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19th Century British Library Newspapers
Nineteenth Century British Library Newspapers offers full runs of national, regional and local 19th century British newspapers, taken directly from the holdings of the British Library. The content includes 48 titles, totaling approximately 2.2 million pages, selected to reflect the social and political developments of the times in which they were published.
19th Century U.S. Newspapers
Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers provides access to primary source newspaper content from the 19th century, including full-text content and images from numerous newspapers from a range of urban and rural regions throughout the U.S. The collection encompasses the entire 19th century, with an emphasis on such topics as the American Civil War, African-American culture and history, Western migration and Antebellum-era life, among other subjects.
19th Century UK Periodicals
19th Century UK Periodicals is a database using content from the British Library, the National Library of Scotland, the National Library of Australia, and many other sources, to make available digitized versions of key 19th Century UK Periodicals.
American Fiction 1774-1920
This collection contains more than 17,800 titles of prose fiction written by Americans from colonial times to the early twentieth century, gathering an extensive archive of content in one place and a consistent format that allows for exploration of the works in the context of history.
American Periodicals Series
American Periodicals Series includes digitized images of the pages of American magazines and journals published from colonial days to the dawn of the twentieth century, covering two centuries of Americana (1741-1900). Titles range from Benjamin Franklin's General Magazine and America's first scientific journal, Medical Repository; popular magazines such as Vanity Fair and Ladies' Home Journal; regional and niche publications; and groundbreaking journals like The Dial, Puck, and McClure's.
Note: For assistance, please contact the Special Collections Division, 8th Floor, Otto G. Richter Library, 305-284-3247
ArchiveGrid is a tool for searching through historical documents, personal papers, and family histories held in archives around the world.
Arts and Humanities Citation Index
International coverage of more than 1,150 leading arts and humanities journals as well as selective coverage from leading science and social sciences journals.
Books & Authors
Books & Authors is an online resource designed to help library patrons discover todays popular fiction and non-fiction titles as well as the classics of yesterday. It also helps them answer the age-old question of What do I read next? Library patrons will find biographies from Gales award-winning Contemporary Authors series, over 300,000 print, audio book, ebook and Braille-format book reviews from 30 of todays most respected review sources, and exclusive content created by over two dozen genre experts and the long-standing editorial teams at Gale.
British Literary Manuscripts Online
Facsimile images of literary manuscripts, including letters and diaries, drafts of poems, plays, novels, and other literary works, and similar materials. Searching is based on tags and descriptive text associated with each manuscript. Images of the complete manuscript can be viewed, manipulated and navigated on screen. Please note that the text of the manuscripts themselves is not searchable. Includes: "British Literary Manuscripts Online, Medieval and Renaissance" & "British Literary Manuscripts Online, c. 1660-1900"
Columbia Granger's World of Poetry
The definitive source in English for locating poetry in anthologies. Contains 450,000 poetry citations, and 250,000 poems in full text. Includes scholarly commentary on poems and poets; biographical and bibliographical information, and a glossary of poetic terms.
Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson
A digital edition of the Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Centenary Edition, edited and with notes by Edward Waldo Emerson
Contemporary Authors Online
Provides complete biographical and bibliographical information and references on more than 120,000 U.S. and international authors.
Defining Gender
Defining Gender provides access to a vast body of original British source material that will enrich the teaching and research experience of those studying history, literature, sociology and education from a gendered perspective.
Dictionary of Literary Biography Complete Online
Provides nearly 10,000 biographical and critical essays on the lives, works, and careers of the world's most influential literary figures from all eras and genres.
Documenting the American South
A digital publishing initiative that provides Internet access to texts, images, and audio files related to southern history, literature, and culture. Currently DocSouth includes ten thematic collections of books, diaries, posters, artifacts, letters, oral history interviews, and songs.
Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800
Based on Charles Evans' renowned “American Bibliography” and Roger Bristol’s supplement, Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800 is the definitive resource for every aspect of life in 17th- and 18th-century America. This digital collection contains virtually every book, pamphlet and broadside published in America over a 160-year period. Topics covered include agriculture and auctions through foreign affairs, diplomacy, literature, music, religion, the Revolutionary War, temperance, witchcraft, and just about any other subject imaginable. Including more than 36,000 printed works and 2.3 million pages, Series I also offers new imprints not available in microform editions.
Early American Imprints, Series II: Shaw-Shoemaker, 1801-1819
Early American Imprints, Series II: Shaw-Shoemaker, 1801-1819 provides a comprehensive set of American books, pamphlets and broadsides published in the early part of the 19th century. Based on the noted “American Bibliography, 1801-1819” by Ralph R. Shaw and Richard H. Shoemaker, this collection contains more than four million pages from over 36,000 items—including 1,000 catalogued new items unavailable in previous microform editions. Through Early American Imprints, Series II, students and scholars can extensively research westward expansion, the development of American arts (literature, music, painting, etc.), the progression of American political thought and much more. In addition to books, broadsides and pamphlets, the collection includes published reports and the works of many European authors reprinted for the American public. Additionally, a large number of state papers and early government materials—including presidential letters and congressional, state and territorial resolutions—chronicle the political and geographic growth of the developing American nation.
Early English Books Online
Note: Previously found on the Chadwyck platform, EEBO has migrated to ProQuest permanently as of July 7th, 2020.
Early English Books Online (EEBO) contains page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1473–1700. From the first book published in English through the age of Spenser and Shakespeare, this incomparable collection contains more than 130,000 titles and more than 17 million scanned pages as listed in 4 collections - Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640) and Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700) and their revised editions, as well as the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661) collection and the Early English Books Tract Supplement. EEBO covers more than 30 languages from Algonquin to Welsh, and variant editions and multiple copies.
Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership
The primary goal of the Text Creation Partnership (TCP) is to create standardized, accurate XML/SGML encoded electronic text editions of early printed books. The partnership transcribes and encodes the page images of books from ProQuest’s Early English Books Online, Gale Cengage’s Eighteenth Century Collections Online, and Readex’s Evans Early American Imprints. This work, and the resulting text files, are jointly funded and owned by more than 150 libraries worldwide. Ultimately, all of the TCP's work will be placed into the public domain for anyone to use. The texts can be searched through web interfaces provided by the libraries at the University of Michigan and University of Oxford. In addition, partner libraries and their users are welcome to locally store, host, manipulate, analyze and otherwise work with the encoded text files, just as if they had been created locally.
Early European Books
Early European Books traces the history of printing in Europe from its origins (circa 1450s) to 1700, offering full-colour, high-resolution facsimile images of rare and hard-to-access printed sources. Early European Books allows unlimited access to thousands of pre-1701 books and rare incunabula printed in Europe. It embraces the two-and-a-half centuries following Gutenberg’s invention of movable type in the mid-15th century, which witnessed an unprecedented proliferation and dissemination of literature throughout Europe. In keeping with the tenor of the time, religious works dominate, but there is no shortage of secular material concerning every field of human thought and activity.
Eighteenth Century Collections Online
Eighteenth Century Collections Online Parts I and 2 combined now contain over 180,000 titles (200,000 volumes), adding to the depth of 18th century research. The titles cover the same subjects areas as the original collection, with a special emphasis on Literature, Social Science and Religion titles. The Collection includes materials such as books, broadsides, Bibles, tract books, sermons, and printed ephemera. Content includes works by lesser known authors and complete works by twenty-eight major authors including Alexander Pope, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, and Henry Fielding. Content also includes significant women writers, collections about the French Revolution, numerous editions of the works of Shakespeare, and multiple editions of individual works. The second edition includes nearly 50,000 titles and 7 million pages from the library holdings of world-renowned institutions such as the British Library, Bodleian, Cambridge, National Library of Scotland and the Ransom Center at the University of Texas.
