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Index to National Agricultural Library's international journals, theses, patents, computer software, and technical reports in agriculture and related fields. This database includes but is not limited to resources available in the NAL, and contains 5,200,000+ records including printed works dating back to the 15th century.
AGRICOLA (National Agricultural Library)
Index to National Agricultural Library's international journals, theses, patents, computer software, and technical reports in agriculture and related fields. This database includes but is not limited to resources available in the NAL, and contains 5,200,000+ records including printed works dating back to the 15th century.
Agricultural & Environmental Science (ProQuest)
A multidisciplinary database that indexes and abstracts the world's research literature in the fields of agricultural and environmental sciences, providing comprehensive coverage from 1967 to the present. Includes the renowned AGRICOLA, Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management (ESPM) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) and provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.
Animal Behavior Abstracts
Indexes and abstracts significant papers relevant to animal behavior ranging from neurophysiology to behavioral ecology, genetics, applied ethology, etc.
Annual Reviews
The Annual Reviews service provides searchable, full text access to review articles covering biomedical/life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, and economics.
ASFA: Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts (ProQuest)
ASFA is the most comprehensive database covering research and technical literature in aquatic sciences. Subfiles include Environmental RouteNet and Water Resource RouteNet.
Bacteriology Abstracts
Abstracts of medically-oriented clinical and research literature in bacteriology. This index is a subfile of the Environmental Science Index.
Biological Science (ProQuest)
This service indexes theoretical and applied research in biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology, ecology, and related resources in the biological sciences. MEDLINE and TOXLINE are included in the search.
BioMed Central
Independent open access publisher committed to providing free full-text access to peer-reviewed biomedical research.
Provides access to full-text of research journals in the biosciences published by scientific societies such as the Wilson Ornithological Society, Society of Wetland Scientists, and Entomological Society of America.
Calcium and Calcified Tissue Abstracts
Indexes current research in bone metabolism, tooth development, nerve transmission, muscle contraction, hormone secretion, and other topics related to the role of calicium in biology and medicine.
Chemoreception Abstracts
Indexes literature on the sensory and biological aspects of taste, smell, pheromones, perfumes, fragrances, soaps, cosmetics, essential oils, foods, flavorings, aromas, spices, etc.
Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science
Indexes current and retrospective bibliographic data on science conferences. Contains links to Web of Science source records so items may be included in word and citation searches. Data indexed: conference titles, sponsors, locations, dates  article titles, authors, author addresses  publisher names and addresses  series titles, book titles, ISSN and ISBN numbers.
Coronavirus Research Database
A free health and medical research database for openly available content related to the COVID-19 outbreak.
COS Conference Papers Index
Conference Papers Index indexes papers and poster sessions presented at major scientific meetings worldwide. Records include complete ordering information to obtain preprints, abstracts, proceedings and other publications derived from the conference, together with title and author information needed to track the specific papers. Information is derived from final programs, abstracts booklets and published proceedings, as well as from questionnaire responses.
Dissertations & Theses @ University of Miami
This database gives access to the dissertations and theses produced by students at the University of Miami.
Ecology Abstracts
Ecologists will find in this database the essence of current ecology research across a wide range of disciplines, reflecting recent advances in light of growing evidence regarding global environmental change and destruction. Ecology Abstracts focuses on how organisms of all kinds - microbes, plants, and animals - interact with their environments and with other organisms. Included are relevant papers on evolutionary biology, economics, and systems analysis as they relate to ecosystems or the environment. With coverage ranging from habitats to food chains, from erosion to land reclamation, the database provides an important cross-section of current findings in target research areas. Detailed information on resource and ecosystems management and modeling contributes to the database's practical value, as does material on the impact of climate, water resources, soil, and man or growing environmental problems such as depletion, erosion, and pollution all topics which are covered in depth.
EcoSal Plus
Web resource based on the classic publication Escherichia coli and Salmonella: Cellular and Molecular Biology. Primarily for the E. coli/Salmonella research community and all cellular and microbial biologists.
Electronic version of the 20-volume print resource. eLS (formerly known as the Encyclopedia of Life Sciences) is a monthly-updating reference work containing over 5,000 specially commissioned, peer-reviewed and citable articles written by leaders in the field. It offers comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the life sciences for students, lecturers and researchers alike. eLS articles are accompanied by colour illustrations and tables. Appendix and glossary material provide essential information for the non-specialist, including biochemical and taxonomic information, acronyms, synonyms, units and other technical data. As all articles have been peer-reviewed, a balanced representation of the literature is ensured.
Embase is a comprehensive biomedical literature database that provides over 30 million abstracts and indices from published, peer-reviewed literature, in-press publications and conferences covering the most important international biomedical literature from 1947 to the present day. It includes full-text indexing of drug, disease and medical device data, supported by the Embase thesaurus Emtree, which facilitates precise searching so users may find the answers they need to their research questions.
Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry
Online version of Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry, Volumes 1-4. Written for a broad, cross-disciplinary audience, the Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry addresses the fundamental discipline of biological chemistry underlying virtually all of the life sciences. This compilation of more than 500 different entries encompasses all aspects of biochemistry, as well as the extensions of this subject into the related fields of molecular biology, cell biology, genetics and biophysics. Articles are generously illustrated, including more than 800 images in four-color. Each entry contains a clear, concise review of the topic along with illustrations, a glossary of technical terms and a section for additional reading. Each entry further contains general background and term definitions as well as a comprehensive review of the current research in the field.
Encyclopedia of Science, Technology and Ethics
Online version of the four volume print edition. This Encyclopedia considers both the professional ethics of science and technology, and the ethical and political issues raised by science and technology in an increasingly complex and global society. This resource includes general reference information but also uses a historically and culturally inclusive approach to ethics, with entries on specific religions, linguistic and cultural perspectives, and philosophical positions.
Entomology Abstracts
Index of journal articles covering research on insects, arachnids, myriapods, onychophorans, and terrestrial isopods.
Environment Abstracts
Environment Abstracts (formerly Environment Abstracts published by LexisNexis) encompasses all aspects of the impact of people and technology on the environment and the effectiveness of remedial policies and technologies. As of 1994, the database also provides expanded coverage of energy-related issues. Environment Abstracts provides access to more than 950 journals published in the U.S. and abroad. The database also covers conference papers and proceedings, special reports from international agencies, non-governmental organizations, universities, associations and private corporations. Other materials selectively indexed include significant monographs, government studies and newsletters.
Essential Science Indicators
Essential Science Indicators reveals emerging science trends as well as influential individuals, institutions, papers, journals, and countries in your field of research. This unique and comprehensive compilation of science performance statistics and science trends data is based on journal article publication counts and citation data from Web of Science. Features benefits include the ability to conduct on-going, quantitative analyses of research performance and trends in science; analyze research performance of individuals, companies, institutions, nations, and journals. Identify significant trends in the sciences and social sciences; rank top countries, journals, scientists, papers, and institutions by field of research; determine research output and impact in specific fields of research.
Films On Demand: Master Academic Package
Films On Demand is a digital video streaming service that provides educational content from a wide range of subject areas with an especially good selection of foreign films. This collection contains more than 38,000 titles in dozens of subject areas, and the platform allows users to to organize and bookmark clips, create and share playlists, personalize folders, and manage their entire collection.
Gale In Context: Science
Gale In Context: Science is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of today's most significant science topics. The solution merges Gale's authoritative and continuously updated reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, experiments, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.
Gale OneFile: Science
Gale OneFile: Science provides information on the latest scientific developments in particle physics, advanced mathematics, and nanotechnology. Updated daily, Science has articles to satisfy almost every scientific inquiry and keep researchers current. Key subjects include the biological sciences, computing, engineering, and technology.
General Science Full Text (H.W. Wilson)
This science database indexes and abstracts articles in 167 popular and professional English-language science periodicals as well as the Science section of the New York Times. Selective full text coverage begins in January 1995. Abstracting coverage begins with periodicals published in March 1993. Abstracts range from 50 to 300 words and describe the content and scope of the source articles.
Genetics Abstracts
Genetics Abstracts indexes journal articles covering the widest possible perspective of genetics as a whole, from microbes to plants to humans. The  field of molecular genetics is emphasized, with important information on all aspects of DNA, differentiation and development, RNA, protein synthesis, ribosomes, nuclear proteins and chromatin, enzymes, and gene regulation. This index is a subfile of the Biological & Medical Sciences Database.
Note: Login at Hathi Trust site to download and build collections. From login tab, select University of Miami as the HathiTrust Partner Insititution and login with CaneID username/password.
UM users have full-text access to over 6.4 million public domain works within the HathiTrust.
Health and Safety Science Abstracts
Index to recent journal articles, government publications and other resources relating to public health, safety, and industrial hygiene.
Human Geonome Abstracts
Human Genome Abstracts offers a comprehensive source for developments and promising applications emerging from international genome research, including the massive Human Genome Project. Coverage from 1990-1995.
Immunology Abstracts
Index and abstract service covers all aspects of immune systems in humans and animals. This index is a subfile of the Biological & Medical Sciences Database.
Industrial and Applied Microbiology Abstracts
Significant findings and practical applications in agricultural, food and beverage, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries are assembled in this abstracting journal.
JAMA Network
Provides access to the full-text of journals published by the American Medical Association.
Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE)
Note: For access, register using your University of Miami email address.
Peer reviewed scientific video journal with subscribed content in the following areas: Biology, Cancer Research, Immunology & Infection, Medicine, and Neuroscience.
JSTOR Global Plants
Global Plants is a community-contributed database where worldwide herbaria can share their plant type specimens, experts can determine and update naming structures, students can discover and learn about plants in context, and a record of plant life can be preserved for future generations.
Latin American Social Medicine Database: A Resource For Epidemiology
This public health informatics case study describes the key features of a unique information resource intended to improve access to LASM literature and to augment understanding about the social determinants of health. This case study includes both quantitative and qualitative evaluation data. The LASM database uses Spanish, Portuguese, and English language trilingual, structured abstracts to summarize classic and contemporary works.
