A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Num All Free
  • 17th and 18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers

    The 17th and 18th Century Burney Collection includes newspapers, pamphlets, and books gathered by the Reverend Charles Burney (1757-1817). The present digital collection, totals almost 1 million pages and contains approximately 1,270 titles. 

  • 19th Century British Library Newspapers

    Nineteenth Century British Library Newspapers offers full runs of national, regional and local 19th century British newspapers, taken directly from the holdings of the British Library. The content includes 48 titles, totaling approximately 2.2 million pages, selected to reflect the social and political developments of the times in which they were published.

  • 19th Century U.S. Newspapers

    Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers provides access to primary source newspaper content from the 19th century, including full-text content and images from numerous newspapers from a range of urban and rural regions throughout the U.S. The collection encompasses the entire 19th century, with an emphasis on such topics as the American Civil War, African-American culture and history, Western migration and Antebellum-era life, among other subjects.

  • 19th Century UK Periodicals

    19th Century UK Periodicals is a database using content from the British Library, the National Library of Scotland, the National Library of Australia, and many other sources, to make available digitized versions of key 19th Century UK Periodicals.

  • Aaron Copland Collection

    The Aaron Copland Collection, ca. 1900-1990, by the Library of Congress, presents a selection of digitized materials from the full Aaron Copland Collection. Materials include music sketches, correspondence, writings, and photographs.

  • Accessible Archives History Commons

    Note: Also listed under Coherent Digital History Commons and History Commons.

    Landmark collections of primary sources, including magazines, newspapers, videos, letters, diaries, images, and ephemera. Also listed under "Coherent Digital History Commons" and "History Commons".

  • African American Newspapers Accessible Archive: The 19th Century

    African-American Newspapers: The 19th Century provides first-hand reports of the cultural life and history of African-Americans in the United States.

  • African American Newspapers: Readex

    African American Newspapers, Series 1 provides online access to approximately 280 U.S. newspapers chronicling a century and a half of the African American experience. This collection features papers from more than 35 states including many rare and historically significant 19th century titles.

  • America's Historical Newspapers

    America's Historical Newspapers is a comprehensive database designed to enable searching and browsing American newspapers published over three centuries. The collection is continually expanding and provides access to digital facsimiles of thousands of titles from all fifty states.

  • American Civil War Newspapers

    This resource features more than 150 newspapers from all regions of the United States plus approximately 50,000 government documents and 4,000 broadsides and pieces of ephemera. The collection of primary materials provides local and national coverage of American culture, politics and society from 1840 through 1877.

  • American Memory: Historical Collections for the National Digital Library

    The American Memory project of the Library of Congress National Digital Library Program digitizes distinctive, historical Americana holdings at the Library of Congress, including photographs, full-text manuscripts and rare books, maps, recorded sound and moving pictures. To achieve its goal, this unique public-private program, also works in cooperation with members of the Digital Library Federation and other libraries and archives throughout the United States. For example, digital collections from the LC/Ameritech Digital Library Competition are included.

  • American Prison Newspapers, 1800 - 2020

    American Prison Newspapers brings together hundreds of newspapers published within prisons by incarcerated people over the past 200 years. When complete, the collection will contain newspapers from prisons in every state, representing penal institutions of all kinds, including women-only institutions.

  • American West

    A collection of rare and original documents that includes books, journals, photographs, and more, <i>American West</i> chronicles the expansion of American from the early eighteenth to the mid-twentieth century.

  • Apartheid South Africa

    This collection consists of previously restricted letters, diplomatic dispatches, reports, trial papers, activists; biographies and first-hand accounts of events that give unprecedented access to the history of South Africa's apartheid regime. The files explore the relationship of the international community with South Africa and chart increasing civil unrest against a backdrop of waning colonialism in Africa and mounting world condemnation. This resource is in three sections: 1948-1966, 1967-1975 and 1976-1980.

  • Arab-Israeli Relations, 1917-1970

    Overview of the political history of the Middle East in the 20th Century, based on primary source documents from The National Archives, London. Original source material from the Foreign Office, Colonial Office, War Office and Cabinet Papers from the 1917 Balfour Declaration through to the Black September war of 1970-1. Major policy statements are set out in their fullest context, the minor documents and marginalia revealing the workings of colonial administration and, following the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, British diplomacy towards Israel and the Arab states.

  • ArchiveGrid

    Note: For assistance, please contact the Special Collections Division, 8th Floor, Otto G. Richter Library, 305-284-3247

    ArchiveGrid is a tool for searching through historical documents, personal papers, and family histories held in archives around the world.

  • Archives of Sexuality & Gender

    A unique fully-searchable collection, Archives of Human Sexuality and Identity: LGBTQ History and Culture since 1940, Part I brings together approximately 1.5 million pages of primary sources on social, political, health, and legal issues impacting LGBTQ communities around the world. Rare and unique content from microfilm, newsletters, organizational papers, government documents, manuscripts, pamphlets, and other types of primary sources sheds light on the gay rights movement, activism, the HIV/AIDS crisis, and more. Part II provides coverage of the development, culture, and society of LGBTQ groups in the latter half of the twentieth century, providing new perspectives on a diverse community through materials such as oral history transcripts, diaries, and letters, as well as periodicals and manuscripts.

  • Archives Unbound

    Topically-focused digital collections of historical documents that cover a broad range of subjects.

  • ARTstor

    ARTstor consists of a repository of hundreds of thousands of digital images and related data including the tools to actively use those images and a restricted-usage environment that seeks to balance the rights of content providers with the needs and interests of content users. The ARTstor collections are comprised of contributions from museums, individual photographers, scholars, special collections at libraries, and photo archives. All images are accompanied by comprehensive metadata and are rights-cleared for educational use.

  • Band Music from the Civil War Era

    Band Music from the Civil War Era, by the Library of Congress, presents examples of brass band music popular in the United States through the latter half of the 19th century. The collection includes printed and manuscript music and sound recordings.

  • Beethoven, Ludwig van: Beethoven-Haus Digital Archives

    The Digital Archives of the Beethoven-Haus provides online access to the unique collections of the Beethoven-Haus, including music first edition scores, correspondence, and pictures. The collection consists of more than 37,000 scanned 16,00 audio files, and 7,600 text files.

  • Biblioteca de Catalunya

    The digitized collections at the Biblioteca de Catalunya currently include more that 50,000 printed and manuscript music works, as well as personal papers of noted composers, scholars, and performers such as Isaac Albeniz and Enric Granados.

  • Black Economic Empowerment: The National Negro Business League

    This collection comprises the National Negro Business League files in Part III of the Booker T. Washington Papers in the possession of the Library of Congress.

  • Black Studies Center

    Black Studies Center is a fully cross-searchable gateway to Black Studies including scholarly essays, recent periodicals, historical newspaper articles, and much more. It combines several resources for research and teaching in Black Studies: Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience, International Index to Black Periodicals (IIBP), The Chicago Defender, and the Black Literature Index.

  • Bononcini, Giovanni: Bononcini.org

    Bononcini.org provides online access to a catalog of the complete works of Giovanni Bononcini. Also available are a bibliography and discography of some of his and a selection of works available for free download.

  • British Library Newspapers 1732 -1950

    Consists of two major collections from the British Library which span three hundred years of newspaper publishing in the U.K. 17th and 18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers and 19th Century Newspapers.

