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Calcium and Calcified Tissue Abstracts
Indexes current research in bone metabolism, tooth development, nerve transmission, muscle contraction, hormone secretion, and other topics related to the role of calicium in biology and medicine.
Calder Medical Library Online Catalog
The online catalog of the Calder Medical Library, University of Miami.
California Gold: Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties
California Gold, by the Library of Congress, is an ethnographic field collection documenting the ethnic and cultural diversity of Northern California made by the WPA California Folk Music Project in the 1930s and 1940s. The collection includes audio recordings and related materials.
Cambridge Companions to Music
Cambridge Companions to Music provide clear and accessible information on composers, instruments or musical topics, written with the student, the performer and the music lover in mind. Each volume provides a carefully structured series of specially-commissioned essays by leading authorities offering comprehensive coverage and indispensable reference material as well as absorbing reading matter.
Cambridge Structural Database
WebCSD is the online portal to the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), the largest repository of small molecule crystal structures. As it is a web product, WebCSD can be accessed from anywhere at any time without installation. To download or update CSD software, visit For site number and confirmation code, contact
Captain Pearl R. Nye: Life on the Ohio and Erie Canal
Captain Pearl R. Nye: Life on the Ohio and Erie Canal, by the Library of Congress, documents the culture and music of the people who worked and lived along the Ohio and Erie Canal. The collection consists of 75 songs perfomed by Captain Nye and recorded between 1937-1938, as well as transcriptions, lyrics, and related documentation.
Caribbean Newspapers, 1718-1876
The Caribbean Newspapers, 1718-1876 database is the largest collection of fully searchable 18th- and 19th-century Caribbean newspapers in this region. Created in partnership with the American Antiquarian Society, this collection showcases the evolution of the region across two centuries chronicled within more than 140 titles from 22 islands and will prove essential for research on colonial history, the Atlantic slave trade, international commerce, New World slavery and related topics
Caribbean Video Online: The Banyan Archive
Explore the oral and visual history of the culture, society, and identity of the Caribbean people, by the Caribbean people, with Caribbean Studies in Video: The Banyan Archive. This collection features more than 1,100 hours of music, dance, interviews, cultural programming, and more that has been housed in the Banyan Archives in Trinidad & Tobago for over forty years.
Carmichael, Hoagy: Hoagy Carmichael Collection
The Hoagy Carmichael Collection is a digital collection of Indiana University's extensive materials related to the composer Hoagy Carmichael. Sound recordings, scores and photos, correspondence, and other items are available online.
CAS SciFinder-n
Note: Users must create an individual SciFinder-n account before using this resource. Visit to create an individual account. Users must accept and follow all SciFinder-n Terms and Conditions.
CAS SciFinder-n is a source for authoritatively identifying a chemical substance and its related chemical structures, chemical names, regulatory information, and properties, including CAS Registry Numbers, reaction schemes, step-by-step experimental procedures, detailed conditions, and product yields.
CBS News Video Archive
The CBS News Video Archive is a database of flagship news programming spanning 6 decades of journalistic coverage. Perfect for history, media studies, journalism, and social sciences students and scholars, this unique product provides an unparalleled look at American and World History events, as they were originally reported.
Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence - Resources
VioLit, the Violence Research Literature database of the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence, University of Colorado, indexes books, journal articles, and reports.
Charles H. Templeton Digital Sheet Music Collection
Mississippi State University Libraries' Charles H. Templeton Digital Sheet Music Collection provides access to public domain pieces from a large collection amassed by Charles Templeton, Sr. The 22,000-piece collection dates from 1865 and includes blues, ragtime, musical theater, and more.
Chatham House Online Archive: Publications and Archives of the Royal Institute of International Affairs
Contains over 90 years of analysis and research on global trends and key events and issues. Subject-indexed briefing papers, special reports, pamphlets, conference papers and monographs. Users will also have access to the full text of Chatham Houses publications: International Affairs and the magazine The World Today. Additionally, the archive offers access to audio recordings of Chatham House lectures and their fully searchable transcripts on the thoughts and reasonings of key figures in international affairs.
Allows you to locate properties information for structures and create publication-quality structural diagrams/models. Note: You must first register.
Chemical & Engineering News
Weekly magazine published by the American Chemical Society that covers science and technology, business and industry, government and policy, education, and employment aspects of the chemistry field.
Chemoreception Abstracts
Indexes literature on the sensory and biological aspects of taste, smell, pheromones, perfumes, fragrances, soaps, cosmetics, essential oils, foods, flavorings, aromas, spices, etc.
