the contents of major communication journals.
Communication & Mass Media Complete
The most comprehensive index to communication journals and other materials. Includes full-text for most articles.
Can be used to scan and summarize published articles in your areas of focus. The ComUpdate system allows you to select up to two classification terms (metaterms) and specify the time range of the search (only articles from the most recently added issue of each journal, the most recently added volume, articles added this calendar year, etc.)
CQ Researcher Plus Archive
The CQ Researcher explores a single issue in the news in depth each week. Topics range from social and teen issues to environment, health, education and science and technology. 44 reports are produced each year.
Digital National Security Archive
Collection of significant primary documents central to U.S. foreign and military policy since 1945.
EconLit, the American Economic Association's electronic database, is a source for references to economic literature dating back to 1969. EconLit provides links to full-text articles in all fields of economics, including capital markets, country studies, econometrics, economic forecasting, environmental economics, government regulations, labor economics, monetary theory, and urban economics.
Embase is a comprehensive biomedical literature database that provides over 30 million abstracts and indices from published, peer-reviewed literature, in-press publications and conferences covering the most important international biomedical literature from 1947 to the present day. It includes full-text indexing of drug, disease and medical device data, supported by the Embase thesaurus Emtree, which facilitates precise searching so users may find the answers they need to their research questions.
Ethnic NewsWatch
Ethnic NewsWatch (ENW) is a comprehensive full text database of the newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press. Searchable in both English and Spanish, with titles in both languages and more than 834,000 articles in Spanish, Ethnic NewsWatch provides in-depth coverage of a wide range of current and historical topics easily accessed using free text and fielded searching. Extensive indexing, including unique fields such as Article Type and Ethnic Group.
Feature Films for Education
<em>Feature Films for Education</em>&nbsp;is a digital video streaming platform that offers hundreds of full-length feature films for educational purposes; focusing on both current and hard-to-find titles, the collection includes literary adaptions, blockbusters, classics, foreign films, and more. Recommend Chrome browser.
Films On Demand: Master Academic Package
Films On Demand is a digital video streaming service that provides educational content from a wide range of subject areas with an especially good selection of foreign films. This collection contains more than 38,000 titles in dozens of subject areas, and the platform allows users to to organize and bookmark clips, create and share playlists, personalize folders, and manage their entire collection.
Florida Digital Newspaper Library
The Florida Digital Newspaper Library (FDNL) exists to provide access to the news and history of Florida. Over 700,000 pages of historic and current Florida newspapers in the FDNL are openly and freely available with zoomable page images and full text.
FMG Archival Films & Newsreels Collection
With over 13150 video clips and 5000-plus full-length videos, this collection is a treasure trove of archival and historical films from multiple sources.
Forage Virtual Experience Programs for Skill-Building & Career Exploration
Note: This database is an open-access resource, complete with certifcations and real work experience.&nbsp;
Complete free virtual experience programs posted by industry-leading organizations across the world to build valuable career skills and get a taste of industry experience via short, real-world, company-backed online projects
Gale Academic OneFile
Gale Academic OneFile connects learners to the information they&rsquo;re looking for with tools that make discovery fast and easy. This premier periodical resource provides millions of articles from scholarly journals and other authoritative sources with extensive coverage in key subject areas, such as biology, chemistry, criminal justice, economics, environmental science, history, marketing, political science, and psychology. Includes full-text coverage of the New York Times back to 1995.
HarpWeek (Harper's Weekly: Civil War Era, Reconstruction and Gilded Age I & II Database)
This database contains full-text issues of Harper's Weekly published during the U.S. Civil War, Reconstruction, the Gilded Age. Harpweek includes and can be searched by illustration, photographs, maps, and advertisements. From 1857-1912 Harper's Weekly shaped public opinion. Its coverage reflected the essence of popular culture and the political realities of the day. The magazine reveals the political concerns and biases, cultural customs and prejudices, and moral ideals and assumptions of the broad American middle class during the Civil War Era, Reconstruction and the Gilded Age.
Note: Login at Hathi Trust site to download and build collections. From login tab, select University of Miami as the HathiTrust Partner Insititution and login with CaneID username/password.
UM users have full-text access to over 6.4 million public domain works within the HathiTrust.