  • Caribbean Newspapers, 1718-1876

    The<em> Caribbean Newspapers, 1718-1876</em> database is the largest collection of fully searchable 18th- and 19th-century Caribbean newspapers in this region. Created in partnership with the American Antiquarian Society, this collection showcases the evolution of the region across two centuries chronicled within more than 140 titles from 22 islands and will prove essential for research on colonial history, the Atlantic slave trade, international commerce, New World slavery and related topics

  • Carmichael, Hoagy: Hoagy Carmichael Collection

    The Hoagy Carmichael Collection is a digital collection of Indiana University's extensive materials related to the composer Hoagy Carmichael. Sound recordings, scores and photos, correspondence, and other items are available online.

  • Chronicling America (Library of Congress)

    This site allows you to search and view newspaper pages from 1789-1963 and find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.

  • Civil War in Words and Deeds

    This collection comprises, in its entirety, the Primary Source Media microfilm collection entitled Travels in the Confederate States. In addition, a small number of selected titles were included from the microfilm collection entitled Travels in the New South I, 1865-1900.

  • Civil War Service Reports of Union Army Generals

    These records comprise Entry 160: Generals Service Reports, 1864-1887, RG94: Records of the Adjutant Generals Office, 1780s-1917.

  • Codex Sinaiticus

    Contains earliest known complete text of the New Testament from 4th Century Greek text.

  • Codices Electronici Ecclesiae Coloniensis

    With support from the German Research Foundation, the Codices Electronici Ecclesiae Coloniensis (CEEC) is working to digitize the full medieval manuscript holdings of the Episcopal and Cathedral Library Cologne, which includes manuscripts of medieval music. (Note: to view the site in English, click on the "Optionen" tab, then select "English.")

  • Codices Electronici Sangallenses Virtual Library

    The purpose of the Codices Electronici Sangallenses (Digital Abbey Library of St. Gallen) is to create a virtual library of the manuscripts in the Abbey Library of St. Gall. The collection of 2100 manuscripts (650+ of which have been digitized) includes many examples of early music.

  • Coherent Digital History Commons

    Note: Also listed under Accessible Archives History Commons and History Commons.

    Landmark collections of primary sources, including magazines, newspapers, videos, letters, diaries, images, and ephemera. Also listed under "Accessible Archives History Commons" and "History Commons".

  • Confederate Newspapers: A Collection from Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia and Alabama HF

    This Archives Unbound collection has been digitized from the Scholarly Resources microfilm collection entitled "Confederate Newspapers." All issues in the microfilm have been included.

  • Correspondence from German Concentration Camps And Prisons

    Collection consists of items originating from prisoners held in German concentration camps, internment and transit camps, Gestapo prisons, and POW camps, during and just prior to World War II. Most of the collection consists of letters written or received by prisoners, but also includes receipts for parcels, money orders and personal effects; paper currency; and realia, including Star of David badges that Jews were forced to wear.

  • Crisis in the Dominican Republic: Records of the U.S. State Department Central Files, February 1963-1966

    The Dominican Republic has experienced many setbacks on the road to democracy. Dominican political history has been defined by traditions of personalism, militarism, and social and economic elitism which has undermined its efforts to establish liberal constitutional rule. This collection includes State Department, U.S. Embassy, and Dominican republic governmental dispatches, instructions, and miscellaneous correspondence dealing with topics such as political affairs and government; public order and safety; military affairs; social matters (including history and culture); economic conditions (including immigration and emigration); industry and agriculture; communications and transportation; and navigation.

  • Cuartel General del Sur, 1910-1925

    The collection contains correspondence addressed to Emiliano Zapata; combat reports; relations with troop commanders and officers; promotion and appointment requests; allegations of abuses committed by military personnel; applications for food, uniforms and ammunition; letters and telegrams on the transfer of prisoners.

  • Cuban Culture and Cultural Relations, 1959- Part 1: "Casa y Cultura"

    The Cuban Culture and Cultural Relations, 1959- resource from Brill is a primary-source collection of ca. 45,000 fully-searchable documents from the Casa de las Américas in Havana, documenting the culture and cultural relations of Revolutionary Cuba and countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

  • Cuban Culture and Cultural Relations, 1959- Part 2: "Writers"

    The Cuban Culture and Cultural Relations, 1959- resource from Brill is a primary-source collection that documents the literary, intellectual and cultural milieu of Revolutionary Cuba. Sourced from the archives of the Casa de las Américas in Havana, it provides unprecedented access to files covering more than a thousand writers, thinkers and artists from Cuba and abroad.

  • Danish National Digital Sheet Music Archive

    The Danish National Digital Sheet Music Archive is a collection of selected works from the Music and Theatre Collection of Denmark's Royal Library. Included are music scores of selected works by Carl Nielsen.

  • Digital Library of Classic Protestant Texts

    The Digital Library of Classic Protestant Texts is a uniquely exhaustive resource for historians, theologians, political scientists, and sociologists studying the religious and social upheavals of the 16th and 17th centuries. The database gives researchers immediate, web-based access to an extensive range of seminal works from the Reformation and post-Reformation eras. In addition, it offers in-depth browsing and searching of a treasury of theological writings, biblical commentaries, confessional documents, sermons, letters, polemical treatises, and other works by hundreds of Protestant authors.

  • Digital Library of the Catholic Reformation

    The Digital Library of the Catholic Reformation includes hundreds of seminal but often hard-to-find works, including papal documents, synodal decrees, catechisms, confessors’ manuals, biblical commentaries, theological treatises, liturgical works, inquisitorial manuals, preaching guides, saints’ lives, and devotional literature. Offering extensive selections from authors as diverse as Robert Bellarmine, Antoine Arnauld, Johannes Cochlaeus, Michael Bajus, Thomas Stapleton, Cesare Baronio, Luis de Granada, and dozens more, the database represents the full range of ideas and opinions that sparked and sustained Catholic reform in the heady years before, during, and after the landmark decrees of the Council of Trent. Most of the works in The Digital Library of the Catholic Reformation are period editions presented in their original languages of Latin, English, French, Italian, Spanish, and German. To maximize the research utility of the database, scholars have access not only to the fully-searchable text file, but also to a digital facsimile of each historically important edition chosen by the editors.

  • Digital National Security Archive

    Collection of significant primary documents central to U.S. foreign and military policy since 1945.

  • Digital Scores and Libretti Collection

    The Digital Scores and Libretti Collection at Harvard University's Loeb Music Library is an ongoing project to digitize rare and unique scores and libretti from their holdings. The collection includes first and early editions and manuscript copies from the 1700s through the early 20th century.

  • DRAM: Database of Recorded American Music

    DRAM is a scholarly resource providing educational communities with on-demand streaming access to CD-quality audio (192kbps Mp4), complete original liner notes and essays from independent record labels and sound archives. The collection contains over 4,000 album's worth of recordings from a distinctive set of 42 independent labels and archives. In addition, it contains a diverse catalogue of American music represented by the New World Records and CRI labels.

  • Dvorak, Antonin : Souborne vydani dila (IMSLP)

    Antonin Dvorak: Souborne vydani dila provides online access to the complete works of Dvorak, digitized by the International Music Score Library Project. Some listings include multiple digitized public domain scores, digitized and audio files (MIDI or recorded performances). Note: this page is updated manually; if a score is not listed, try browsing or searching for it using the left sidebar.

