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Wall Street Journal Online
Published since 1889, the Wall Street Journal covers U.S. and world news, as well as politics, arts, culture, and more. The online version includes streaming news, interactive options, video features, blogs, and more traditional content.
Wall Street Journal via ProQuest, Eastern edition (1984-Current)
American economic and business topics, and financial news and issues.
War and Terrorism Collection
Gale OneFile: War and Terrorism contains millions of articles to help researchers gain valuable insight into conflicts and their causes, impact, and perception on a global scale. This definitive collection is intended for analysts, risk management professionals, and students of military science, history, and social science.
War Department and Indian Affairs, 1800-1824
Consists of the letters received by and letters sent to the War Department, including correspondence from Indian superintendents and agents, factors of trading posts, Territorial and State governors, military commanders, Indians, missionaries, treaty and other commissioners, Treasury Department officials, and persons having commercial dealings with the War Department, and other public and private individuals. In addition, attachments include vouchers, receipts, requisitions, abstracts and financial statements, certificates of deposit, depositions, contracts, newspapers, copies of speeches to Indians, proceedings of conferences with Indians in Washington, licenses of traders, passports for travel in the Indian country, appointments, and instructions to commissioners, superintendents, agents, and other officials.
War of 1812: Diplomacy on the High Seas
During the War of 1812 Congress authorized the Secretary of State to issue commissions of letters of marque and reprisal to private armed vessels permitting them to "cruise against the enemies of the United States." This collection is comprised of the following files: letters received concerning letters of marque, 1812-1814; letters received regarding enemy aliens, 1812-1814; Marshal's returns of enemy aliens and prisoners of war, 1812-1815; requests for permission to sail from the United States, 1812-1814; passenger lists of vessels; correspondence regarding passports, 1812-1814; agreements for the exchange of prisoners of war, 1812-1813; miscellaneous letters received concerning the release of prisoners, 1812-1815; reports of William Lambert, secret agent, 1813 and miscellaneous intercepted correspondance, 1789-1814.
Water Resources Abstracts
Water Resources Abstracts provides summaries of the world's technical and scientific literature on water-related topics covering the characteristics, conservation, control, pollution, treatment, use and management of water resources. This database, which concentrates on water supply and water treatment, complements Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts database, ASFA, where there is greater coverage of the marine environment and biological material
We Were Prepared for the Possibility of Death: Freedom Riders in the South, 1961
Contains images of The Freedom Rides, and the violent reactions they provoked.
Web of Knowledge
Web of Knowledge is a gateway providing cross product searching & integrated access to these services: Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, Current Contents Connect, Web of Science Proceedings and Highly Cited.
Web of Science
Web of Science, published by Thomson Reuters, is a multi-disciplinary database that provides integrated access to over 8,000 key research journals indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Science Citation Index, and Arts and Humanities Citation Index. There are two main ways to search the database: --- select General Search to search for articles by subject term, author name, journal title, or author affiliation --- select Cited Reference Search to search for articles that cite an author or article that you specify. Web of Knowledge features citation searching, email alerts, links to the full text of many items.
WebCSD is the online portal to the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), the largest repository of small molecule crystal structures. As it is a web product, WebCSD can be accessed from anywhere at any time without installation. To download or update CSD software, visit For site number and confirmation code, contact
Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)
Note: For access, please log in using your personal user name and password. First-time users will need to register with their University of Miami email address and await approval before use.
Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) provides the leading business intelligence, data analytics, and research platform to global institutions, enabling historical analysis and insight into the latest innovations in academic research. WRDS hosts 350+TB of data, supporting over 75,000 commercial, academic, and government users at 500+ institutions in 37 countries.
Wiley Online Library
A multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. It delivers seamless integrated access to Wiley journals, books, and reference works.
Note: Chrome or Firefox are recommended browsers.
(Formerly RedBooks) Provides exclusive information on North American advertisers who each spend more than $200,000 annually on advertising. Each listing includes advertising expenditures by media, current agency, fiscal year-end and annual sales, contact information on key personnel, brand name info, S.I.C. & NAICS classifications, and other key data. This resource also includes detailed profiles of advertising agencies, including accounts represented by each agency, fields of specialization, breakdown of gross billings by media, contact information on agency personnel and much more.