Humanities Full Text (H.W. Wilson)
Wilson Humanities Full-Text indexes more than 300 key humanities journals. Abstracts of journal articles are included from the spring of 1994; selected full-text coverage began in January 1995.
International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies
Including over 250 entries in 11 sections, the International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies is a unique reference guide and resource on the rapidly growing and evolving field of journalism scholarship, providing credible and timely information on its key concepts, theories, and methodologies.
JSTOR provides digital versions of the backfiles of major scholarly journals. Primarily an archival collection, JSTOR does not provide access to the most recent 3-5 years of content for most titles.
Kanopy is a video streaming service that provides students and educators access to a large database of over 30,000 films--including award-winning documentaries, training films, indie and foreign films, must-see classics, and blockbuster movies. Films are activated on-demand for faculty and graduate students.
Latin America in Video
Latin America in Video offers quality original language documentaries from some of the most important producers and independent filmmakers in Latin America. The films were produced in Latin America, by Latin Americans, about Latin American issues, such as cultural identity, political history, human rights, popular culture, agribusiness, education, religion, and much more. It brings a comprehensive, exclusive and unique perspective on the region to any library.
Miami Herald (1911-Current)
Full-text content of local and regional news, including community events, schools, politics, government policies, cultural activities, local companies, state industries, and people in the community.
MRI Simmons
MRI Simmons offers comprehensive demographic, lifestyle, product usage and exposure to all forms of advertising media.
New York Times Digital Edition
Note: New users must create an individual account using their University of Miami email address. Existing users must re-register annually to maintain access. Account holders may then log in on any device at
Digital edition of The New York Times.
New York Times via ProQuest (1851-2014)
Cover-to-cover, digitally scanned full page access to backfiles of the New York Times Newspaper 1851 - 2014.
New York Times via ProQuest (1980-Current)
Provides national and international news, opinion and commentary.
NewsBank Full Text Newspapers
Provides full-text information and perspectives from over 1400 U.S. and over 1200 international sources. Each source has its own distinctive focus offering diverse viewpoints on local, regional and world issues.
Nexis Uni
Nexis Uni™ features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis®—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790—with an intuitive interface that offers quick discovery across all content types, personalization features such as Alerts and saved searches and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents.
Nuevo Herald (1976 - Current)
Spanish language newspaper published daily by the Miami Herald, Miami, Florida. Includes a Cuban section, news of interest to many Latin groups in the Miami area, as well as international, national, and regional news, cultural information, and services.
O'Reilly for Higher Education
With more than 35,000 e-books and 30,000 hours of video, O'Reilly for Higher Education is a dynamic learning platform designed to keep users at the forefront of business and technology.
Oxford Bibliographies Online: Cinema and Media Studies
Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO) Cinema and Media Studies is an authoritative research guide designed to help find reliable sources of information within books, websites, archives, or data sets. Each entry receives multiple peer-reviews as well as Editorial Board approval.
Project MUSE - Premium Collection
Project Muse provides access to the full-text of over 40 of the Johns Hopkins University Press's scholarly journals. Dates of coverage vary. In general, Literary Theory & American Studies journals begin with the 1995 volume, while most others start with 1996. New issues of these journals are placed online in advance of the print version. Readers may search the full-text of individual journals to find a specific author, subject or title, and/or search the full-text of all journals in the collection. Among Muse features are hypertext links in the tables of contents, endnotes, author biographies, illustrations and, the option to create online reference shelves or electronic syllabi.
ProQuest Congressional
Provides indexing and selected full-text access to current and historical legislative information from the United States Congress including hearings, bills, laws, reports and other publications.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Baltimore Afro-American, The (1893-1988)
The Baltimore Afro-American (1893-1988) offers full page and article images with searchable full text. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Tribune (1841-1922)
ProQuest Historical Newspapers - The New York Tribune is a full image archive. The database delivers every page of every available issue from cover to cover, with full page and article images in downloadable PDF from 1841 to 1922.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Philadelphia Tribune (1912-2001)
The Philadelphia Tribune (1912-2001) offers full page and article images with searchable full text. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.
ProQuest Research Library
ProQuest Research Library provides in-depth coverage of the top 150 core academic subject, including 5,060 titles -over 3,600 in full text- from 1971 forward. It features a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and newspapers.