  • E-Codices: Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland

    The purpose of E-Codices is to create a virtual library of all of the medieval and selected early modern manuscripts (including music manuscripts) of Switzerland. The virtual library currently contains over 800 manuscripts.

  • Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800

    Based on Charles Evans' renowned “American Bibliography” and Roger Bristol’s supplement, Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800 is the definitive resource for every aspect of life in 17th- and 18th-century America. This digital collection contains virtually every book, pamphlet and broadside published in America over a 160-year period. Topics covered include agriculture and auctions through foreign affairs, diplomacy, literature, music, religion, the Revolutionary War, temperance, witchcraft, and just about any other subject imaginable. Including more than 36,000 printed works and 2.3 million pages, Series I also offers new imprints not available in microform editions.

  • Early American Imprints, Series II: Shaw-Shoemaker, 1801-1819

    Early American Imprints, Series II: Shaw-Shoemaker, 1801-1819 provides a comprehensive set of American books, pamphlets and broadsides published in the early part of the 19th century. Based on the noted “American Bibliography, 1801-1819” by Ralph R. Shaw and Richard H. Shoemaker, this collection contains more than four million pages from over 36,000 items—including 1,000 catalogued new items unavailable in previous microform editions. Through Early American Imprints, Series II, students and scholars can extensively research westward expansion, the development of American arts (literature, music, painting, etc.), the progression of American political thought and much more. In addition to books, broadsides and pamphlets, the collection includes published reports and the works of many European authors reprinted for the American public. Additionally, a large number of state papers and early government materials—including presidential letters and congressional, state and territorial resolutions—chronicle the political and geographic growth of the developing American nation.

  • Early American Newspapers Digital (1690-1922)

    Early American Newspapers features cover-to-cover reproductions of hundreds of historic newspapers, providing more than one million pages as fully text-searchable facsimile images.

  • Early English Books Online

    Note: Previously found on the Chadwyck platform, EEBO has migrated to ProQuest permanently as of July 7th, 2020.

    Early English Books Online (EEBO) contains page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1473–1700. From the first book published in English through the age of Spenser and Shakespeare, this incomparable collection contains more than 130,000 titles and more than 17 million scanned pages as listed in 4 collections - Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640) and Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700) and their revised editions, as well as the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661) collection and the Early English Books Tract Supplement. EEBO covers more than 30 languages from Algonquin to Welsh, and variant editions and multiple copies.

  • Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership

    The primary goal of the Text Creation Partnership (TCP) is to create standardized, accurate XML/SGML encoded electronic text editions of early printed books. The partnership transcribes and encodes the page images of books from ProQuest’s Early English Books Online, Gale Cengage’s Eighteenth Century Collections Online, and Readex’s Evans Early American Imprints. This work, and the resulting text files, are jointly funded and owned by more than 150 libraries worldwide. Ultimately, all of the TCP's work will be placed into the public domain for anyone to use. The texts can be searched through web interfaces provided by the libraries at the University of Michigan and University of Oxford. In addition, partner libraries and their users are welcome to locally store, host, manipulate, analyze and otherwise work with the encoded text files, just as if they had been created locally.

  • Economist Historical Archive

    The Economist Historical Archive is a searchable database of The Economist archive. The archive includes full-color images, multiple search indexes, exportable financial tables and a gallery of front covers highlighting a key topic of each week.

  • Eighteenth Century Collections Online

    Eighteenth Century Collections Online Parts I and 2 combined now contain over 180,000 titles (200,000 volumes), adding to the depth of 18th century research. The titles cover the same subjects areas as the original collection, with a special emphasis on Literature, Social Science and Religion titles. The Collection includes materials such as books, broadsides, Bibles, tract books, sermons, and printed ephemera. Content includes works by lesser known authors and complete works by twenty-eight major authors including Alexander Pope, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, and Henry Fielding. Content also includes significant women writers, collections about the French Revolution, numerous editions of the works of Shakespeare, and multiple editions of individual works. The second edition includes nearly 50,000 titles and 7 million pages from the library holdings of world-renowned institutions such as the British Library, Bodleian, Cambridge, National Library of Scotland and the Ransom Center at the University of Texas.

  • Elliot Carter Collection

    The Elliott Carter Collection in the Library of Congress presents a brief biography of the composer as well as links to digitized music manuscripts from the Library of Congress's collections.

  • Emile Berliner and the Birth of the Recording Industry

    Emile Berliner and the Birth of the Recording Industry, by the Library of Congress, presents a selection of printed materials and sound recordings related to Emile Berliner, who was responsible for many innovations in the development of recording technology. The collection includes correspondence, lectures, scrapbooks, photos, as well as rare sound recordings.

  • Emiliano Zapata, 1901-1919

    This collection comprises documentation related to the activities of Emiliano Zapata and the Liberation Army of the South. It consists mainly of correspondence exchanged between the headquarters and the camps and regional commands. Documents include requests for economic aid; guarantees to people for jobs and food; complaints of abuses; reports, promotions, and notifications to the troops and brigades, as well as information on pay. The documentation also includes acts or proceedings on revolutionary and civil trials; correspondence with municipal or State authorities in connection with problems of land, water, control of finance, trade, etc.; and, information concerning the revolutionary Convention sovereign.

  • Empire Online

    Empire Online brings together manuscripts, printed and visual primary source materials for the study of Empire and its theories, practices and consequences. The materials span across the last five centuries and are accompanied by a host of secondary learning resources including scholarly essays, maps and an interactive chronology.

  • Ernest Bloch Collection

    This site features nineteen early manuscript compositions by composer Ernest Bloch (1880-1959), spanning the period from 1896 to 1916, and comprising a portion of the Ernest Bloch Collection at the Library of Congress. 

  • Everyday Life and Women in America, c1800-1920

    <em>Everyday Life & Women in America c.1800-1920</em> showcases unique primary source material for the study of American social, cultural, and popular history in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

  • Federal Surveillance of African Americans, 1920-1984

    Source materials for the major social movements and key figures in early twentieth century black history.

  • Feminism in Cuba: Nineteenth through Twentieth Century Archival Documents

    This collection, compiled from Cuban sources, spans the period from Cuban independence to the end of the Batista regime. The collection sheds light on Cuban feminism, women in politics, literature by Cuban women and the legal status of Cuban women.

  • Fight for Racial Justice and the Civil Rights Congress

    The records in this collection represent the files of the national office of the Civil Rights Congress, based in New York City, including several hundred case files; publications produced and received by the Congress; files of the Literature Department; Executive Director William Pattersons correspondence files; correspondence and other materials from Civil Rights Congress chapters around the country, including case files of the New York chapter; and files of the New York headquarters of the Communist Party of the United States of America, created during the trial of twelve Communist leaders, 1948-1949, including two black members, Benjamin J. Davis and Henry Winston, consisting of correspondence, transcripts, legal briefs, and printed material.

  • Final Accountability Rosters of Japanese-American Relocation Centers, 1944-1946

    The rosters that form Final Accountability Rosters of Japanese-American Relocation Centers, 1944-1946 provide demographic information on the evacuees resident at the various relocation camps. They consist of alphabetical lists of evacuees resident at the relocation centers during the period of their existence.

