A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Num All Free
  • ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research)

    ICPSR is the world's largest archive of research and instructional data in the social sciences. Data collections available for secondary analysis include national opinion polls, attitude surveys, census and economic data. The University of Miami is one of over 500 member colleges and universities, and UM faculty and students can download data and documentation for their own research and instructional purposes.

  • IDEAS Internet Documents in Economics Access Service

    Searchable database of working papers (works in a preliminary stage or not yet published in a journal or volume) published worldwide in economics. As of early 1999, this service had collected information about 56,600 working papers, 9,500 articles and 300 software components from 1012 series. About one half of the papers can be browsed within the Journal of Economic Literature classification codes, the full-text of some 13,200 can be downloaded. Papers in the series link back to the entire list for that series.

  • IDM

    The International Directory of Medievalists (IDM) contains the names and addresses of medievalists from over 70 countries with their fields of study. It was compiled by means of international collaboration in the context of the work undertaken by the Federation Internationale des Instituts d'Etudes Medievales (F.I.D.E.M.) under the auspices of UNESCO.

  • IEEE Xplore Digital Library

    Full-text access to journals, conference proceedings and active standards published by IEEE and IET

  • IET Digital Library

    The IET Digital Library is a global repository of science, engineering and technology focused content produced by the world’s leading international scientific organisation and thought leader – the IET. Online access to the IET Digital Library unlocks a body of work of more than 150,000 technical papers and around 6,000 eBook chapters from 1994 onwards for all IET journals, magazines, conference publications and seminar digests.

  • ILLiad Interlibrary Loan Service

    Using the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan service, University of Miami library faculty, students, and staff may borrow books, dissertations, journal articles and other materials not found at UM from other libraries.

  • Illustrated London News Historical Archive (1842-2003)

    The Illustrated London News Historical Archive includes access to the entire run of the ILN from its first publication on 14 May 1842 to its last in 2003. Each page has been digitally reproduced in full color and every article and caption is full-text searchable with hit-term highlighting and links to corresponding illustrations. Facsimilies of articles and illustrations can be viewed, printed and saved either individually or in the context of the page in which they appear.


    The IMF publishes a range of time series data on IMF lending, exchange rates, and other economic and financial indicators.

  • Immunology Abstracts

    Index and abstract service covers all aspects of immune systems in humans and animals. This index is a subfile of the Biological & Medical Sciences Database.

  • IMSLP Petrucci Music Library

    The Petrucci Music Library was begun in 2006 by IMSLP (International Music Score Library Project) in order to gathering all public domain music scores and the music scores of any contemporary composers who wish to release them to the public free of charge. IMSLP is governed primarily by Canadian copyright law and, therefore, some works may not be public domain in other countries.

  • IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana

    The IN Harmony Project provides access to digitized sheet music from the Indian University Lilly Library, the Indiana State Library, the Indiana State Museum, and the Indiana Historical Society.

  • InCites

    Note: Users will be required to create an account using University of Miami email address

    A customized, citation-based research tool, InCites,an intelligently unified Web platform for assessing and evaluating research performance, lets academic, government, funders, and other research organizations conduct analyses on their productivity and benchmark their research against peers worldwide.

  • InCites Essential Science Indicators

    Essential Science Indicators reveals emerging science trends as well as influential individuals, institutions, papers, journals, and countries in your field of research. This unique and comprehensive compilation of science performance statistics and science trends data is based on journal article publication counts and citation data from Web of Science. Features benefits include the ability to conduct on-going, quantitative analyses of research performance and trends in science; analyze research performance of individuals, companies, institutions, nations, and journals. Identify significant trends in the sciences and social sciences; rank top countries, journals, scientists, papers, and institutions by field of research; determine research output and impact in specific fields of research.

  • Independent and Revolutionary Mexican Newspapers

    Consisting of over 1000 titles from Mexico's pre-independence, independence, and revolutionary periods (1807-1929), the Independent and Revolutionary Mexican Newspapers collection documents the dramatic events of this era, including partisan politics, social and political satire, and news from the local to international levels.