Chicago Defender (1910-1975) (ProQuest)
This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
Chicago Manual of Style Online
Completely searchable and easy to use, The Chicago Manual of Style Online provides recommendations on editorial style and publishing practices for the digital age.
Child Welfare Information Gateway
Child Welfare Information Gateway provides access to information and resources to help protect children and strengthen families. Topics range from prevention to permanency, including child welfare, child abuse and neglect, foster care, and adoption. Child Welfare Information Gateway promotes the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and families by connecting child welfare professionals, including those working in adoption and other related fields, to essential information and resources to help them address the needs of children and families in their communities. In addition, Child Welfare Information Gateway provides access to print and electronic publications, websites.
China, America, and the Pacific
This resource covers an extensive range of archival material connected to the trading and cultural relationships that emerged between China, America and the Pacific region between the 18th and early 20th centuries.
China: Culture and Society
Spanning three centuries (c1750-1929), this resource makes available for the first time extremely rare pamphlets from Cornell University Library’s Charles W. Wason Collection on East Asia. The resource is full-text searchable, allowing for the collection to be comprehensively explored and studied. In addition, China: Culture and Society features a host of secondary resources, including scholarly essays, an interactive chronology, mini guides, and editors’ choices from the collection.
China: Trade, Politics and Culture 1793-1980
With documents encompassing events from the earliest English embassy to the birth and early years of the People’s Republic, this resource collects sources from nine archives to give an incredible insight into the changes in China during this period.
Chopin, Frederic: Early Editions
The University of Chicago's Chopin Early Editions collection provides online access to over 400 first and early printed editions of works by Frederic Chopin.
Chopin, Frederic: First Editions Online
Chopin's First Editions Online presents a virtual collection of the original impressions of Chopin's first editions. The collection, which currently stands at around 5,500 was compiled from the holdings of more than 20 institutions, including the Bibliotheque National de France, the Bodleian Library, the British Library, the Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina, and the University of Chicago Library.
ChoralWiki Choral Public Domain Library
The Choral Public Domain Library hosts a large collection of vocal and choral sheet music available for free. The CPDL includes public domain works and scores that are not otherwise commerically viable. In addition to scores for approximately 10,000 works, the library contains texts, translations, and some sound files.
Christian Science Monitor
The Christian Science Monitor is an international daily newspaper published Monday through Friday. Founded in 1908 by Mary Baker Eddy.
Chronicle of Higher Education
The Chronicle of Higher Education is the leader in higher education journalism, providing readers with real-time news, valuable insights, and the tools, opportunities, and knowledge to succeed in the world of higher education.
Chronicling America (Library of Congress)
This site allows you to search and view newspaper pages from 1789-1963 and find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.
Church Missionary Society Periodicals
Documenting missionary work from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century, the Church Missionary Society Periodicals include news, journals and reports offering a unique perspective on global history and cultural encounters.
CIA World Factbook
US government profiles of countries and territories around the world.
Columbia International Affairs Online contains the full-text of working papers, conference proceedings, policy briefs, economic indicators, and other theory and research resources in international affairs.
Primary index to the international literature of nursing and health.
CINAHL Ultimate
CINAHL Ultimate is the definitive full-text database for nursing and allied health research. It offers full-text access to a substantial portion of the most frequently cited journals in the CINAHL index, surpassing other databases. Providing 1,815 active full-text journals, this database covers over 50 nursing specialties. Additionally, it features full-text quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, continuing education modules, nursing instructional videos, and more.
Civil War Era (ProQuest)
Complete runs of regional newspapers, as well as pamphlets covering a wide range of topics. Set of primary sources, with documents original articles and page images from Manifest Destiny through the end of the Civil War.
Civil War in Words and Deeds
This collection comprises, in its entirety, the Primary Source Media microfilm collection entitled Travels in the Confederate States. In addition, a small number of selected titles were included from the microfilm collection entitled Travels in the New South I, 1865-1900.
Civil War Service Reports of Union Army Generals
These records comprise Entry 160: Generals Service Reports, 1864-1887, RG94: Records of the Adjutant Generals Office, 1780s-1917.
Classical String Quartets
The Classical String Quartets collection from Duke University's David M. Rubenstein Rare Book Manuscript Library provides access to collections of string quartets in parts, many of which are by composers whose works are not readily available in modern editions.
ClinicalKey Flex
ClinicalKey is a clinical search engine that supports clinical decisions by making it easier to find and apply relevant knowledge.