  • Financial Times Digital

    Note: New users must register using their University of Miami email address.  Registered users may then log in on any device at FT.com.

    News and analysis covering business, innovation, politics, trends and more.

  • Financial Times Historical Archive 1888-2010 (Gale)

    Financial Times Historical Archive is a fully searchable facsimile edition of the Financial Times London edition of the paper. Article, advertisements and market listings are included and shown in the context of the full page and issue of the day.

  • First World War Portal

    The<em> First World War</em> portal makes available invaluable primary sources for the study of the Great War, brought together in four thematic modules. From personal collections and rare printed material to military files, artwork and audio-visual files, content highlights the experiences of soldiers, civilians and governments on both sides of a conflict that shook the world.

  • Foreign Relations Between the U.S. and Latin America and the Caribbean States, 1930-1944

    This digital collection contains historical documents relating to the foreign relations between the U.S. and Latin America and the Caribbean States within the years, 1930-1944. During the 1930s, U.S. relations with Latin America and the Caribbean Growing war clouds in Europe and Asia predicated the need for securing resources and allies in the Western Hemisphere. Giving up unpopular military intervention, the U.S. shifted to other methods to maintain its influence in Latin America: Pan-Americanism, support for strong local leaders, the training of national guards, economic and cultural penetration, Export-Import Bank loans, financial supervision, and political persuasion.

  • Frontier Life

    This digital collection of primary source documents helps us to understand existence on the edges of the anglophone world from 1650-1920. Discover the various European and colonial frontier regions of North America, Africa and Australasia through documents that reveal the lives of settlers and indigenous peoples in these areas.

  • Gale Access Program

    Browse thousands of periodicals, access Gale’s proprietary databases, unlock award-winning literature resources, and explore subjects such as business, health, history, social justice, nursing, social sciences, education, science and technology.

  • Gale In Context: U.S. History

    Gale In Context: U.S. History is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in U.S. History. U.S. History merges Gale's authoritative reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.

  • Gale In Context: World History

    Gale In Context: World History is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in World History. World History merges Gale's authoritative reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.

  • Gale: Primary Sources

    An integrated research environment that allows users to search across all Gale primary source collections. The following collections are currently available within Gale Primary Sources: 19th Century UK Periodicals; Archives Unbound; Archives of Sexuality & Gender; British Library Newspapers; The Economist Historical Archive, 1843-2011; Eighteenth Century Collections Online; The Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842-2003; The Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926; The Making of the Modern World; Nineteenth Century Collections Online; Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspaper; Sabin Americana, 1500-1926; The Sunday Times Digital Archive; The Telegraph Historical Archive; The Times Digital Archive; Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive

  • German Anti-Semitic Propaganda, 1909-1941

    This collection comprises 170 German-language titles of books and pamphlets. The collection presents anti-Semitism as an issue in politics, economics, religion, and education. Most of the writings date from the 1920s and 1930s and many are directly connected with Nazi groups. The works are principally anti-Semitic, but include writings on other groups as well, including Jehovah's Witnesses, the Jesuits, and the Freemasons. Also included are history, pseudo-history, and fiction.

  • Glenn Gould Archive

    The Glenn Gould Archive by Library and Archives Canada provides online access to materials related to the concert pianist Glenn Gould. Items include searchable databases of published and archival materials, full-text writings by or about the pianist, and digitized images, archival material, and audio tapes.

  • Global Commodities: Trade, Exploration and Cultural Exchange

    This resource brings together manuscript, printed and visual primary source materials for the study of global commodities in world history.

  • Grand Tour

    This collection of manuscript, visual and printed works allows scholars to compare a range of sources on the history of travel for the first time, including many from private or neglected collections.

  • Haydn, Joseph: Werke (IMSLP)

    Joseph Haydns Werke is the early 20th-century edition of Joseph Haydn's complete works, originally published by Breitkopf & Hartel and digitized by the International Music Score Library Project. Some listings include other digitized public domain scores, digitized and audio files (MIDI or recorded performances). Note: this page is updated manually; if a score is not listed, try browsing or searching for it using the left sidebar.

  • Hill Museum & Manuscript Library

    The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML) is an archive of more than 115,000 complete digitized totaling more than 40,000,000 manuscript pages, and including of music and liturgical manuscripts. (Note: to search manuscript click "Research/Search HMML Resources," then select from the options given.)

  • Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980

    Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980 is a compilation of Spanish-language newspapers printed in the U.S. during the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection features hundreds of Hispanic American newspapers, including many long scattered and forgotten titles published in the 19th century.

  • History Commons

    Note: Also listed under Coherent Digital History Commons and Accessible Archives History Commons.

    Landmark collections of primary sources, including magazines, newspapers, videos, letters, diaries, images, and ephemera. Also listed under "Coherent Digital History Commons" and "Accessible Archives History Commons".

  • Holocaust and the Concentration Camp Trials: Prosecution of Nazi War Crimes

    This collection provides unique documents on the investigation and prosecution of war crimes committed by Nazi concentration camp commandants and camp personnel. Documents include: correspondence; trial records and transcripts; investigatory material, such as interrogation reports and trial exhibits; clemency petitions and reviews; photographs of atrocities; newspaper clippings; and pamphlets. Many concentration (and later extermination) camps and sub-camps are represented in this collection, including Mauthausen, Dachau, Belsen-Bergen, Buchenwald, Treblinka, Sobibor, sub-camp Gros-Raming, sub-camp Gusen I, sub-camp Ebensee, and others.

  • Holocaust Studies

    Deep and broad in its coverage, this collection incorporates anti-Semitic propaganda, correspondence from prisoners, documents from resistance groups, bank records from Nazi financiers, eyewitness accounts from concentration camps, and much more.

  • IMSLP Petrucci Music Library

    The Petrucci Music Library was begun in 2006 by IMSLP (International Music Score Library Project) in order to gathering all public domain music scores and the music scores of any contemporary composers who wish to release them to the public free of charge. IMSLP is governed primarily by Canadian copyright law and, therefore, some works may not be public domain in other countries.

  • India, Raj and Empire

    Explore the history of South Asia between the foundation of the East India Company in 1615 and the granting of independence to India and Pakistan in 1947, through the wonderfully rich and diverse manuscript collections of the National Library of Scotland.

  • Indian Trade in the Southeastern Spanish Borderlands: Papers of Panton, Leslie and Company

    Comprising the papers of the Panton, Leslie & Co., a trading firm, this collection is the most complete ethnographic collection available for the study of the American Indians of the Southeast. More than 8,000 legal, political and diplomatic documents recording the company’s operations for over half a century have been selected and organized for this collection.

  • Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees: The West's Response to Jewish Emigration

    This collection comprises, in its entirety, the Primary Source Media microfilm collection entitled Records of the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees, 1938-1947.

  • Internet Library of Early Journals (18th -19th Centuries)

    The ILEJ is a searchable full-text collection of 120,000 digital pages of runs of six important British journals from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Search and browse capabilities provided. The three 18th-century journals are: Gentleman's Magazine, The Annual Register, and Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. The three 19th-century journals are: Notes and Queries, The Builder, and Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine.

