subjectId: 690685



Welcome to the UM Citation Guide. Whether it is your favorite part of research or the bane of your existence, citing sources is essential. Citation allows you to give proper credit to resources you employ in your work. It permits easy discovery of the original sources you used. Finally, proper use of citations prevents plagiarism! This guide will provide information on citation styles (APA, MLA, AMA, Chicago, Turabian) and citation management systems (EndNote, RefWorks, and Zotero).

Why cite?

  • Give proper credit
  • Avoid plagiarism
  • Helps readers find resources you used
  • Provides proof you have done extensive research


Image of cat being held with writing stating,



Citation styles vary and have their own format and rules. It is important when using citation generators or citation managers that you check for accuracy because both can make mistakes. The guides below are excellant resources to check the formatting of your citations and cover APA Style, MLA Style, AMA Style, Chicago Style, and Turabian Style.

APA Style 7th Edition

MLA Style 9th Edition

AMA Style 11th Edition

Chicago Style 17th Edition

Turabian Style 9th Edition

Image of a sign held up by a hand in the air that states in brackets citation needed. In the background is a large number of people with a blue sky.

What is a Citation Management System?

What is a Citation Management System?

Managing citations for papers can take a lot of time and effort. Citation Management Systems save you time by storing, organizing, and compliling your citations. There are different citation management systems to choose from and you can compare the different managers to pick the right one for you. At UM the three major citation managers are EndNote, Mendeley, RefWorks, and Zotero.

*While Citation Management Systems are powerful tools they are not always accurate so check your citations!


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What is plagiarism?

University of Miami's Undergraduate Honor Code defines plagiarism as, "representing the words or ideas of someone else as your own. Examples include, but are not limited to, failing to properly cite direct quotes and failing to give credit for someone else’s ideas. Plagiarism also includes copying your own work from another class or prior assignment without proper citation."

To learn more about plagiarism and academic integrity check out the Academic Integrity Policy and the Undergraduate Honor Code.

But what if I use AI?

AI has the capability of writing an entire paper but representing that piece of work as your own is a form of plagiarism, even if its a robot.

Three rectangles with dotted black lines in the top of the image, a red arrow pointing downward in the middle of the image, and a rectangle with dotted lines both black and red in the bottom of the image.


University of Miami. (2021). Academic integrity policy and the undergraduate honor code.

AI Citing

Citing sources is an essential activity in academia and provides proper credit to authors. Citing sources allows your reader to find sources you used and also helps combat plagiarism. Citing AI is just as important as citing any other source.


  • When a generative AI model is used in the drafting of a manuscript for an APA publication, the use of AI must be disclosed in the methods section and cited.
  • AI cannot be named as an author on an APA scholarly publication.
  • When AI is cited in an APA scholarly publication, the author must employ the software citation template, which includes specifying in the methods section how, when, and to what extent AI was used. Authors in APA publications are required to upload the full output of the AI as supplemental material.


  • Credit AI-generated text when you reproduce its words within your own work.


  • Cite a generative AI tool whenever you paraphrase, quote, or incorporate into your own work any content (whether text, image, data, or other) that was created by it. 
  • Acknowledge all functional uses of the tool (like editing your prose or translating words) in a note, your text, or another suitable location. 
  • Take care to vet the secondary sources it cites.