Accessibility Options:
ACC211 - Fundamentals of Accounting Principles
This guide recommends various library research databases that will provide the data needed to develop a comparative company analysis.
BUS622 - Global Business Consulting
This guide recommends the best business databases which support the research needed to complete the BUS622 project.
FIN425 - Securities & Evaluations
This guide will recommend various library research tools that will provide the data needed to complete the course's term project.
MAS - Times Series Data
This guide identifies various library research databases and free websites that contain time series data.
MAS202 - Intermediate Business Statistics
This guide identifies various library research databases and free websites that contain time series data.
MGT100 - Managing for Success in the Global Environment
This guide recommends the best business databases which support the research needed to complete the MGT100 project.
MGT304 - Organizational Behavior
This guide recommends various library research tools that support MGT304 students with their company analysis project.
MGT401 - Strategic Management
This guide recommends the best business databases which support the research needed to complete the MGT401 project.
MKT201 - Introduction to Marketing
This guide recommends various library research tools that support MKT201 students with their term project.
Bloomberg's BMC Certification
Basic instructions to become BMC certified.
This guide contains recommended library resources for company research.
Corporate Sustainability
This guide contains recommended library resources for corporate sustainability.
This guide contains recommended free websites and library resources for economics research. This includes COVID-19 impact reports, country economic data, indicators, Florida & Miami Dade economic data, working papers, and more.
This guide provides recommended library resources for entrepreneurship research. This includes business plan 'how-tos' and samples, fundraising, news resources plus Florida and local small business agencies.
Global Business Programs - Latin America
This research guide supports the Global Business Studies Program that focuses on Latin America.
Industry Research
This guide contains recommended library resources for industry research.
Legal Studies
Resources for legal studies research.
Locating Business Case Studies
This subject guide recommends various websites and journals for locating business case studies.
This guide provides recommendations to useful resources within the UM Libraries' database collection as well as websites containing philanthropic data.
Real Estate
This research guide supports the BBA in Real Estate and the Master of Real Estate Development + Urbanism (MRED+U) programs.