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Bach, Johann Sebastian: Bach Cantatas Website
The Bach Cantatas Website focuses on Johann Sebastian Bach's cantatas and other vocal works. The site provides online access to scores, texts, and translations, as well as other relevant resources. Full scores from the Gesamtausgabe der Bach-Gesellschaft (published in the late 1800s) and piano/vocal reductions are available, both presented as PDFs.
Bacteriology Abstracts
Abstracts of medically-oriented clinical and research literature in bacteriology. This index is a subfile of the Environmental Science Index.
Baltimore Afro-American, The (1893-1988) (ProQuest)
The Baltimore Afro-American (1893-1988) offers full page and article images with searchable full text. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.
Band Music from the Civil War Era
Band Music from the Civil War Era, by the Library of Congress, presents examples of brass band music popular in the United States through the latter half of the 19th century. The collection includes printed and manuscript music and sound recordings.
Baseball Sheet Music
The Library of Congress's collection of Baseball Sheet Music consists of over 140 published songs written about "America's Pastime."
Bates Visual Guide to Physical Examination
Now in its 5th edition and featuring completely reshot content and new clinical skills videos, Bates Visual Guide delivers head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques for the (Advanced) Assessment or Introduction to Clinical Medicine course. The site features more than 8 hours of video content.
Beethoven, Ludwig van: Beethoven-Haus Digital Archives
The Digital Archives of the Beethoven-Haus provides online access to the unique collections of the Beethoven-Haus, including music first edition scores, correspondence, and pictures. The collection consists of more than 37,000 scanned 16,00 audio files, and 7,600 text files.
Beethoven, Ludwig van: Ludwig van Beethovens Werke (IMSLP)
Ludwig van Beethovens Werke is the 1860s edition of Beethoven's complete works, originally published by Breitkopf & Hartel and digitized by the International Music Score Library Project. Some listings include other digitized public domain scores, digitized and audio files (MIDI or recorded performances). Note: this page is updated manually; if a score is not listed, try browsing or searching for it in the left sidebar.
Berlioz, Hector: Berlioz Music Scores
Orchestral and instrumental works by Hector Berlioz, made available online by the Hector Berlioz Website. Works were transcribed with Sibelius, and visitors to the site may listen to MIDI playbacks of the works while viewing the scores. Download of the free Sibelius Scorch plugin is required.
Bibliography of the History of Art
BHA is a bilingual bibliographical index covering European and American art from late antiquity to the present. BHA includes and extends the coverage of its two predecessor art indexes: Repertoire D'art et D'Archeologie (RAA) from 1973 to 1989 and International Repertory of the Literature of Art (RILA) from 1975 to 1989.
Biblioteca de Catalunya
The digitized collections at the Biblioteca de Catalunya currently include more that 50,000 printed and manuscript music works, as well as personal papers of noted composers, scholars, and performers such as Isaac Albeniz and Enric Granados.
Biblioteca Digital del Patrimonio Iberoamericano
From the Biblioteca Digital del Patrimonio Iberoamericano, this collection of over 20,000 historical recordings highlights the rich musical heritage of Latin America.
Biblioteca Digital Nacional de Cuba
Note: Debido a problemas tecnicos, el acceso a la misma lento y a veces erratico. Si no puede comunicarse enseguida, trate mas tarde. Due to technical issues, access may occasionally be slow, or cause erratic browser messages. If communication is not readily available, please try later.
La Biblioteca Digital Nacional de Cuba, producida por la Biblioteca Nacional Jose Marti esta tratando de preservar por este medio los valiosos fondos que existen en ella. The Digital National Library of Cuba produced by the Jose Marti National Library is trying to preserve its valuable materials.
Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa Historica, Spain
The Virtual Library of Historical Newspapers is one of the main digitization projects being carried out in Spain. The database includes almost 2000 headlines from 45 libraries, with 3,906,000 pages from 140 places where newspapers were printed.
Biography and Genealogy Master Index
The Biography and Genealogy Master Index consists of biographical materials on people from all time periods, geographic locations, and fields of endeavor. The entries contained within provide bibliographic references to books containing material on a person, including an indication of which books include a portrait.
Biography In Context
Gale In Context: Biography is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on the world's most influential people. Biography merges Gale's authoritative reference content with periodicals and multimedia organized into a user-friendly portal experience while allowing users to search for people based on name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, birth/death dates and places, or gender as well as keyword and full text.