Database of clinical trials sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, other Federal agencies and the pharmaceutical industry. Provides status of trials.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Collection of health databases providing independent evidence to inform clinical treatment decisions and other health related decisions.
Cochrane Library
Collection of health databases providing independent evidence to inform clinical treatment decisions and other health related decisions.
Codex Sinaiticus
Contains earliest known complete text of the New Testament from 4th Century Greek text.
Codices Electronici Ecclesiae Coloniensis
With support from the German Research Foundation, the Codices Electronici Ecclesiae Coloniensis (CEEC) is working to digitize the full medieval manuscript holdings of the Episcopal and Cathedral Library Cologne, which includes manuscripts of medieval music. (Note: to view the site in English, click on the "Optionen" tab, then select "English.")
Codices Electronici Sangallenses Virtual Library
The purpose of the Codices Electronici Sangallenses (Digital Abbey Library of St. Gallen) is to create a virtual library of the manuscripts in the Abbey Library of St. Gall. The collection of 2100 manuscripts (650+ of which have been digitized) includes many examples of early music.
Coherent Digital History Commons
Note: Also listed under Accessible Archives History Commons and History Commons.
Landmark collections of primary sources, including magazines, newspapers, videos, letters, diaries, images, and ephemera. Also listed under "Accessible Archives History Commons" and "History Commons".
Coleccion Revolucion 1910-1921
This collection was collected and collated by members of the Committee on Historical Research of the Mexican Revolution, under the direction of Isidro Fabela in 1958, in preparation for the publication of historical documents on the Mexican Revolution. This collection reproduces documents from various archives, under the protection of the Archivo General de la Nacion.
Colonial America
Colonial America makes available all 1,450 volumes of the CO 5 series from The National Archives, UK, covering the period 1606 to 1822. CO 5 consists of the original correspondence between the British government and the governments of the American colonies, making it a uniquely rich resource for all historians of the period
Columbia Gazetteer of the World Online
This is a full-text database with detailed descriptions and statistics on thousands of countries, cities, mountains, rivers, and every other kind of political area or geographic feature. It allows the user to look up a single place or to produce lists of features based on statistical criteria i.e., a list of longest rivers or cities over 1000 feet above sea level.
Columbia Granger's World of Poetry
The definitive source in English for locating poetry in anthologies. Contains 450,000 poetry citations, and 250,000 poems in full text. Includes scholarly commentary on poems and poets; biographical and bibliographical information, and a glossary of poetic terms.
Columbia International Affairs Online
Columbia International Affairs Online contains the full-text of working papers, conference proceedings, policy briefs, economic indicators, and other theory and research resources in international affairs.
ComAbstracts indexes and abstracts journal articles in communication studies and related areas (rhetoric, journalism, mass communication, new media technologies, and speech).
ComAnalytics provides data about the relative publication performance of individual scholars and of departments of communication (journalism, mass communication, speech, communication studies, media studies, rhetoric, etc.).
ComIndex indexes the contents of major communication journals.
Communication & Mass Media Complete
The most comprehensive index to communication journals and other materials. Includes full-text for most articles.
The world's largest bibliographic database in the field of engineering.
Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson
A digital edition of the Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Centenary Edition, edited and with notes by Edward Waldo Emerson
Complete World Development Report Online
Complete World Development Report Online includes every page of every World Development Report published by the World Bank since the first report was released in 1978.
Computer and Information Systems Abstracts (merged with Advanced Technologies & Aerospace)
Computer and Information Systems Abstracts indexes theory and practical applications information on software, artificial intelligence, automation, and related areas. Now part of Advanced Technologies & Aerospace.
Computerized Mensural Music Editing
The CMME project is a collaborative initiative to provide access to high-quality digital editions of early music scores. Users can view scores and listen to audio playback.
Can be used to scan and summarize published articles in your areas of focus. The ComUpdate system allows you to select up to two classification terms (metaterms) and specify the time range of the search (only articles from the most recently added issue of each journal, the most recently added volume, articles added this calendar year, etc.)
Confederate Newspapers: A Collection from Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia and Alabama HF
This Archives Unbound collection has been digitized from the Scholarly Resources microfilm collection entitled "Confederate Newspapers." All issues in the microfilm have been included.
Conference Board Research Online Collection
The Conference Boards research online collection is a searchable collection of full-text research reports on the latest issues in business management and US and global economics. Research includes studies of Fortune 500 companies on business trends, corporate citizenship and sustainability, corporate governance, ethics, human resources, operations and business process, productivity and more. Full text coverage extends from 1998 to date. Special PowerPoint encapsulations are available for selected reports. Included are Executive Action reports, online series of brief reports of the latest knowledge, thought, and best practice information on current critical issues facing business. Recorded webcasts of presentations on a variety of business topics have been added to the Collection. Economics materials includes US and global economic indicators and full-text issues of Straighttalk that provides analysis and forecasts of US and international economic conditions by our chief economist.