  • Introduction to U.S. History: The Civil War

    Introduction to U.S. History: The Civil War documents the war that transformed America, ending slavery and unifying the nation around the principles of freedom. This collection examines the war in all its complexity; its battles and campaigns, its political and religious aspects, the experiences of its leaders and common soldiers, the home front and the military campground, from its causes to its consequences. Drawn from the Sabin collection and other Gale sources, the archive provides access to a wide variety of documents: personal narratives and memoirs, pamphlets and political speeches, sermons and songs, regimental histories and photograph albums, legal treatises and children's books, as well as documents pertaining to Black Troops, the Home Front, Foreign Relations, and William Tecumseh Sherman, among other topics.

  • James Meredith, J. Edgar Hoover, and the Integration of the University of Mississippi

    This collection contains FBI documentation on Meredith's battle to enroll at The University of Mississippi in 1962 and white political and social backlash, including his correspondence with the NAACP and positive and negative letters he received from around the world during his ordeal.

  • Japanese-American Relocation Camp Newspapers: Perspectives on Day-to-Day Life

    One of the darker chapters in American history and one of the lesser discussed events of World War II was the forced internment, during the war, of an important segment of the American population-persons of Japanese descent. This collection, consisting of 25 individual titles, documents life in the internment camps.

  • Jewish Life in America, c1654-1954

    This collection brings to life the communal and social aspects of Jewish identity and culture, whilst tracing Jewish involvement in the political life of American society as a whole.

  • Jewish Underground Resistance: The David Diamant Collection

    This collection consists of original documents collected by David Diamant over a period of approximately 30 years dealing primarily with the Jewish segment of the French underground resistance; many of the documents originate with communist groups, and some deal with Polish groups. Most of the documents are in French, while some are in Yiddish.

  • JSTOR Global Plants

    Global Plants is a community-contributed database where worldwide herbaria can share their plant type specimens, experts can determine and update naming structures, students can discover and learn about plants in context, and a record of plant life can be preserved for future generations.

  • Le Corbusier Plans Online

    Note: To access database, individual user registration is needed. To do so, follow the steps listed below: 1) Using a web browser, click on miami.echelle-1.net and Sign In. 2) Click on the "New User Registration" link. 3) Enter your University of Miami email address and preferred nickname. 4) An email will be sent to your email address. Follow the instructions detailed in this email to complete the process.

    Includes thumbnails and titles of almost 38,000 images from Le Corbusier's 325 projects with full search capability.

  • Leisure, Travel and Mass Culture

    This resource presents a multi-national journey through well-known, little-known and far-flung destinations unlocked for the average traveller between 1850 and the 1980s. Guidebooks and brochures, periodicals, travel agency correspondence, photographs and personal travel journals provide unique insight into the expansion, accessibility and affordability of tourism for the masses and the evolution of some of the most successful travel agencies in the world.

  • Liszt, Franz: Klavierwerke (IMSLP)

    Franz Liszt: Klavierwerke is a collection of Franz Liszt's piano works, published by Edition Peters in 1913-1917 and digitized by the International Music Score Library Project. Some listings include other digitized public domain scores, digitized and audio files (MIDI or recorded performances).

  • Liszt, Franz: Musikalische Werke (IMSLP)

    Franz Liszt: Musikalische Werke is the early 20th-century edition of Franz Liszt's complete works, originally published by Breitkopf & Hartel and digitized by the International Music Score Library Project. Some listings include other digitized public domain scores, digitized and audio files (MIDI or recorded performances).

  • Literary Manuscripts from the Berg Collection of the New York Public Library

    <em>Literary Manuscripts</em> is drawn from the nineteenth century holdings of the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature at the New York Public Library. While the holdings of the Berg extend from 1480 to the present day, its most extensive holdings date from the nineteenth century.

  • Literary Manuscripts from the Brotherton Library

    Examine complete images of 190 manuscripts of seventeenth and eighteenth-century verse held in the celebrated Brotherton Collection at the University of Leeds. These manuscripts can be read and explored in conjunction with the Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse Index, which includes first lines, last lines, attribution, author, title, date, length, verse form, content and bibliographic references for over 6,600 poems within the collection.

  • Literature, Culture and Society in Depression Era America: Archives of the Federal Writers' Project

    This collection comprises, in its entirety, the Primary Source Media microfilm collection Archives of the Federal Writers Project: Printed and Mimeographed Publications in the Surviving Federal Writers Project Files, 1933-1943.

  • London Low Life

    <em>London Low Life </em>is a full-text searchable resource containing rare books, ephemera, maps and other materials relating to 18th, 19th and early 20th century London.

  • Lully, Jean-Baptiste: The Jean-Baptiste Lully Collection

    The Jean-Baptiste Lully Collection is a digital collection of rare 17th and 18th-century scores of operas, ballets, and other works by Jean-Baptiste Lully and his sons, from the holdings of the University of North Texas Music Library. The collection also includes some manuscript copies, as well as libretti prints and collections of stage works by Lully's collaborators.

  • Macmillan Cabinet Papers, 1957-1963

    Macmillan Cabinet Papers, 1957-1963 provides complete coverage of the Cabinet conclusions (minutes) (CAB 128) and memoranda (CAB 129) of Harold Macmillan’s government, plus selected minutes and memoranda of policy committees (CAB 134). This collection also includes 165 files from the Prime Minister's Private Office (PREM 11). These provide an important supplement to the Cabinet records and cover all aspects of policymaking.

  • Mafia in Florida and Cuba: FBI Surveillance of Meyer Lansky and Santo Trafficante, Jr.

    This collection comprises materials on Santo Trafficante, Jr., Meyer Lansky, and Lucky Luciano, including FBI surveillance and informant reports and correspondence from a variety of offices including, Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, New York City, New Orleans, Atlanta, New Haven, New York City, Philadelphia, and Chicago; Justice Department memoranda, correspondence, and analyses; Newsclippings and articles; Domestic Intelligence Section reports; Transcriptions of wiretaps, typewriter tapes, and coded messages; Memoranda of conversations.

  • Making of America Journals (Cornell)

    Making of America (MOA) sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. The collection currently contains approximately 6,600 books and 50,000 journal articles with 19th century imprints.

  • Making of America Journals (Michigan)

    Making of America (MOA) sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. The collection currently contains approximately 6,600 books and 50,000 journal articles with 19th century imprints.

  • Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926

    The Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926 provides digital images on every page of 22,000 legal treatises on US and British law published from 1800 through 1926. Full-text searching on more than 10 million pages provides researchers access to critical legal history.

  • Making of the Modern World

    Instant access to the theories, practices, and consequences of economic and business activity in the West, from the last half of the 15th century to the mid-19th century. The Making of the Modern World offers researchers new ways of understanding the emergence of modern economics and other social sciences. It's the most comprehensive collection in existence for researching the literature of economics from this period. This unrivalled online library offers instant access to the theories, practices, and consequences of economic and business activity in the West, from the last half of the 15th century to the mid-19th century. It combines the strengths of two pre-eminent collections: the Goldsmiths; Library of Economic Literature at the University of London Library and the Kress Collection of Business and Economics at the Harvard Business School, along with supplementary materials from the Seligman Collection in the Butler Library at Columbia University and from the libraries of Yale University.

  • Manuscript Collections Relating to Slavery

    Note: This database is open access.

