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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Earthquake engineering e-library access to searchable databases, archives, images and reports resources.
National Academy Press Digital Library
The National Academy Press is a searchable multidisciplinary digital library of full-text book length research studies and policy reports by leading experts in their fields. Hundreds of titles are available in PDF or HTML format. Readers are able to search the full-text of one or all publications; search all titles; browse by subject category.
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Data Explorer
Results of decades of assessment of students' academic performance, as well as information about factors that may be related to their learning. Main NAEP provides national and state results in 8 subject areas, including mathematics, reading, writing, and science. Results have been produced for the nation and participating states and other jurisdictions since 1990, and for selected urban districts (on a trial basis) since 2002. High School Transcript Study provides national NAEP grade 12 assessment results from the 2005 mathematics and science assessments for students who graduated high school in 2005. Results are available for transcript data such as course-taking and grade point average.
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
The NCES, U.S. Department of Education, is the primary federal government source of statistics and data studies describing the condition of American education, and education activities internationally.
National Center for Health Statistics
The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is a part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NCHS is the Federal Government's principal vital and health statistics agency. The service provides information based on collection systems such as vital statistics, health care, hospital, and health insurance data.
National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)
The NCJRS, a federally sponsored information clearinghouse, provides access to the world's largest law enforcement and criminal justice database.
National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering (NISEE)
This web portal provides access to NISEE online textual and image resources.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Research literature covering all aspects of the alcohol abuse and alcoholism.
National Library of Australia: Digitized Printed Music
The National Library of Australia has digitized over 12,200 Australian printed music items from the 19th and early 20th centuries. The collection includes original scores of "Waltzing Matilda" and the offical Australian national anthem "Advance Australia Fair."
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Database
Provides high-quality renewable energy resource data for U.S. and international locations.
National Science Foundation Awards Database
Searchable multidisciplinary database of NSF awards made from 1989 to present. Contains descriptions of both completed and in-process research. Information includes an abstract that describes the research, the names of principal investigators, their institutions, the amount of award, the start and expiration date, and the type of award.
National Theatre Collection 1 and 2
Now complete and consisting of 30 videos, National Theatre Collection 1 pulls from 10 years of NT Live broadcasts as well as high-quality recordings never previously seen outside of the NT's Archive to make this rich body of work available to the widest possible audience. National Theatre Collection 2 has added a further 20 videos.
Natural Medicines
Natural Medicines provides unbiased, evidence-based information and ratings on over 90,000 dietary supplements, natural medicines, and integrative therapies. Formally known as Natural Standard.
Natural Standard
Natural Medicines provides unbiased, evidence-based information and ratings on over 90,000 dietary supplements, natural medicines, and integrative therapies. Formally known as Natural Standard.
Naxos Music Library
Note: To use the mobile app, please click on Connect with your institution and input the authentication code UMLNMLpd13LHE at the following screen to register a new account using your UM email address. You will receive a verification email; please click the link contained within to activate your account. The email and password you used to create an account will then be used to log into the app. If you are a UM professor and wish to create class playlists, please contact Sara Manus,, for the username and password to enable instructor access.
The Naxos Music Library has nearly three million tracks of classical music from hundreds of record labels, including Bridge Records, Cedille, Chandos, Deutsche Grammophon, Naxos, Sony Classical, Vox, and Warner Classical.
Naxos Music Library Jazz
Note: If you are a UM professor and wish to create class playlists, please contact Sara Manus,, for the username and password to enable instructor access.
The Naxos Music Library Jazz offers a mix of hundreds of jazz and blues labels from around the world, including ACT, Blue Engine Records, Cool & Blue, Manhaton Records, Strut, TCB (the Montreux Jazz Label), and Warner Jazz. NML Jazz currently hosts nearly 300,000 individual tracks (approximately 32,000 albums).
Nazareth, Ernesto: The Nazareth Project
The Nazareth Project presents an official catalog of the works of Ernesto Nazareth. It includes digital transcriptions of the scores and audio files.