Conference Papers Index
Conference Papers Index indexes papers and poster sessions presented at major scientific meetings worldwide. Records include complete ordering information to obtain preprints, abstracts, proceedings and other publications derived from the conference, together with title and author information needed to track the specific papers. Information is derived from final programs, abstracts booklets and published proceedings, as well as from questionnaire responses.
Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science
Indexes current and retrospective bibliographic data on science conferences. Contains links to Web of Science source records so items may be included in word and citation searches. Data indexed: conference titles, sponsors, locations, dates article titles, authors, author addresses publisher names and addresses series titles, book titles, ISSN and ISBN numbers.
Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Social Science & Humanities
Indexes current and retrospective bibliographic data on social sciences and humanities conferences. Contains links to Web of Science source records so items may be included in word and citation searches.
Confidential Print: Africa, 1834-1966
The documents in Confidential Print: Africa begin with coastal trading in the early nineteenth century and the Conference of Berlin of 1884 and the subsequent Scramble for Africa. They then follow the abuses of the Congo Free State, fights against tropical disease, Italy’s defeat by the Abyssinians, World War II, apartheid in South Africa and colonial moves towards independence. Together they cover the whole of the modern period of European colonization of the continent from the British Government’s perspective.
Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969
This collection consists of the Confidential Print for Central and South America and the French- and Spanish-speaking Caribbean. Topics covered include slavery and the slave trade, immigration, relations with indigenous peoples, wars and territorial disputes, the fall of the Brazilian monarchy, British business and financial interests, industrial development, the building of the Panama Canal, and the rise to power of populist rulers such as Perón in Argentina and Vargas in Brazil.
Confidential Print: Middle East, 1839-1969
This collection consists of the Confidential Print for the countries of the Levant and the Arabian peninsula, Iran, Turkey, Egypt and Sudan. Beginning with the Egyptian reforms of Muhammad Ali Pasha in the 1830s, the documents trace the events of the following 150 years, including the Middle East Conference of 1921, the mandates for Palestine and Mesopotamia, the partition of Palestine, the 1956 Suez Crisis and post-Suez Western foreign policy, and the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Confidential Print: North America, 1824-1961
This collection consists of the Confidential Print for the United States, Canada and the English-speaking Caribbean, with some coverage of Central and South America, and covers such topics as slavery, Prohibition, the First and Second World Wars, racial segregation, territorial disputes, the League of Nations, McCarthyism and the nuclear bomb. The bulk of the material covers the late nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century.
Congress and the Nation 2009–2012
An authoritative reference on congressional trends, actions, and political and policy controversies.
Congressional Publications
Provides indexing and selected full-text access to current and historical legislative information from the United States Congress including hearings, bills, laws, reports and other publications.
Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO) Virtual Library Database
Contains the publications of 159 research organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean that form the membership of CLACSO.
Contemporary Authors Online
Provides complete biographical and bibliographical information and references on more than 120,000 U.S. and international authors.
Contemporary Womens Issues
Gale OneFile: Contemporary Women’s Issues offers comprehensive coverage of issues that influence women’s lives across the globe. Users will find timely and historically relevant content on topics including civil rights, health, education, professional development, and entrepreneurship.
Coptic Orthodox Liturgical Chant & Hymnody
Coptic Orthodox Liturgical Chant Hymnody presents a selection of digitized materials from the Library of Congress's Ragheb Moftah Collection. Materials include transcriptions, audio recordings, photographs, and other items from Moftah's research into Coptic Christian chant.
Corbusier Plans Online
Note: To access database, individual user registration is needed. To do so, follow the steps listed below: 1) Using a web browser, click on and Sign In. 2) Click on the "New User Registration" link. 3) Enter your University of Miami email address and preferred nickname. 4) An email will be sent to your email address. Follow the instructions detailed in this email to complete the process.
Includes thumbnails and titles of almost 38,000 images from Le Corbusier's 325 projects with full search capability.
Coronavirus Research Database
A free health and medical research database for openly available content related to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Correspondence from German Concentration Camps And Prisons
Collection consists of items originating from prisoners held in German concentration camps, internment and transit camps, Gestapo prisons, and POW camps, during and just prior to World War II. Most of the collection consists of letters written or received by prisoners, but also includes receipts for parcels, money orders and personal effects; paper currency; and realia, including Star of David badges that Jews were forced to wear.