  • Independent Voices

    Independent Voices is a four-year project to digitize over 1 million pages from the magazines, journals and newspapers of the alternative press archives of participating libraries.

  • Index to 19th Century American Art Periodicals

    Index to Nineteenth Century Art Periodicals includes over 26,000 records from 42 art journals published in the United States during the 19th century. The entire contents of each issue are indexed in the database. It offers essential information on artists and illustrators, painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, architecture, design, decoration, exhibitions, sales, and collecting.

  • India, Raj and Empire

    Explore the history of South Asia between the foundation of the East India Company in 1615 and the granting of independence to India and Pakistan in 1947, through the wonderfully rich and diverse manuscript collections of the National Library of Scotland.

  • Indian Trade in the Southeastern Spanish Borderlands: Papers of Panton, Leslie and Company

    Comprising the papers of the Panton, Leslie & Co., a trading firm, this collection is the most complete ethnographic collection available for the study of the American Indians of the Southeast. More than 8,000 legal, political and diplomatic documents recording the company’s operations for over half a century have been selected and organized for this collection.

  • Industrial and Applied Microbiology Abstracts

    Significant findings and practical applications in agricultural, food and beverage, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries are assembled in this abstracting journal.

  • Informe Academico

    Meet the research needs of Spanish-speaking users with a wide range of full-text Spanish and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and magazines both from and about Latin America. Gale OneFile: Informe Académico provides quality reference material on an interface configured for Spanish speakers, allowing researchers to analyze topics and conduct research in Spanish.

  • INFORMS PubsOnLine

    INFORMS PubsOnLine provides full access to INFORMS online journals (full text and graphics of published papers). Subscribers may print and download article content for their personal use only. Papers published online before print are now available to all INFORMS subscribers through Articles in Advance. INFORMS PubsOnLine subscribers receive access to: full-text, document delivery, PDFs, tables of contents, abstracts, full text searching, eAlerts, Articles in Advance, forward linking to CrossRef and the official DOI link registration agency for scholarly publications.

  • InfoTrac Newsstand

    This innovative full-text newspaper resource allows users to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, author, newspaper section, or other fields. Gale OneFile: News provides access to major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers as well as leading titles from around the world. News also includes thousands of images, radio, and TV broadcasts, and transcripts.

  • INIS

    The INIS Database contains over 3 million bibliographic records and almost 200,000 full-text nonconventional documents, consisting of scientific and technical reports and other non copyrighted information. International Nuclear Information System Database includes scientific and technical literature on a range of subjects from nuclear engineering, safeguards and non-proliferation to applications in agriculture, health and industry.

  • INSPEC Archive 1898-1968

    INSPEC Archive indexes literature on physics, engineering, communications, and computing for the years 1898-1968.

  • Institute of Physics Electronic Journals

    Full-text access to journals published by IOP publishing

  • Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)

    ICPSR is the world's largest archive of research and instructional data in the social sciences. Data collections available for secondary analysis include national opinion polls, attitude surveys, census and economic data. The University of Miami is one of over 500 member colleges and universities, and UM faculty and students can download data and documentation for their own research and instructional purposes.

  • Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees: The West's Response to Jewish Emigration

    This collection comprises, in its entirety, the Primary Source Media microfilm collection entitled Records of the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees, 1938-1947.

  • International Building Code

    The 2021 International Building Code applies to all buildings except detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses up to three stories.

  • International Directory of Medievalists

    The International Directory of Medievalists (IDM) contains the names and addresses of medievalists from over 70 countries with their fields of study. It was compiled by means of international collaboration in the context of the work undertaken by the Federation Internationale des Instituts d'Etudes Medievales (F.I.D.E.M.) under the auspices of UNESCO.

  • International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology

    The International Encyclopedia of Geography arises from an unprecedented collaboration between Wiley and the American Association of Geographers (AAG) to review and define the concepts, research, and techniques in geography and interrelated fields. The Encyclopedia contains more than 1,000 entries ranging from 1,000 to 10,000 words offering accessible introductions to basic concepts, sophisticated explanations of complex topics, and information on geographical societies around the world.