NCSTRL (Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library)
International collection of computer science technical reports from CS departments and industrial and government research laboratories.
Broad spectrum of industry, company and investment analysis. Industry data sets (see Markets tab in menu) include key ratios, benchmarks, constituents, financial metrics, etc. by sub-industry or geography. Company data covers a global universe of over 3 million private companies and 97% of worldwide publicly traded market capitalization. Historical stock price charting and screening tools also provided.
Network of Latin American, Caribbean, and Portuguese Journals
A database put together by faculty members at the National Autonomous University of Mexico of full text articles from 123 Latin American and Caribbean journals in the social sciences and humanities.
Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
Contains full-text theses and dissertations from colleges and universities around the world. The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination and preservation of electronic analogues to the traditional paper-based theses and dissertations.
Neurosciences Abstracts
Covers all aspects of vertebrate and invertebrate neuroscience, emphasizing basic research studies.
New Play Exchange
The New Play Exchange is the world’s largest digital library of scripts by living writers. Designed and built with the needs of the entire new play sector in mind, serving writers, producers, directors, artistic directors, literary managers, dramaturgs, publishers, agents, actors, professors, students, and even fans of the theater.
New York Amsterdam News (1922-1993) (ProQuest)
ProQuest Historical Newspapers New York Amsterdam News: 1922-1993 offers full page and article images with searchable full text. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.
New York Public Library Digital Gallery: Music Division
The New York Public Library's Digital Gallery provides free access to over 700,000. The Digital Gallery includes nearly 12,000 of scores and manuscripts from the Music Division of the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts.
New York Times Digital Edition
Note: New users must create an individual account using their University of Miami email address. Existing users must re-register annually to maintain access. Account holders may then log in on any device at
Digital edition of The New York Times.
New York Times via ProQuest (1851-2014)
Cover-to-cover, digitally scanned full page access to backfiles of the New York Times Newspaper 1851 - 2014.
New York Times via ProQuest (1980-Current)
Provides national and international news, opinion and commentary.
New York Tribune (1841-1922) (ProQuest)
ProQuest Historical Newspapers - The New York Tribune is a full image archive. The database delivers every page of every available issue from cover to cover, with full page and article images in downloadable PDF from 1841 to 1922.
NewsBank Full Text Newspapers
Provides full-text information and perspectives from over 1400 U.S. and over 1200 international sources. Each source has its own distinctive focus offering diverse viewpoints on local, regional and world issues.
Gale NewsVault delivers the definitive cross-searching experience for exploring Gales range of historical newspaper and periodical collections. The following collections are currently available within Gale NewsVault: 19th Century UK Periodicals Parts I & II; 19th Century US Newspapers; British Newspapers, 1600-1950; Daily Mail Historical Archive; Financial Times Historical Archive; Liberty Magazine Historical Archive; Punch Historical Archive, 1841-1992; The Economist Historical Archive; The Illustrated London News Historical Archive; The Independent Digital Archive, 1986-2012; The Listener Historical Archive; The Picture Post Historical Archive; The Telegraph Historical Archive, 1855-2000; Sunday Times Digital Archive; Times Digital Archive; TLS Historical Archive.
Nexis Uni
Nexis Uni™ features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis®—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790—with an intuitive interface that offers quick discovery across all content types, personalization features such as Alerts and saved searches and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents.
Nicaragua: Political Instability and U.S. Intervention, 1910-1933
The United States kept a contingent force in Nicaragua almost continually from 1912 until 1933. Although reduced to 100 in 1913, the contingent served as a reminder of the willingness of the United States to use force and its desire to keep conservative governments in power. This collection provides documentation on the almost continual political instability in Nicaragua.
NIH RePORTER contains substantive descriptions of biomedical research funded by the Food & Drug Administration & the National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services. Most of the research falls within the broad category of extramural projects, grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements conducted primarily by universities, hospitals, and other research institutions. Information includes an abstract of project, principal investigators, award type & activity, sponsor, & grant amount.