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000
This resource is organized around the history of women in social movements in the U.S. between 1600 and 2000, and seeks to advance scholarly debates and understanding of U.S. history while making women's history accessible. Includes access to primary source documents, a digital archive, citations, biographical information, a chronology of U.S. women's history, teaching tools and more.
Women and Social Movements International, 1840-Present
This digital archive currently includes 150,000 pages of conference proceedings, reports of international women's organizations, publications and web pages of women's non-governmental organizations, and letters, diaries, and memoirs of women active internationally since the mid-nineteenth century.
Women in The National Archives
A finding aid for women's studies resources in the UK National Archives, this resource is presented alongside original primary source documents that cover the campaign for women's suffrage in Britain, 1903-1928 and the granting of women's suffrage in colonial territories, 1930-1962.
Women Writers Online
Women Writers Online is a full-text collection of early womens writing in English, published by the Women Writers Project at Northeastern University. It includes full transcriptions of texts published between 1526 and 1850, focusing on materials that are rare or inaccessible.
World Cinema Collection
With over 1000 films from around the world including the best of the silent era, groundbreaking international directors, masterpieces from the mid-20th century, and more contemporary works, this collection provides insight into the history of cinema as well as the cultures and issues of countries worldwide.
World Development Report
Complete World Development Report Online includes every page of every World Development Report published by the World Bank since the first report was released in 1978.
World Digital Library
The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary source materials from countries and cultures around the world.
World Fact Book
US government profiles of countries and territories around the world.
World History in Context
Gale In Context: World History is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in World History. World History merges Gale's authoritative reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.
World Newspaper Archive Latin America Series 1
The Latin American Newspapers Series 1 provides more than 35 fully searchable newspapers published in the 19th and 20th centuries from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, and elsewhere. Latin American Newspapers offers unprecedented coverage of the people, issues, and events that shaped this vital region between 1805 and 1922.
World Newspaper Archive Latin America Series 2
The newest module, Latin American Newspapers Series 2 deepens coverage of important countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, and Mexico; and extend the reach of World Newspaper Archive into countries not represented in Latin American Newspapers Series I such as Bolivia, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Belize.
World Radio History
World Radio History is a searchable digital repository of nearly six million pages of AM, FM, and TV broadcasting history from the early 1900s to the current day.
World Scholar: Latin America And The Caribbean
World Scholar: Latin America & the Caribbean breaks new ground in the publishing world by bringing together in a single place a rich collection of primary source documents about Latin America and the Caribbean; academic journals and news-feeds covering the region; reference articles and commentary; maps and statistics; audio and video; and much more. World Scholar covers topics such as politics, economics, religion, culture, international affairs, the environment, science, and technology. The topics are presented on a country and continent level, offering deep contextualization of the subjects under discussion.
World Shakespeare Bibliography Online
A searchable electronic database consisting of the most comprehensive record of Shakespeare-related scholarship and theatrical productions published or produced worldwide since 1960.
World's Fairs
Explore the phenomenon of world's fairs from the Crystal Palace in 1851 and the proliferation of North American exhibitions, to fairs around the world and twenty-first century expos. Through official records, monographs, publicity, artwork and artifacts, this resource brings together multiple archives for rich research opportunities in this diverse topic.
WorldCat Online Catalog
The worlds largest library catalog. WorldCat is the OCLC Online Union Catalog, containing more than 40 million bibliographic items representing the merged library records of Richter Library & hundreds of other member libraries worldwide.
- lets you search the collections of libraries in your community and around the world. You can search for popular books, music CDs and videos and other digital content, such as downloadable audiobooks.
Wright American Fiction 1851-1875
The Wright American Fiction online collection attempts to include every novel published in the United States from 1851 to 1875. It includes works by well known writers such as Louisa May Alcott, Mark Twain, Nathaniel Hawthorne & Herman Melville. The online collection actually consists of two rather different groups of texts. The larger is a group of electronic texts created by Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. These texts are available for searching and browsing, using the digital page images. The text files have not been proofread or corrected, and still contain errors.
Published since 1889, the Wall Street Journal covers U.S. and world news, as well as politics, arts, culture, and more. The online version includes streaming news, interactive options, video features, blogs, and more traditional content.
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