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The XR (extended reality) Community Lab, located in Richter Library Room 326, is available for individual and small group demos in virtual reality and augmented reality. The lab has an HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Meta Quest 2, Magic Leap, and Microsoft Hololens 2 headsets available. To request a demo or for more information, please contact William Sun, XR Specialist.
Led by Vanessa Rodriguez, Head of Creative Studio, the XR Community Lab is a pilot space and service provided by the University of Miami Libraries in collaboration with the XR Initiative.
Subject Specialist
Meta Quest 2
Meta Quest Safety Center

Beat Saber Demo
HTC Vive
Vive Safety and Regulatory Guide

Richie's Plank Experience
VR Museum of Fine Art
The Lab
Magic Leap One is a spatial computer that lets you see and interact with digital content in the world around you. Far more than a headset, Lightwear is a portal into worlds within our world. Its cameras, sensors, speakers and optical relay work together with the superpowered processor in the Lightpack to provide unique input to your visual system for unparalleled experiences. Retinas are the canvas, light is the medium, Magic Leap One is the brush.
Magic Leap Safety Guides & Regulatory Information

Dr Grordort's Invaders
Dinosaur Kit
Microsoft HoloLens
Product Safety Warnings and Instructions

Oculus Rift
Oculus Rift Health and Safety