  • International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies

    Including over 250 entries in 11 sections, the International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies is a unique reference guide and resource on the rapidly growing and evolving field of journalism scholarship, providing credible and timely information on its key concepts, theories, and methodologies.

  • International Index to Music Periodicals (IIMP) Full Text

    The Music Periodicals Database indexes journal literature in all areas of music. It provides indexing and abstracts for more than 425 international music periodicals, plus full text for around 140 journals. Coverage includes recording and performance reviews of both popular and classical music.

  • International Medieval Bibliography

    Note: Includes International Medieval Bibliography, Bibliographie de Civilisation Médiévale and International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance.

    Includes International Medieval Bibliography, Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale and International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance.

  • International Monetary Fund (IMF) Publications

    Searchable index of IMF working papers, the World Economic Outlook, annual reports, the IMF Survey, Research Bulletin, country reports, and other publications. Most are available in PDF format for online reading or printing.

  • International Music Score Library

    The Petrucci Music Library was begun in 2006 by IMSLP (International Music Score Library Project) in order to gathering all public domain music scores and the music scores of any contemporary composers who wish to release them to the public free of charge. IMSLP is governed primarily by Canadian copyright law and, therefore, some works may not be public domain in other countries.

  • International Nuclear Information System Database (INIS)

    The INIS Database contains over 3 million bibliographic records and almost 200,000 full-text nonconventional documents, consisting of scientific and technical reports and other non copyrighted information. International Nuclear Information System Database includes scientific and technical literature on a range of subjects from nuclear engineering, safeguards and non-proliferation to applications in agriculture, health and industry.

  • International Philosophical Bibliography

    Launched in 1997, this database covers all fields of philosophy in nearly 30 languages and is designed as a complement to other bibliographical tools, focusing on the history of philosophy and continental philosophy. It is updated four times a year and includes references to books, edited volumes, journal articles, contributions, and reviews.

  • Internet Library of Early Journals (18th -19th Centuries)

    The ILEJ is a searchable full-text collection of 120,000 digital pages of runs of six important British journals from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Search and browse capabilities provided. The three 18th-century journals are: Gentleman's Magazine, The Annual Register, and Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. The three 19th-century journals are: Notes and Queries, The Builder, and Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine.

  • InterPlay

    A tool for finding plays published in collections.

  • Introduction to U.S. History: The Civil War

    Introduction to U.S. History: The Civil War documents the war that transformed America, ending slavery and unifying the nation around the principles of freedom. This collection examines the war in all its complexity; its battles and campaigns, its political and religious aspects, the experiences of its leaders and common soldiers, the home front and the military campground, from its causes to its consequences. Drawn from the Sabin collection and other Gale sources, the archive provides access to a wide variety of documents: personal narratives and memoirs, pamphlets and political speeches, sermons and songs, regimental histories and photograph albums, legal treatises and children's books, as well as documents pertaining to Black Troops, the Home Front, Foreign Relations, and William Tecumseh Sherman, among other topics.

  • Inventing Entertainment: the Early Motion Pictures and Sound Recordings of the Edison Companies

    Inventing Entertainment, by the Library of Congress, provides access to motion pictures and sound recordings, as well as photographs and articles, related to Thomas Edisons inventions and innovations in recording technology.

  • Inventions of Note

    Inventions of Note is a collection of popular songs and piano compositions that reflect American reactions to new and changing technologies such as the automobile, airplane, and telephone. The collection includes approximately 50 pieces as well as links to from other libraries that address new technologies.

  • IOP Publishing Current Journals Archive

    Journal content from IOP

  • IOP Publishing Historic Journals Archive

    Archive journal titles from IOP

  • IPA Source

    IPA Source is a collection of literal translations and International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcriptions developed to benefit singers, teachers, and all those interested in the correct and knowledgeable performance of vocal literature.

  • Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

    Iter features 2 scholarly bibliographic databases, one featuring journal articles, and the other, books. The Journals database contains over 225,000 records from more than 400 scholarly journal titles pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700). The Books database is a bibliography of monographs, material published in monographs, and collected essays pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700). More than 60,000 new records are added annually.

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