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Live Web Editions

The Economist
Visit the link above, click log in, enter only your University of Miami email address, and wait to be redirected to the UM single sign-on page.
Financial Times Digital
Note: New users must register using their University of Miami email address. Registered users may then log in on any device at
New York Times Digital Edition
Visit the link above, sign in with your Cane ID and password, and register for access to and NYT Apps.
Note: New users must create an individual account using their University of Miami email address. Existing users must re-register annually to maintain access. Account holders may then log in on any device at
Wall Street Journal Online
Visit the link above, sign in with your Cane ID and password, and register for access to
Local Newspapers - Online
Miami Herald (1911-Current)
Full-text content of local and regional news, including community events, schools, politics, government policies, cultural activities, local companies, state industries, and people in the community.
Nuevo Herald (1976 - Current)
Spanish language newspaper published daily by the Miami Herald, Miami, Florida. Includes a Cuban section, news of interest to many Latin groups in the Miami area, as well as international, national, and regional news, cultural information, and services.
Miami Hurricane
The Miami Hurricane is the student newspaper of the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida. The newspaper is edited and produced by undergraduate students at UM and is published in print every Tuesday and online everyday during the academic year.
The University of Miami's student newspaper, The Miami Hurricane, has been published continuously from 1927. It was published under the title University News from 1927 to 1929, and the first issue of The Miami Hurricane was published in October 1929. The student newspaper represents an important historical record of campus life and student activity.
National Newspapers - Online
Chronicle of Higher Education
The Chronicle of Higher Education is the leader in higher education journalism, providing readers with real-time news, valuable insights, and the tools, opportunities, and knowledge to succeed in the world of higher education.
News and analysis covering business, innovation, politics, trends and more.
Comprehensive coverage back to 1985 is available for one of the leading sources of national and international news. The complete text of recent articles is provided in the ASCII format.
Each issue is indexed thoroughly for access to not only top news stories, but also detailed information on the arts, sports, business, and popular culture.
New York Times Digital Edition
Digital edition of The New York Times.
Note: New users must create an individual account using their University of Miami email address. Existing users must re-register annually to maintain access. Account holders may then log in on any device at
New York Times via ProQuest (1851-2014)
Cover-to-cover, digitally scanned full page access to backfiles of the New York Times Newspaper 1851 - 2014.
New York Times via ProQuest (1980-Current)
Provides national and international news, opinion and commentary.
Wall Street Journal Online
Published since 1889, the Wall Street Journal covers U.S. and world news, as well as politics, arts, culture, and more. The online version includes streaming news, interactive options, video features, blogs, and more traditional content.
Wall Street Journal via ProQuest (1889-2000)
Cover-to-cover, digitally scanned full page access to the Wall Street Journal 1889 - 2000.
Washington Post
A leading US daily newspaper published out of Washington, DC.
News and Newspaper Databases
Access World News
Provides full-text information and perspectives from over 1400 U.S. and over 1200 international sources. Each source has its own distinctive focus offering diverse viewpoints on local, regional and world issues.
Gale NewsVault delivers the definitive cross-searching experience for exploring Gales range of historical newspaper and periodical collections. The following collections are currently available within Gale NewsVault: 19th Century UK Periodicals Parts I & II; 19th Century US Newspapers; British Newspapers, 1600-1950; Daily Mail Historical Archive; Financial Times Historical Archive; Liberty Magazine Historical Archive; Punch Historical Archive, 1841-1992; The Economist Historical Archive; The Illustrated London News Historical Archive; The Independent Digital Archive, 1986-2012; The Listener Historical Archive; The Picture Post Historical Archive; The Telegraph Historical Archive, 1855-2000; Sunday Times Digital Archive; Times Digital Archive; TLS Historical Archive.
Global Newsstream covers national and leading regional newspapers including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA TODAY, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Barron's, The Boston Globe, The Christian Science Monitor, and The Washington Post. International coverage includes The Guardian, The Globe and Mail, Jerusalem Post, and El Pais.
NewsBank Full Text Newspapers
Provides full-text information and perspectives from over 1400 U.S. and over 1200 international sources. Each source has its own distinctive focus offering diverse viewpoints on local, regional and world issues.
Latin American Newspapers Series 1
The Latin American Newspapers Series 1 provides more than 35 fully searchable newspapers published in the 19th and 20th centuries from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, and elsewhere. Latin American Newspapers offers unprecedented coverage of the people, issues, and events that shaped this vital region between 1805 and 1922.
Latin American Newspapers Series 2
The newest module, Latin American Newspapers Series 2 deepens coverage of important countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, and Mexico; and extend the reach of World Newspaper Archive into countries not represented in Latin American Newspapers Series I such as Bolivia, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Belize.
Historical Newspapers - Online
19th Century U.S. Newspapers
Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers provides access to primary source newspaper content from the 19th century, including full-text content and images from numerous newspapers from a range of urban and rural regions throughout the U.S. The collection encompasses the entire 19th century, with an emphasis on such topics as the American Civil War, African-American culture and history, Western migration and Antebellum-era life, among other subjects.
African American Newspapers: Readex
African American Newspapers, Series 1 provides online access to approximately 280 U.S. newspapers chronicling a century and a half of the African American experience. This collection features papers from more than 35 states including many rare and historically significant 19th century titles.
Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980
Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980 is a compilation of Spanish-language newspapers printed in the U.S. during the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection features hundreds of Hispanic American newspapers, including many long scattered and forgotten titles published in the 19th century.
America's Historical Newspapers
America's Historical Newspapers is a comprehensive database designed to enable searching and browsing American newspapers published over three centuries. The collection is continually expanding and provides access to digital facsimiles of thousands of titles from all fifty states.
African American Newspapers Accessible Archive: The 19th Century
African-American Newspapers: The 19th Century provides first-hand reports of the cultural life and history of African-Americans in the United States.
Caribbean Newspapers, 1718-1876
The Caribbean Newspapers, 1718-1876 database is the largest collection of fully searchable 18th- and 19th-century Caribbean newspapers in this region. Created in partnership with the American Antiquarian Society, this collection showcases the evolution of the region across two centuries chronicled within more than 140 titles from 22 islands and will prove essential for research on colonial history, the Atlantic slave trade, international commerce, New World slavery and related topics
ProQuest Historical Newspapers
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Baltimore Afro-American, The (1893-1988)
The Baltimore Afro-American (1893-1988) offers full page and article images with searchable full text. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Philadelphia Tribune (1912-2001)
The Philadelphia Tribune (1912-2001) offers full page and article images with searchable full text. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Tribune (1841-1922)
ProQuest Historical Newspapers - The New York Tribune is a full image archive. The database delivers every page of every available issue from cover to cover, with full page and article images in downloadable PDF from 1841 to 1922.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Amsterdam News (1922-1993)
ProQuest Historical Newspapers New York Amsterdam News: 1922-1993 offers full page and article images with searchable full text. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Defender (1910-1975)
This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Jerusalem Post (1932-2008)
This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
Identifying Media Bias Resources
Center for News Literacy
News Literacy is a curriculum developed at Stony Brook University in New York over the past decade. It is designed to help students develop critical thinking skills in order to judge the reliability and credibility of information, whether it comes via print, television or the Internet.
The Learning Network via NYT
The Learning Network publishes about 1,000 teaching resources each school year, all based on using Times content — articles, essays, images, videos, graphics and podcasts — as teaching tools across subject areas.
The Media Manipulation Casebook
The Media Manipulation Casebook is a research platform that advances knowledge of misinformation and disinformation and their threats to democracy, public health, and security. The Casebook is a new resource for building the field of Critical Internet Studies by equipping researchers with case studies, theory, methods, and frameworks to analyze the interplay of media ecosystems, technology, politics, and society.
First Draft
First Draft’s mission is to protect communities from harmful misinformation. We work to empower society with the knowledge, understanding, and tools needed to outsmart false and misleading information.
ProPublica is an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism with moral force.
Media Bias Chart
See where news sources fall on the map of the media landscape.
How to Spot Fake News
From the Simon Frasier University. Don't be fooled by false reporting. Here are some tips to help you tell fact from fiction in today's news.
AllSides presents different versions of similar news stories from sources it rates as being on the political right, left, and center, with a mission to show readers news outside their filter bubble and expose media bias.
Classroom Resources
10 Questions for Fake News Detection
From the, A checklist for identifying fake news. Asks questions such as, "Where was the article found?" "How well-known is the source?" How did the headline make you feel?"
News and Media Literacy Resource Center
From Common Sense Education. This collection of news and media lessons, videos, printables, and more is a great place to start. Everything's been carefully vetted by Common Sense editors (and fellow teachers) to help you find that "just right" resource for your classroom.
The Learning Network
From the New York Times. Teaching Resources for Middle School Using the NYT.
Identifying Internet Trolls
From the Clemson University Media Forensics Hub. A quiz where YOU examine images of real social media content and decide whether it's from a legitimate account or an internet troll.
Fact Checking Sites
New York Times Fact Checks
The NYT fact checking website that provides analyses of claims made by both political parties.
A nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. Monitors the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases.
Project Vote Smart
Vote Smart's mission is to provide free, factual, unbiased information on candidates and elected officials to all Americans.
League of Women Voters
The League of Women Voters of the United States encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Snopes is the oldest and largest fact-checking site online, offers fact checking, evidence, and transparency of sources.
Articles and Research
An NPR article and illustration tailored to kids that shows how fake news spreads.
Fake News: How to Spot Misinformation
This short NPR article provides five tips for identifying and dealing with false information.
Disinformation, Fake News and Influence Campaigns on Twitter
This study is one of the largest analyses to date on how fake news spread on twitter both during and after the 2016 election campaign.
Evaluating information: The Cornerstone of Civic Online Reasoning
The Stanford History Education Group has prototyped, field tested, and validated a bank of assessments that tap civic online reasoning—the ability to judge the credibility of information that floods young people’s smartphones, tablets, and computers.
A Propaganda Model
By Edward Herman & Noam Chomsky. Provides a model of five filters that the media works through.
Many Americans Believe Fake News is Sowing Confusion
From Pew Research Center. 2016 survey about fake news and understanding basic facts.
In this video, reporters and media professionals define the term “confirmation bias,” and discuss its effect on how people approach and evaluate news and other information.
How Not to Spot Fake News
PBS Idea Channel video: "We’re gonna talk about about how NOT to spot fake news, about how certain news items can seem suspect... but not all blemishes make their stories necessarily fake. We’re gonna talk about what ISN’T fake news by using Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman’s book Manufacturing Consent, as our guide."