Students, faculty and staff download from the University of Miami Technology Center.
Gale In Context: College
Gale In Context: College is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on a wide array of subjects. The solution merges Gale's authoritative and continuously updated reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.
Gale Literary Index
Author/title index to Gale reference publications including Contemporary Authors, Contemporary Literary Criticism, and the Dictionary of Literary Biography. It combines and cross-references more than 137,000 author names, including pseudonyms and variant names, and more than 173,000 titles into one source.
Gale Literary Sources
A cross-search platform of all Gale literary sources that provides a seamless research experience that helps researchers of all levels find a starting point, search across a wide array of materials and points in time, and discover new ways to analyze information. Users will be able to cross-search a wealth of primary sources, critical articles, literary and cultural analysis and biographies. The following collections are available within Gale Literary Sources: Contemporary Authors Online, Dictionary of Literary Biography Complete Online, Literature Resource Center, Literature Criticism Online, & LitFinder
Gale Literature: Book Review Index
Gale Literature: Book Review Index includes more than 5.6 million book reviews, allowing users to conduct research in numerous disciplines, including literature, history, education, psychology, and more. This unique product provides quick access to reviews of books, periodicals, books on tape and electronic media representing a wide range of popular, academic and professional interests.
Note: Login at Hathi Trust site to download and build collections. From login tab, select University of Miami as the HathiTrust Partner Insititution and login with CaneID username/password.
UM users have full-text access to over 6.4 million public domain works within the HathiTrust.
Humanities Full Text (H.W. Wilson)
Wilson Humanities Full-Text indexes more than 300 key humanities journals. Abstracts of journal articles are included from the spring of 1994; selected full-text coverage began in January 1995.
International Medieval Bibliography
Note: Includes International Medieval Bibliography, Bibliographie de Civilisation Médiévale and International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance.
Includes International Medieval Bibliography, Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale and International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance.
Internet Library of Early Journals (18th -19th Centuries)
The ILEJ is a searchable full-text collection of 120,000 digital pages of runs of six important British journals from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Search and browse capabilities provided. The three 18th-century journals are: Gentleman's Magazine, The Annual Register, and Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. The three 19th-century journals are: Notes and Queries, The Builder, and Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine.
Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Iter features 2 scholarly bibliographic databases, one featuring journal articles, and the other, books. The Journals database contains over 225,000 records from more than 400 scholarly journal titles pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700). The Books database is a bibliography of monographs, material published in monographs, and collected essays pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700). More than 60,000 new records are added annually.
Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism
The Guide is a reference to the intellectual traditions of literary theory, from Plato and Aristotle to the present, but with a concentration on modern literary criticism and theoretical research.
JSTOR provides digital versions of the backfiles of major scholarly journals. Primarily an archival collection, JSTOR does not provide access to the most recent 3-5 years of content for most titles.
Literary Manuscripts from the Berg Collection of the New York Public Library
<em>Literary Manuscripts</em> is drawn from the nineteenth century holdings of the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature at the New York Public Library. While the holdings of the Berg extend from 1480 to the present day, its most extensive holdings date from the nineteenth century.
Literary Manuscripts from the Brotherton Library
Examine complete images of 190 manuscripts of seventeenth and eighteenth-century verse held in the celebrated Brotherton Collection at the University of Leeds. These manuscripts can be read and explored in conjunction with the Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse Index, which includes first lines, last lines, attribution, author, title, date, length, verse form, content and bibliographic references for over 6,600 poems within the collection.
Literature Criticism Online
A database of ten encyclopedias of literary criticism. Centuries of analysis of scholarly and popular commentary from broadsheets, pamphlets, encyclopedias, books and periodicals.