    Includes 12,000 pages of source materials documenting the history of slavery in the United States, the Atlantic slave trade and the abolitionist movement.

  • Market Research and American Business Reports, 1935-1965

    <em>Market Research and American Business, 1935-1965</em> provides a unique insight into the American consumer boom of the mid-20th century through access to the complete market research reports of Ernest Dichter, the era’s foremost consumer analyst, market research pioneer and widely-recognized ‘father’ of Motivational Research.

  • Mass Observation Online Archive, 1937-1967

    This resource offers revolutionary access to one of the most important archives for the study of Social History in the modern era. Explore original manuscript and typescript papers created and collected by the Mass Observation organization, as well as printed publications, photographs and interactive features.

  • Medieval Family Life: The Paston, Cely, Plumpton, Stonor and Armburgh Papers

    This resource contains full colour images of the original medieval manuscripts that comprise the Paston, Cely, Plumpton, Stonor and Armburgh family letter collections along with full text searchable transcripts from the printed editions, where they are available. The original images and the transcriptions can be viewed side by side.

  • Medieval Travel Writing

    <em>Medieval Travel Writing </em>presents manuscripts of some of the most important works of European travel writing from the later medieval period. The chief focus is on journeys to central Asia and the Far East, including accounts of travel to Mongolia, Persia, India, China and South-East Asia.

  • Meiji Japan: The Edward Sylvester Morse Collection from the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem

    The Edward Sylvester Morse Papers were given to the Peabody Museum in 1926 and consist of 99 boxes of personal and professional papers including diaries, correspondence, research files, drawings, lecture notes, publications, scrapbooks and manuscripts. The collection spans the full range of Morse’s interests from his career as a natural historian to his life-changing experiences in Japan.

  • Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix: Werke (IMSLP)

    Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdys Werke is the late 19th-century edition of Mendelssohn's complete works, originally published by Breitkopf Hartel and digitized by the International Music Score Library Project. Some listings include other digitized public domain scores, digitized and audio files (MIDI or recorded performances).

  • Meriam Report on Indian Administration and the Survey of Conditions of the Indians in the U.S.

    This collection comprises two sets of documents that helped the response to 40 years of failed Native American policies. The first is the full text of the report entitled The Problem of Indian Administration, better known as the Meriam Report. The second comprises the 41-part report to the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs detailing the conditions of life and the effects of policies and programs enacted by the Bureau of Indian Affairs on Native Americans. Both of these collections provide unique documentary insights into many major tribes: Sioux, Navaho, Quapaw, Chickasaw, Apache, Pueblo, Ute, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Kickapoo, Klamath, and many others.

  • Middle East Online: Iraq, 1914-1974

    Resource of primary source materials covering the political history of the Middle East in the 20th Century. Based on British Government and other files in the UK national archives, the series makes a contribution to research and teaching of Middle East Studies, the workings of diplomacy, of conflict resolution and peace-keeping. Offers a broad range of original source material from the Foreign Office, Colonial Office, War Office and Cabinet Papers covering the period from the Anglo-Indian landing in Basra in 1914 through the British Mandate in Iraq of 1920-32 to the rise of Saddam Hussein in 1974. Policy statements and other working documents are set out in context, the minor documents and marginalia revealing the workings of the mandate administration, diplomacy, treaties, oil and arms dealing. Also includes photographs and colour maps, as well as contemporary film.

  • Migration to New Worlds

    From the century of immigration, through to the modern era, Migration to New Worlds charts the emigration experience of millions across 200 years of turbulent history. Explore the rise and fall of the New Zealand Company, discover British, European and Asian migration and investigate unique primary source personal accounts, shipping logs, printed literature and organizational papers supplemented by carefully compiled teaching and research aids.

  • Moldenhauer Archives: The Rosaleen Moldenhauer Memorial

    The Moldenhauer Archives: The Rosaleen Moldenhauer Memorial presents a selection of digitized items from the full Moldenhauer Archives, which document the history of Western music from the medieval period through the modern era. The online collection includes scores and manuscripts as well as an electronic version of the guidebook for the archive.

  • Mountain People: Life and Culture in Appalachia

    This collection comprises in its entirety, the Primary Source media microfilm collection entitled First Three Centuries of Appalachian Travel. In addition, a small very number of selected titles were included from the microfilm collections entitled Travels in the Old South I, II, & III: 1607-1860; Travels in the New South I & II, 1865-1950; and, Kentucky Culture: A Basic Library of Kentuckiana.

  • Mozart Ways

    Note: This database is open access.

    The European Mozart Ways presents a new approach to studying Mozart by focusing on his travels. The site includes a full text biography of the composer, descriptions of his travels with maps and itineraries, and digitized, translated, and annotated versions of the letters of Mozart and his family.

  • Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Werke (IMSLP)

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts Werke is the 1877-1910 edition of Mozart's complete works, originally published by Breitkopf Hartel and digitized by the International Music Score Library Project. Some listings include other digitized public domain scores, digitized and audio files (MIDI or recorded performances). Note: this page is updated manually; if a score is not listed, try browsing or searching for it using the left sidebar.

  • Munich Digitization Center

    The Munich Digitization Center (MDZ) digitizes the special collections of the Bavarian State Library and other German institutions, including fine arts and music, and currently comprises over 900,000 titles.

  • Music Treasures Consortium

    The Library of Congress's Music Treasures Consortium provides access to highly valued music manuscripts and print materials held in some of the world's most renowned music archives, including the British Library, Harvard University, and the Morgan Library & Museum.

  • Nazi Bank and Financial Institutions: U.S. Military Government Investigation Reports and Interrogations of Nazi Financiers, 1945-1949

    This collections consist of memorandums, letters, cables, balance sheets, reports, exhibits, newspaper clippings, and civil censorship intercepts on: the financing of the German war effort and German financial institutions; reports on Nazi gold, the use of Swiss banks, and links between German and Swiss banks, inclusive of Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Golddiskontbank, Dresdner Bank, and Reichs-Kredit-Gesellschaft; information regarding Aryanization, bank operations outside of Germany, industrial ties, liquidation proposals, and the restitution of Hungarian property; records concerning agricultural cooperatives; denazification of German finance personnel; an interrogation report of Hjalmar Schacht, the former Reichsminister of Economics and Plenipotentiary for the War Economy; a report on the operations of I.G. Farben AG; plans for the seizure of Reich ministerial records called "Operation Goldcup"; information relating to fiscal conditions in former German-occupied countries; report of banking in the Soviet Zone; documentation on investigations of Bernhard Berghaus, Alois Alzheimer, August von Finck, Eduard Hilgard, Kurt Schmitt, and Franz Schwede-Coburg; and, files relating to Carlowitz & Company and Japanese firms operating in Germany.

  • Nazism in Poland: The Diary of Governor-General Hans Frank

    This collection reproduces the Tagebuch or journal of Dr. Hans Frank (1900-1946), the Governor-General of German-occupied Poland from October 1939 until early 1945. The journal is in typed format, in chronological order, covering all aspect of Generalgouvernment (GG) administration from its seat in the royal Wawel castle in Krakau (Kraków). The entries reflect administrative matters, rather than the spontaneous thoughts or feelings usually found in a diary.

