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Connect or Create your ORCID iD
This process enables the University of Miami to connect with your ORCID account, or create and then connect an account.
Important: You must use your UM email address when you sign up. If you have already signed up using another address, please add your UM email address to your current ORCID profile and make it the primary.
Why Should I Create or Connect my ORCID iD?
What is ORCID?
- ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a registry of unique identifiers for researchers and scholars that is open, non-proprietary, transparent, mobile, and community-based. ORCID provides a universal persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher.
- You will be distinguished from every other researcher, even researchers who share your same name.
- Your research output and activities will be correctly attributed to you.
- Your contributions and affiliations will be reliably and easily connected to you.
- Individuals supported by research training, fellowships, research education, and career development awards from the NIH, AHRQ, and CDC are now required to have an ORCID.
- Many publishers require ORCID iDs from authors during the publication submission process. These publishers include Frontiers, PLoS, Science, and Wiley.
- Your ORCID will be connected with Scholarship@Miami, the University of Miami Libraries’ research information hub & institutional repository. Having an ORCID will raise the level of discovery for your work and help us create a complete bibliographic record of your research.
Want to Learn More?
Watch these video tutorials to learn more about the ORCID registry system and how to set up your iD.

Questions? Please Contact:
Angela Clark-Hughes
Director, Rosenstiel School Library
Research Impact Strategist
UM Libraries
Patty Atkinson
Research Navigator
Office of the VP for Research & Scholarship
Director, Rosenstiel School Library
Research Impact Strategist
UM Libraries
Patty Atkinson
Research Navigator
Office of the VP for Research & Scholarship