Literature Resource Center
Literature Resource Center is a current, comprehensive, and reliable online resource for research on literary topics, authors, and their works. What you'll find in Literature Resource Center is: Full-text scholarly articles from more than 300 academic journals and literary magazinesthe majority peer-reviewedas well as excerpts from scholarly monographs, literary correspondence and diaries. Reviews of books of all sorts, from children's literature to adult fiction, from popular non-fiction to scholarly studies. Substantive biographical essays on more than 130,000 authors, providing insights into life and times, works, and critical reception. Full text of thousands of poems and short stories published in contemporary journals and magazines. Overview essays on thousands of books and literary topics. Links to editorially selected websites on authors and their works, as well as pictures of well-known authors. New and updated material is added daily.
LitFinder contains full text poems, plays, short stories, essays, and speeches.
Middle English Compendium
The Middle English Compendium contains prose, verse, and reference works. The service provides three an electronic version of the Middle English Dictionary, a HyperBibliography of Middle English prose and verse, based on the MED bibliographies, and a Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse, as well as links to an associated network of electronic resources.
MLA Directory of Periodicals
The MLA Directory of Periodicals, produced by the Modern Language Association (MLA), provides detailed information on thousands of journals and book series in the fields of literature, language, linguistics, film, rhetoric and composition, and folklore. Entries cover publication details, contact information, submission requirements and editorial policies, subscription terms, electronic availability and advertising, and useful statistics such as circulation, average number of articles submitted and published, time from submission to decision, and time from decision to publication. All periodicals and book series indexed in the MLA International Bibliography are listed in the directory.
MLA International Bibliography
The MLA Bibliography indexes some one million citations from over 4,000 journals and series published worldwide on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics.
Oxford English Dictionary
The Oxford English Dictionary, the accepted authority on the evolution of the English language, is a guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past.
Perdita Manuscripts: Women Writers, 1500-1700
Compiled by the Perdita Project, Perdita Manuscripts is a collection of digital facsimilies of the manuscripts of early modern women authors.
Project MUSE - Premium Collection
Project Muse provides access to the full-text of over 40 of the Johns Hopkins University Press's scholarly journals. Dates of coverage vary. In general, Literary Theory & American Studies journals begin with the 1995 volume, while most others start with 1996. New issues of these journals are placed online in advance of the print version. Readers may search the full-text of individual journals to find a specific author, subject or title, and/or search the full-text of all journals in the collection. Among Muse features are hypertext links in the tables of contents, endnotes, author biographies, illustrations and, the option to create online reference shelves or electronic syllabi.
Romanticism: Life, Literature and Landscape
<em>Romanticism: Life, Literature and Landscape</em> offers unique access to rare and priceless literary sources that are indispensible for scholars and students studying William Wordsworth and the Romantic period. The collection offers an insight into the working methods of the poet and the wider social, political and natural environment that shaped much of his work and that of his contemporaries.
Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive
The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive including book reviews, film reviews, play reviews and more.
Victorian Popular Culture
Resource for the study of popular entertainment in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The resource is divided into four self contained sections: Spiritualism, Sensation and Magic; Circuses, Sideshows and Freaks; Music Hall, Theatre and Popular Entertainment; and Moving Pictures, Optical Entertainments &amp; the Advent of Cinema.
Women Writers Online
Women Writers Online is a full-text collection of early womens writing in English, published by the Women Writers Project at Northeastern University. It includes full transcriptions of texts published between 1526 and 1850, focusing on materials that are rare or inaccessible.
World Shakespeare Bibliography Online
A searchable electronic database consisting of the most comprehensive record of Shakespeare-related scholarship and theatrical productions published or produced worldwide since 1960.
Wright American Fiction 1851-1875
The Wright American Fiction online collection attempts to include every novel published in the United States from 1851 to 1875. It includes works by well known writers such as Louisa May Alcott, Mark Twain, Nathaniel Hawthorne & Herman Melville. The online collection actually consists of two rather different groups of texts. The larger is a group of electronic texts created by Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. These texts are available for searching and browsing, using the digital page images. The text files have not been proofread or corrected, and still contain errors.
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