  • New York Public Library Digital Gallery: Music Division

    The New York Public Library's Digital Gallery provides free access to over 700,000. The Digital Gallery includes nearly 12,000 of scores and manuscripts from the Music Division of the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts.

  • New York Times via ProQuest (1851-2014)

    Cover-to-cover, digitally scanned full page access to backfiles of the New York Times Newspaper 1851 - 2014.

  • Nicaragua: Political Instability and U.S. Intervention, 1910-1933

    The United States kept a contingent force in Nicaragua almost continually from 1912 until 1933. Although reduced to 100 in 1913, the contingent served as a reminder of the willingness of the United States to use force and its desire to keep conservative governments in power. This collection provides documentation on the almost continual political instability in Nicaragua.

  • Nineteenth Century Collections Online

    A multi-year global digitization and publishing program focusing on primary source collections of the long nineteenth century, with content being sourced through partnerships with major world libraries as well as specialist libraries, including monographs, newspapers, pamphlets, manuscripts, ephemera, maps, statistics, and more.

  • North American Indian Thought and Culture

    <em>North American Indian Thought and Culture</em> brings together more than 100,000 pages, integrating autobiographies, biographies, Indian publications, oral histories, personal writings, photographs, drawings, and audio files. This database is a comprehensive representation of historical events as told by the individuals who lived through them and is an essential resource for all those interested in serious scholarly research into the history of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Canadian First Peoples.

  • Nuremberg Laws and Nazi

    This collection consists of index cards listing the name, date and place of birth, occupation and last address of Jews whose German citizenship was revoked in accordance with the "Nuremberg Laws" of 1935, including Jews from Germany, Austria and Czech Bohemia. The cards are generally in alphabetical order. Suffix names "Israel" for men and "Sara" for women were added by law in 1936 to readily identify persons of Jewish descent.

  • Nuremburg Laws And Nazi Annulment of Jewish German Nationality

    This collection consists of index cards listing the name, date and place of birth, occupation and last address of Jews whose German citizenship was revoked in accordance with the "Nuremberg Laws" of 1935, including Jews from Germany, Austria and Czech Bohemia. The cards are generally in alphabetical order. Suffix names "Israel" for men and "Sara" for women were added by law in 1936 to readily identify persons of Jewish descent.

  • Perdita Manuscripts: Women Writers, 1500-1700

    Compiled by the Perdita Project, Perdita Manuscripts is a collection of digital facsimilies of the manuscripts of early modern women authors.

  • Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection, University of Texas

    The Perry-Castaeda Library Map Collection, University of Texas Web site provides a well-organized collection of historical and current maps worldwide. All maps available on this server are in the public domain, and may be freely downloaded and copied.

  • Personal Justice Denied: Public Hearings of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment, 1981

    This digital collection consists of testimony and documents from more than 750 witnesses: Japanese Americans and Aleuts who had lived through the events of WWII, former government officials who ran the internment program, public figures, internees, organizations such as the Japanese American Citizens League, interested citizens, historians, and other professionals.

  • Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975

    The resource allows users to study this exciting period using manuscript and rare printed material as well as photographs, ephemera and memorabilia. The interactive chronology, extensive visual resources and video footage provide valuable contextual background to the materials included in this collection.

  • Popular Medicine in America, 1800-1900

    This unique collection showcases the development of 'popular' medicine in America during the nineteenth century, through an extensive range of material that was aimed at the general public rather than medical professionals. Explore an array of printed sources, including rare books, pamphlets, trade cards, and visually-rich advertising ephemera.

  • Price Control in the Courts: The U.S. Emergency Court of Appeals, 1941-1961

    This collection provides a look into the creation and activities of the temporary Emergency Court of Appeals, staffed by judges from the district and appellate courts, with exclusive jurisdiction to determine the validity of price control regulations.

  • ProQuest Civil War Era

    Complete runs of regional newspapers, as well as pamphlets covering a wide range of topics. Set of primary sources, with documents original articles and page images from Manifest Destiny through the end of the Civil War.

  • ProQuest Congressional

    Provides indexing and selected full-text access to current and historical legislative information from the United States Congress including hearings, bills, laws, reports and other publications.

  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Baltimore Afro-American, The (1893-1988)

    The Baltimore Afro-American (1893-1988) offers full page and article images with searchable full text. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.

  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Defender (1910-1975)

    This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.

  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Amsterdam News (1922-1993)

    ProQuest Historical Newspapers New York Amsterdam News: 1922-1993 offers full page and article images with searchable full text. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.

  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Tribune (1841-1922)

    ProQuest Historical Newspapers - The New York Tribune is a full image archive. The database delivers every page of every available issue from cover to cover, with full page and article images in downloadable PDF from 1841 to 1922.

  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Philadelphia Tribune (1912-2001)

    The Philadelphia Tribune (1912-2001) offers full page and article images with searchable full text. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.

  • Republic of New Afrika

    This collection provides documentation collected by the FBI through intelligence activities, informants, surveillance, and cooperation with local police departments. These documents chronicle the activities of Republic of New Afrika national and local leaders, power struggles within the organization, its growing militancy, and its affiliations with other Black militant organizations.

  • Revolution in Honduras and American Business: The Quintessential "Banana Republic"

    This collection sheds detail to both the political and financial machinations of the fruit companies, but also the graft and corruption of the national government, the American banking communitys loans, the U.S. governments response and the various aborted popular/revolutionary uprisings.

  • Revolution in Mexico, the 1917 Constitution, and Its Aftermath: Records Of The US State Department

    This collection of U.S. State Department records consists of political and military documents relating to the Mexican Revolution and its aftermath -1910-1924. These unique and insightful records provide an unprecedented look at the Mexican Revolution, which began in 1910 and continued sporadically until the new Constitution was adopted in 1917, through to and including the election of Calles.

  • RIPM Jazz Periodicals

    A full-text database of 138  jazz journals and magazines published in the United States between 1914 and 2006. Articles in RIPM Jazz Periodicals are primary sources for research on jazz. RIPM Jazz is projected to grow to include 350 to 400 additional titles.

  • Romanticism: Life, Literature and Landscape

    <em>Romanticism: Life, Literature and Landscape</em> offers unique access to rare and priceless literary sources that are indispensible for scholars and students studying William Wordsworth and the Romantic period. The collection offers an insight into the working methods of the poet and the wider social, political and natural environment that shaped much of his work and that of his contemporaries.

  • SAFEHAVEN Reports on Nazi Looting of Occupied Countries and Assets in Neutral Countries

    The records reproduced in this collection consist primarily of SAFEHAVEN reports and letters, cables, and military attaché reports referring to specific SAFEHAVEN reports or SAFEHAVEN-related topics. Such topics include information on alleged art looting; business matters (including alleged patent transfers) pertaining to leading German industrial firms such as Bosch and I.G. Farben; and various Third Reich personalities.

  • Sanborn Maps (United States)

    Digital Sanborn Maps, 1867-1970 provides digital access to more than 660,000 large-scale maps of more than 12,000 American towns and cities. The resource is useful for urban specialists, social historians, architects, geographers, genealogists, local historians, planners, environmentalists and anyone who wants to learn about the history, growth, and development of American cities, towns, and neighborhoods. The Sanborn Maps are large-scale plans containing data that can be used to estimate the potential risk for urban structures. This includes information such as the outline of each building, the size, shape and construction materials, heights, and function of structures, location of windows and doors. The maps also give street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, building use, and house and block numbers. Seven or eight different editions represent some areas.