Abstracts of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations, in behavioral science and mental health. Citations and summaries date back to early 1800s; journal coverage from 1887 to present. From the American Psychological Association.
Readers' Guide Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson)
Readers Guide indexes articles from 240 of the most popular general-interest and news magazines published in the United States and Canada. Selective full-text coverage begins in January 1994 for most titles. Journals include: Architectural Digests, People Weekly, National Geographic, Psychology Today, Ebony, and Fortune.
Readers' Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982 (H.W. Wilson)
Readers' Guide Retrospective indexes articles in over 250 leading popular magazines published between 1963 to 1982. Includes over 2.5 million references. Entries link to page images from original Readers Guide volumes, allowing users access to see and see also references and the complete hierarchy of subject headings and subheadings.
S&P Capital IQ Pro (formerly S&P Global Market Intelligence)
Note: Access is ONLY available on-campus. Users must create a personal login for access using their email address.
S&P Global Market Intelligence provides media and communications business intelligence including data, news, and analysis on US and global markets for radio, television, motion pictures, and emerging technologies. The data includes financials, advertising, and consumer information.
S&P Capital IQ Pro (formerly S&P Global Market Intelligence)
Note: Access is ONLY available on-campus. Users must create a personal login for access using their email address.
S&P Global Market Intelligence provides media and communications business intelligence including data, news, and analysis on US and global markets for radio, television, motion pictures, and emerging technologies. The data includes financials, advertising, and consumer information.
SAGE Research Methods
Note: Additional content has been added to this database as a trial. The trial will end on 12/31/23.
SAGE Research Methods is an online tool for research designed to guide users through every step of the research process. It includes more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences, while the Methods Map is meant to help find the best research technique, with answers that range from a quick answer found in a dictionary to case studies, teaching datasets, and full-text titles.
SAGE Research Methods Cases 1
SAGE Research Methods Cases 1 is a collection of case studies written by the researches themselves that show the realities of doing research; they explain how the methods use were chosen, how problems in research were overcome, and what might have been done differently with hindsight. All of the cases are peer-reviewed and include tools for further learning and investigation that allow&nbsp; them to be used both as a teaching tool and as inspiration for other research projects.
SAGE Research Methods Datasets 1
SAGE Research Methods Datasets 1&nbsp;is a collection of teaching datasets and instructional guides that are indexed by method and data type and optimized to be used for practicing analysis and analytical decisions as a way to improve as a researcher.
Social Sciences Full Text (H.W. Wilson)
Wilson Social Sciences Full Text indexes a wide range of social sciences journals. Abstracting coverage begins with periodicals published in January 1994; full-text coverage begins in January 1995.
Sociological Abstracts
Sociological Abstracts indexes and abstracts research literature published worldwide in journals and other serial publications. Social Planning/Policy Development (SOPODA) is included as a subfile, providing additional literature on policy issues addressing violence, abuse, housing, the environment and other social issues.
Provides information on more than 100,000 national and international media properties. Includes acess to Business Publications; Consumer Magazines; Newspaper, Reps & Press Associations; Digital Networks & Ad Tech Companies; Websites; Radio Stations, Networks, Owners & Reps; OOH (Out of Home); DM (Direct Marketing); SRDS Global (business, consumer, & newspaper publications from around the globe).
Integrates over 85,000 diverse topics of data and facts from over 10,000 sources onto a single professional platform. The database provides business customers, researchers, and the academic community with direct access to relevant quantitative facts on agriculture, finance, politics, and many more areas of interest.
Swank Digital Campus
Streaming videos primarily of classic and modern Hollywood films. Additional films may be available upon request by faculty for course reserves. Group viewings are limited to classroom use only.
United Nations Treaty Collection
United Nations Treaty Collection contains the text of international agreements registered with the United Nations since 1946 and information on the status of the registered treaties.
Wall Street Journal Online
Published since 1889, the Wall Street Journal covers U.S. and world news, as well as politics, arts, culture, and more. The online version includes streaming news, interactive options, video features, blogs, and more traditional content.
World Radio History
World Radio History is a searchable digital repository of nearly six million pages of AM, FM, and TV broadcasting history from the early 1900s to the current day.
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LinkedIn Learning
Tutorials just a click away. We offer access to LinkedIn Learning's 5,000 video tutorials covering business, creative, and technology topics.