Biological Science (ProQuest)
This service indexes theoretical and applied research in biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology, ecology, and related resources in the biological sciences. MEDLINE and TOXLINE are included in the search.
Biology Journals (ProQuest)
ProQuest Biology Journals provides access to a wide range of biology topics. The database includes just under 400 titles, with more than 325 available in full text.
BioMed Central
Independent open access publisher committed to providing free full-text access to peer-reviewed biomedical research.
Provides access to full-text of research journals in the biosciences published by scientific societies such as the Wilson Ornithological Society, Society of Wetland Scientists, and Entomological Society of America.
Black Drama: Third Edition
Black Drama, now in its expanded third edition, contains the full text of more than 1,700 plays written from the mid-1800s to the present by more than 200 playwrights from North America, English-speaking Africa, the Caribbean, and other African diaspora countries. Many of the works are rare, hard to find, or out of print. More than 40 percent of the collection consists of previously unpublished plays by writers such as Langston Hughes, Ed Bullins, Willis Richardson, Amiri Baraka, Randolph Edmonds, Zora Neale Hurston, and many others.
Black Economic Empowerment: The National Negro Business League
This collection comprises the National Negro Business League files in Part III of the Booker T. Washington Papers in the possession of the Library of Congress.
Black Studies Center
Black Studies Center is a fully cross-searchable gateway to Black Studies including scholarly essays, recent periodicals, historical newspaper articles, and much more. It combines several resources for research and teaching in Black Studies: Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience, International Index to Black Periodicals (IIBP), The Chicago Defender, and the Black Literature Index.
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology is the reference for students, researchers, librarians, and academics in the field. It contains over 1800 entries covering the history and concepts of the discipline.
Bloomsbury Cultural History
Bloomsbury Cultural History is an extraordinary, fully cross-searchable digital resource that engages with culture throughout the ages from antiquity to modernity. Thanks to its interdisciplinary nature and ever-expanding collections, this unique digital reference tool promises to be an essential resource on many courses from cultural studies and sociology to history and anthropology.
Bloomsbury Religion in North America
Covering North America’s diverse religious traditions, this resource provides reliable and peer-reviewed information for students and instructors of religious studies, anthropology of religion, sociology of religion, and history.
BMJ Journals
Journal content from BMJ
Bodleian Library Broadside Ballads
The Broadside Ballads project is a digitized collection of the University of Oxford Bodleian Library's 30,000 broadside ballads, popular songs sold in the streets of Britain from the 16th to the early 20th centuries. Where music notation is available, MIDI sound files have been added to play the notation.
Bononcini, Giovanni: provides online access to a catalog of the complete works of Giovanni Bononcini. Also available are a bibliography and discography of some of his and a selection of works available for free download.
Book Review Index Plus
Gale Literature: Book Review Index includes more than 5.6 million book reviews, allowing users to conduct research in numerous disciplines, including literature, history, education, psychology, and more. This unique product provides quick access to reviews of books, periodicals, books on tape and electronic media representing a wide range of popular, academic and professional interests.
Books & Authors
Books & Authors is an online resource designed to help library patrons discover todays popular fiction and non-fiction titles as well as the classics of yesterday. It also helps them answer the age-old question of What do I read next? Library patrons will find biographies from Gales award-winning Contemporary Authors series, over 300,000 print, audio book, ebook and Braille-format book reviews from 30 of todays most respected review sources, and exclusive content created by over two dozen genre experts and the long-standing editorial teams at Gale.
Border and Migration Studies Online
Border and Migration Studies Online is a collection that explores and provides historical background to more than thirty key worldwide border areas, including: U.S. and Mexico; the European Union; Afghanistan; Israel; Turkey; The Congo; Argentina; China; Thailand; and others. The fundamental themes associated with border and migration issues are covered such as the migrant crisis, refugee camps, human trafficking, women and children migrants and much more.
Brepolis Medieval Bibliographies
Note: Includes International Medieval Bibliography, Bibliographie de Civilisation Médiévale and International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance.
Includes International Medieval Bibliography, Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale and International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance.
Brill Dictionary of Religion
Online version of the 2006 print edition.
Brill Online Reference Works
A collection of reference texts focusing on the Humanities and Social Sciences, International Law and selected areas in the Sciences.