  • Schubert, Franz: Werke (IMSLP)

    Franz Peter Schuberts Werke is the late 19th-century edition of Schubert's complete works, originally published by Breitkopf & Hartel and digitized by the International Music Score Library Project. Some listings include other digitized public domain scores, digitized and audio files (MIDI or recorded performances).

  • Shakespeare in Performance

    Shakespeare in Performance showcases rare and unique prompt books from the world-famous Folger Shakespeare Library. These prompt books tell the story of Shakespeare's plays as they were performed in theatres throughout Great Britain, the United States and internationally, between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries.

  • Sibley Music Library Music Scores

    The digitized collection of music scores from Eastman School of Music's Sibley Music Library includes over 14,000 digitized manuscripts and scores in the public domain, many of which are unique to Sibley's collection.

  • Slavery & Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive

    Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive Part I contains more than 7,000 books and pamphlets, 80 newspaper and periodical titles, and a dozen major manuscript collections.

  • Slavery, Abolition and Social Justice

    This resource is designed as an important portal for slavery and abolition studies, bringing together documents and collections covering an extensive time period, between 1490 and 2007, from libraries and archives across the Atlantic world. Close attention is given to the varieties of slavery, the legacy of slavery, the social-justice perspective and the continued existence of slavery today.

  • Sousa, John Philip: The March King: John Philip Sousa

    The March King: John Philip Sousa presents selected music manuscripts, photographs, printed music, sound recordings, and more from the Sousa Collection at the Library of Congress

  • Southern Literary Messenger: Literature of the Old South

    This collection comprises, in its entirety, the Primary Source Media microfilm collection entitled Southern Literary Messenger.

  • Southern Negro Youth Congress and the Communist Party

    Contains: Papers of James and Esther Cooper; correspondences; speeches and writings; internal documents and printed ephemera pertaining to the Southern Negro Youth Congress and to Freedomways; legal and other materials pertaining to the Smith Act indictments of Jackson and other communists; Communist Party internal documents; and memorabilia and other biographical materials.

  • SUR, 1931-1992

    SUR is one of the most important and influential literary magazines published in Latin America in the twentieth century. This collection includes images of the complete magazine, including covers, photographs and advertisements, more than 40,000 pages; a comprehensive electronic index of 6,300 entries, correcting mistakes and inconsistencies found in the index published in the magazine; and a set of images of manuscripts from the first issue as well as an unpublished set of letters by Victoria Ocampo.

  • Testaments to the Holocaust (Wiener Library)

    Searchable personal accounts of life in Nazi Germany, photographs, propaganda materials, publications, and serials in a flexible format. For research into the domestic policies of Nazi Germany, Jewish life in Germany from 1933 to after the war.

  • The Jewish Question: Records from the Berlin Document Center

    This collection comprises documents from a wide variety of sources, including the Gestapo, local police and government offices, Reich ministries, businesses, etc., pertaining to Jewish communities. These records are organized into various sub-collections, i.e., Archiv Schumacher, Streicher, Hans Frank, Hauptarchiv der NSDAP, Geschaedigte Juden, etc., and Ordner, or folders, and include newspaper clippings, letters, manuscripts, pamphlets, reports and other documents originating with the Sturmabteilung (SA), Schutzstaffel (SS), Gestapo, Reich Ministry of Justice, and Reichskulturkammer (RKK, Reich Chamber of Culture) from 1920- 1945.

  • Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History

    This resource brings together hundreds of accounts by women of their travels across the globe from the early 19th century to the late 20th century. A wide variety of forms of travel writing are included, ranging from unique manuscripts, diaries and correspondence to drawings, guidebooks and photographs.

  • U.S. Relations with the Vatican and the Holocaust, 1940-1950

    This collection consists of telegrams, despatches, reports, and letters between Taylor and his staff, the State Department, other U.S. government agencies, the Vatican, and the Italian government. There are materials on political affairs, Jews, refugee and relief activities, German-owned property in Rome, property rights, and the Vatican Bank. In addition, there are materials on Axis diplomats, war criminals, protocols and religious statements, and records of the peace efforts of the Vatican.

  • U.S. Serial Set Digital Collection

    The U.S. Serial Set is an ongoing collection of United States Government publications compiled under the directive of Congress. The contents include Congressional reports and documents and executive and departmental reports.

  • UM Libraries Digital Collections

    This site features a growing collection of digital objects developed to preserve and support digital scholarship and the research, teaching, and learning mission of the University. Digital Collections feature materials from the collections at University of Miami Libraries, Calder Medical Library, University of Miami Archives and from distinctive collections developed in collaboration with non-library partners.

  • University of Washington Music Library Digital Scores Collection

    A collection of manuscript musical scores dating from the 17th through 19th centuries, digitized from the University of Washington Music Library's Rare Book Collection.

  • Virginia Company Archives

    This resource documents the founding and economic development of Virginia as seen through the papers of the Virginia Company of London, 1606-1624. It shows the continuing interest of the Ferrar family in the settlement of North America from Jamestown to the Bermudas and provides a rich source for the study of trade between Britain and America.

  • War Department and Indian Affairs, 1800-1824

    Consists of the letters received by and letters sent to the War Department, including correspondence from Indian superintendents and agents, factors of trading posts, Territorial and State governors, military commanders, Indians, missionaries, treaty and other commissioners, Treasury Department officials, and persons having commercial dealings with the War Department, and other public and private individuals. In addition, attachments include vouchers, receipts, requisitions, abstracts and financial statements, certificates of deposit, depositions, contracts, newspapers, copies of speeches to Indians, proceedings of conferences with Indians in Washington, licenses of traders, passports for travel in the Indian country, appointments, and instructions to commissioners, superintendents, agents, and other officials.

  • We Were Prepared for the Possibility of Death: Freedom Riders in the South, 1961

    Contains images of The Freedom Rides, and the violent reactions they provoked.

  • Women in The National Archives

    A finding aid for women's studies resources in the UK National Archives, this resource is presented alongside original primary source documents that cover the campaign for women's suffrage in Britain, 1903-1928 and the granting of women's suffrage in colonial territories, 1930-1962.

  • Women Writers Online

    Women Writers Online is a full-text collection of early womens writing in English, published by the Women Writers Project at Northeastern University. It includes full transcriptions of texts published between 1526 and 1850, focusing on materials that are rare or inaccessible.

  • World Digital Library

    The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary source materials from countries and cultures around the world.

  • World's Fairs

    Explore the phenomenon of world's fairs from the Crystal Palace in 1851 and the proliferation of North American exhibitions, to fairs around the world and twenty-first century expos. Through official records, monographs, publicity, artwork and artifacts, this resource brings together multiple archives for rich research opportunities in this diverse topic.

  • Yehudit Henshke, Mother Tongue: The Preservation of Jewish Languages and Cultures

    Note: This database is open access.

    Mother Tongue is a rescue initiative for documentation and preservation of endangered Jewish languages. It utilizes audio and visual tools to document speakers from varied Jewish communities, paying special attention to the language and culture of women and of peripheral communities whose voices have remained largely unheard. All the materials are edited and catalogued topically. Where relevant, sociolinguistic data is added.

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