Nikkei Asia
Nikkei Asia provides news coverage and insights on Asia's most influential companies as well as thorough coverage of the region's politics, economy, markets, and trends.
Nineteenth Century American Sheet Music
The 19th-Century American Sheet Music Collection contains descriptions and of approximately 3,500 popular and instrumental works from the latter 70 years of the 19th century. Created by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's music library.
Nineteenth Century British Library Newspapers
Nineteenth Century British Library Newspapers offers full runs of national, regional and local 19th century British newspapers, taken directly from the holdings of the British Library. The content includes 48 titles, totaling approximately 2.2 million pages, selected to reflect the social and political developments of the times in which they were published.
Nineteenth Century California Sheet Music
19th-Century California Sheet Music is a virtual library of approximately 2,700 pieces of sheet music published in California in the latter half of the 19th century, along with related materials. Created by the University of California, Berkeley.
Nineteenth Century Collections Online
A multi-year global digitization and publishing program focusing on primary source collections of the long nineteenth century, with content being sourced through partnerships with major world libraries as well as specialist libraries, including monographs, newspapers, pamphlets, manuscripts, ephemera, maps, statistics, and more.
Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers
Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers provides access to primary source newspaper content from the 19th century, including full-text content and images from numerous newspapers from a range of urban and rural regions throughout the U.S. The collection encompasses the entire 19th century, with an emphasis on such topics as the American Civil War, African-American culture and history, Western migration and Antebellum-era life, among other subjects.
Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals
19th Century UK Periodicals is a database using content from the British Library, the National Library of Scotland, the National Library of Australia, and many other sources, to make available digitized versions of key 19th Century UK Periodicals.
Nixon Years, 1969-1974
This collection provides complete FCO 7 and FCO 82 files for the entire period of Richard Nixon’s presidency. In addition, there is strong coverage of US policy decisions by the FCO and the British embassy in Washington; White House staff appointments and UN discussions; views on Europe; the deployment of F-111 aircraft on US airbases in the UK and Nixon’s battles over funding from Congress; visits to the US by Harold Wilson and Edward Heath; and the internal situation in the US and domestic reform. There are also detailed assessments of all the changes brought about by the presidential election of 1972, in which Nixon beat George McGovern by a record-breaking margin and in every state but one, only to resign two years later in the face of almost certain impeachment.
North American Indian Thought and Culture
North American Indian Thought and Culture brings together more than 100,000 pages, integrating autobiographies, biographies, Indian publications, oral histories, personal writings, photographs, drawings, and audio files. This database is a comprehensive representation of historical events as told by the individuals who lived through them and is an essential resource for all those interested in serious scholarly research into the history of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Canadian First Peoples.
Novitates Caribaea
Novitates Caribaea is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, managed by the National Museum of Natural History, by Prof. Eugenio de Jesús Marcano. Its objective is to publish original articles in zoology, paleobiology and geology, covering areas such as: systematics, taxonomy, biogeography, evolution, genetics, molecular biology, embryology, behavior, ecology, among others.
Now What a Time: Blues, Gospel, and the Fort Valley Music Festivals, 1938-1943
Now What a Time, by the Library of Congress, is a collection consisting of sound recordings of primarly blues and gospel songs made from 1938-1943 in Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama.
Nucleic Acids Abstracts
Covers cloning and sequencing strategies as well as gene regulatory sequences and proteins, RNA processing and transport, RNA editing, DNA biosynthesis, transcription factors and oncoproteins.
Nuevo Herald (1976 - Current)
Spanish language newspaper published daily by the Miami Herald, Miami, Florida. Includes a Cuban section, news of interest to many Latin groups in the Miami area, as well as international, national, and regional news, cultural information, and services.
Nursing and Allied Health Collection
Gale OneFile: Nursing and Allied Health includes full-text titles cited in CINAHL to support specialized care, treatment, and patient management. Nursing and Allied Health helps nursing professionals working in the field as well as students studying a nursing-focused curriculum.
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