Brill's New Jacoby
Brill's New Jacoby provides a revised edition of the Greek texts of Felix Jacoby's Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker where relevant. It includes several new authors and many fragments of existing authors that were either unknown to Jacoby or excluded by him. It also gives commentaries in those cases where Jacoby failed to do so. Brill's New Jacoby presents facing English translations of the Greek fragments, a new, critical commentary, and a brief encyclopedia-style entry about each historian's life and works, with a select bibliography.
Brill's New Pauly
Brill's New Pauly is the English edition of the authoritative Der Neue Pauly published by Verlag J.B. Metzler since 1996. It is a modern reference work for the ancient world, presenting the current state of traditional and new areas of research and bringing together specialist knowledge from leading scholars from all over the world. Many entries from this resource are elucidated with maps and illustrations and the English edition will include updated bibliographic references. There are two major sections included in this resource, the Antiquity and the Classical Tradition. The Antiquity section is devoted to Greco-Roman antiquity and cover more than two thousand years of history, ranging from the second millennium BC to early medieval Europe. The Classical Tradition section is uniquely concerned with the long and influential aftermath of antiquity and the process of continuous reinterpretation and revaluation of the ancient heritage, including the history of classical scholarship.
Britannica Online
Britannica Online includes the online version of the Encyclopedia Britannica, the 10th ed. of the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Britannica's Internet Guide, and The World Guide with maps, country information, and news
British Library for Development Studies Database (BLDS)
The BLDS online catalog contains information on monographs and books acquired since 1987; journal articles have been selectively indexed since 1990.
British Library Newspapers 1732 -1950
Consists of two major collections from the British Library which span three hundred years of newspaper publishing in the U.K. 17th and 18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers and 19th Century Newspapers.
British Literary Manuscripts Online
Facsimile images of literary manuscripts, including letters and diaries, drafts of poems, plays, novels, and other literary works, and similar materials. Searching is based on tags and descriptive text associated with each manuscript. Images of the complete manuscript can be viewed, manipulated and navigated on screen. Please note that the text of the manuscripts themselves is not searchable. Includes: "British Literary Manuscripts Online, Medieval and Renaissance" & "British Literary Manuscripts Online, c. 1660-1900"
Note: To access BrowZine from your smartphone or tablet, download the BrowZine app from the appropriate app store.
Delivers subscribed academic journals to your desktop or laptop, smartphone or tablet.
Building Green
Independent publishing company focsuing on green design information from many sources. Includes product news and reviews, articles on green business practices, government information and more.
Business Abstracts with Full Text (H.W. Wilson)
Business Abstracts with Full Text (H.W. Wilson) indexes articles of at least one column in length more than 400 English-language periodicals published in the United States and elsewhere. Full text coverage begins in January 1995. Searches can be limited to specific articles types (e.g. product, case, feature article, corporate profile, full-text, peer-reviewed).
Business Collection
Gale OneFile: Business contains full-text coverage of all business disciplines, including accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management and strategy, and business theory and practice. Users will understand the activities of companies and industries worldwide through leading business and trade publications, which are updated daily. Complementing these titles is a selection of international, U.S., and regional news publications.
Business Insights: Global
A resource for research and analysis of companies and industries around the world, featuring extensive reference content from Gale's core business collection, easy-to-use company fundamentals and investment research reports, industry rankings, profiles, market share data, and company histories.
Business Market Research Collection (ProQuest)
Company, industry, economic and geopolitical market research from sources including Hoover's Company Profiles, OxResearch from Oxford Analystica, and Snapshots.
Business Monitor International (BMI) Industry Reports
Business Monitor International (BMI) Industry Reports covers political risk, finance, macroeconomic performance, outlook and forecast, industry sectors and the business operating environment. It features data covering production, sales, imports and exports; 5-year industry forecasts through end-2012; company rankings and competitive landscapes for multinational and local manufacturers and suppliers; and analysis of latest industry developments, trends and regulatory changes.
Business Source Premier
Business Source Premier indexes and abstracts 3,300 business journals and provides full-text access to over 2,800 of them.
Business Source Ultimate
Business Source Ultimate offers access to 3,655 active full-text journals, including many peer-reviewed publications. It spans various business topics, from current trends to historical information and global perspectives. It provides researchers with essential business journals such as Harvard Business Review, Fortune, and MIS Quarterly, plus business videos from top providers. With a total journal retail value of $1,166,967.75, it is the largest database within the Business Source family.
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