COS Conference Papers Index
Conference Papers Index indexes papers and poster sessions presented at major scientific meetings worldwide. Records include complete ordering information to obtain preprints, abstracts, proceedings and other publications derived from the conference, together with title and author information needed to track the specific papers. Information is derived from final programs, abstracts booklets and published proceedings, as well as from questionnaire responses.
Country Studies
This collection contains the electronic versions of 80 books previously published in hard copy as part of the Country Studies Series by the Federal Research Division. Intended for a general audience, books in the series present a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, economic, political, and national security systems and institutions of select countries throughout the world. Most books in the series deal with a single foreign country, but a few cover several countries or a geographic region. The series includes several books on countries that no longer exist in their original configuration—such as Czechoslovakia, East Germany, the Soviet Union, Sudan, and Yugoslavia. These books remain in the series because they continue to offer valuable historical information and perspective. In some cases, studies on successor states are also part of the series.
Systematic review management across your whole institution. Get an overview of all reviews currently happening, see who is working on reviews, assign a librarian to oversee a review, make sure the team is setup for success with a good search strategy, make sure reviews don’t stagnate.
CQ Almanac
Coverage of the people, elections, legislation, and controversies in the U.S. Congress since 1945.
CQ Researcher Plus Archive
The CQ Researcher explores a single issue in the news in depth each week. Topics range from social and teen issues to environment, health, education and science and technology. 44 reports are produced each year.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
The online version of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Contains the periodic table, basic constants and units and geophysical data.
Credo Information Literacy
Note: This database is currently a trial.
Credo Information Literacy modules are online tutorials to help students learn foundational information literacy skills. Credo provides a supplemental way for students to asynchronously complete foundational lessons on a wide range of topics such as getting started with research, to finding credible sources and recognizing bias, to citations.
Credo Reference
Note: This database is currently a trial.
Credo Reference is a library subscription database that provides access to thousands of articles from reference sources such as encyclopedias and dictionaries. It is a great place to find overviews and background information on your research topic. The articles come from highly respectable reference sources. You can use these types of sources to gain knowledge on the subject and to help you focus or narrow your topic.
Criminal Justice Collection
Gale OneFile: Criminal Justice informs the research process for researchers who are studying law, law enforcement, or terrorism; training for paralegal service; preparing for a career in homeland security; delving into forensic science; investigating crime scenes; developing policy; going to court; writing sociological reports; and much more.
Crisis in the Dominican Republic: Records of the U.S. State Department Central Files, February 1963-1966
The Dominican Republic has experienced many setbacks on the road to democracy. Dominican political history has been defined by traditions of personalism, militarism, and social and economic elitism which has undermined its efforts to establish liberal constitutional rule. This collection includes State Department, U.S. Embassy, and Dominican republic governmental dispatches, instructions, and miscellaneous correspondence dealing with topics such as political affairs and government; public order and safety; military affairs; social matters (including history and culture); economic conditions (including immigration and emigration); industry and agriculture; communications and transportation; and navigation.
Cuartel General del Sur, 1910-1925
The collection contains correspondence addressed to Emiliano Zapata; combat reports; relations with troop commanders and officers; promotion and appointment requests; allegations of abuses committed by military personnel; applications for food, uniforms and ammunition; letters and telegrams on the transfer of prisoners.
Cuban Culture and Cultural Relations, 1959- Part 1: "Casa y Cultura"
The Cuban Culture and Cultural Relations, 1959- resource from Brill is a primary-source collection of ca. 45,000 fully-searchable documents from the Casa de las Américas in Havana, documenting the culture and cultural relations of Revolutionary Cuba and countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Cuban Culture and Cultural Relations, 1959- Part 2: "Writers"
The Cuban Culture and Cultural Relations, 1959- resource from Brill is a primary-source collection that documents the literary, intellectual and cultural milieu of Revolutionary Cuba. Sourced from the archives of the Casa de las Américas in Havana, it provides unprecedented access to files covering more than a thousand writers, thinkers and artists from Cuba and abroad.
Current Digest of the Russian Press
Weekly digest that presents a selection of Russian-language press materials translated into English, intended for use in teaching and research.
Cylinder Preservation and Digitization Project
The Cylinder Preservation and Digitization Project provides online access to over 8,000 cylinder recordings held by the University of Santa Barbara's Donald C. Davidson Library. These recordings feature musical and spoken selections from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
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