Comprehensive index to the international literature of biomedicine including clinical practice, psychosocial issues, health care administration, medical research, nursing, and more.
National Science Foundation Awards Database
Searchable multidisciplinary database of NSF awards made from 1989 to present. Contains descriptions of both completed and in-process research. Information includes an abstract that describes the research, the names of principal investigators, their institutions, the amount of award, the start and expiration date, and the type of award.
Neurosciences Abstracts
Covers all aspects of vertebrate and invertebrate neuroscience, emphasizing basic research studies.
Novitates Caribaea
Novitates Caribaea is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, managed by the National Museum of Natural History, by Prof. Eugenio de Jesús Marcano. Its objective is to publish original articles in zoology, paleobiology and geology, covering areas such as: systematics, taxonomy, biogeography, evolution, genetics, molecular biology, embryology, behavior, ecology, among others.
Nucleic Acids Abstracts
Covers cloning and sequencing strategies as well as gene regulatory sequences and proteins, RNA processing and transport, RNA editing, DNA biosynthesis, transcription factors and oncoproteins.
Oncogenes and Growth Factors Abstracts
Abstracting journal of both experimental and clinical literature focusing on mechanisms of oncogenes and cancerous cell growth factors. This index is a subfile of the Biological & Medical Sciences Database
OVID Gateway
Provides access to a variety of databases indexing the literature of art, biomedicine, music and philosophy. Services currently include Biological Abstracts, CINAHL, Journal@OVID fulltext, Medline and CANCERLIT.
Plant Science
Plant Science provides citations and abstracts of scientific literature on plant science, focusing on all plant scientific aspects, especially pathology, symbiosis, biochemistry, genetics, biotechnology, techniques and environmental biology.
ProQuest Biology Journals
ProQuest Biology Journals provides access to a wide range of biology topics. The database includes just under 400 titles, with more than 325 available in full text.
PubMed - US National Library of Medicine, NIH
Note: This database is open-access.
Provides access to citations for biomedical articles from Medline and life science journals. Citations may include links to full-text articles.
SAGE Publications
Provides online access to the full text of individual SAGE journals. SAGE Publications publishes over 460 journals in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology and Medicine.
SciELO is a free database containing the full text of selected scientific and social sciences journal articles from Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Spain and Venezuela. Articles are available in one of three languages: English, Portuguese, or Spanish. Although it has a few journals in the social sciences, it is primarily a source for the biological, environmental, & physical sciences.
Science Citation Index Expanded
Science Citation Index Expanded is accessed through the Web of Knowledge Citation Databases services.
Science Direct is a full text database offering journals and books from the leading scholarly publisher Elsevier. It has particular strengths in medicine and mathmatics, but its nine million articles cover a wide range of scientific topics. The collection stretches back to 1823 and includes prominent publications including The Lancet, Cell and Tetrahedron. ScienceDirect hosts over 2,500 journals, more than 33,000 books & over 13 million peer-reviewed publications (including Open Access journals) in science, technical information, and health. Note Nursing journals in Column 3 Health Sciences.
Formerly called OJPS (Online Journal Publishing Service), the Scitation database provides the full-text of selected research journals in physics, engineering and mathematics. You may search the full-text the current issues, or all issues of an individual journal.
Covering the life, physical, health, and social sciences, Scopus is a large abstract and citation database of research literature and web sources. Scopus covers: Over 15,000 peer-reviewed titles from more than 4,000 international publishers, including coverage of: 500 Open Access journals, 700 Conference Proceedings, 600 Trade Publications, 125 Book Series. More than 60% of titles are from countries other than the US Abstracts go back to 1966. References go back to 1996. 80% of content is indexed with controlled vocabularies. 100% coverage of Medline, including unique Medline journals. 28 million abstract records. 245 million references added to all abstracts. Scopus also covers 250 million quality web sources, including 13 million patents. Web sources are searched via Scirus, and include author homepages, university sites and resources such as the preprint servers CogPrints and, and OAI compliant resources.
UlrichsWeb Global Serials Directory
Ulrich's provides authoritative information on more than 125,000 academic journals, consumer magazines, conference proceedings, newspapers and other serials worldwide. Quick search feature provides access to periodical description by ISSN number, subject, keyword, exact and partial title words. The Advanced Search allows results to be sorted and expands search options to publisher, publisher city, language, LC classification number, status (e.g. active, forthcoming), special features (e.g. book reviews), and other indexes. Search may be limited by price, publisher name, refereed, serial type and more. Ulrich's Update compiles data on new launches, title changes, title mergers, and cessations, on a monthly basis.
Virology and AIDS Abstracts
Indexes and abstracts international literature of virology in humans, animals, and plants with topics ranging from replication cycles to oncology.
Water Resources Abstracts
Water Resources Abstracts provides summaries of the world's technical and scientific literature on water-related topics covering the characteristics, conservation, control, pollution, treatment, use and management of water resources. This database, which concentrates on water supply and water treatment, complements Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts database, ASFA, where there is greater coverage of the marine environment and biological material
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