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BUS622 Course Description

BUS622 provides graduate students with the opportunity to apply classroom knowledge and skills in addressing a real-world, business challenge or opportunity confronted by an international corporate sponsor (the client).  Students will simultaneously deepen their understanding of international business, leverage their functional expertise, develop consulting and critical thikning competencies, and practice teamwork and intercultural communication skills.  This course is built around the principles of deliberate practice and will include opportunities for students to think, apply, and reflect on the lessons learned.

Daily Access to Digital Newspapers are now available to all UM students

Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Financial Times - Gain daily access to these premier newspapers via the UM Libraries' campus-wide subscription.  Using your UM email address, setup your personal account today and begin reading these newspapers from any one of your moblie devices.  


If you have a research question this guide does not address, please send an email to:

Business Library Hours & Library Services

2025 Spring schedule (Jan. 13 - April 28)
Business Research Desk (In-person & Email service)
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Closed on the following University holidays:

  • Mon. - Fri., March 10 - 14, 2025 (Spring Recess)


UM Libraries' Online Services

For a full list of the UM Libraries' online services, click here.

MHBS Faculty & Students FAQs

Undergraduate Graduate Essentials

Economic Environment & Data

Business Source Premier (International)
Obtain a country PESTLE (political, economic, social, technogical, legal, and environmental) insights report by copying and pasting the example below, and replacing the country name with your country of choice.  Example:  ​TI(marketline country profile and hong kong)

Economist Intelligence Unit (International)
Obtain timely analysis and forecasts on a country's economic, political, social, and business environment on more than 180 countries.  Enter the name of your selected country in the Countries search box or click on "See all countries."

For economic historical and forecasting data, select "Data Tool," and begin selecting your country of choice, economic data, and time frame.  The customized report can be downloaded into Excel.

Political environment

Business Source Premier (International)
Obtain a country review report that includes overviews on the country's politcs, economy, society, and environment. Copy and paste the example listed below and replace the country name in the example with your country of choice.  Example: 
TI(honduras and country) and AB(polit* and govern*)  Watch a 1-minute demo video of this search.

- Political Risk Yearbook (International)
This service forecasts the risk of doing business in over 100 countries. Each report includes analysis on recent events, political player profiles, and forecast scenarios as well as data on the government, political entities, economy, and more.  Watch a 1-minute demo video of this search. 


If you have a research question this guide does not address, please send an email to:

Business Library Hours & Library Services

2025 Spring schedule (Jan. 13 - April 28)
Business Research Desk (In-person & Email service)
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Closed on the following University holidays:

  • Mon. - Fri., March 10 - 14, 2025 (Spring Recess)


UM Libraries' Online Services

For a full list of the UM Libraries' online services, click here.

MHBS Faculty & Students FAQs

Undergraduate Graduate Essentials

ABI/Inform Collection: Retrieve various articles on how to conduct business in a foreign country and understand the cultural differences. Copy and paste the example below in the database's search engine and substitute the name of the country listed (mexico) with the country of your choice, to retrieve articles.
Example: TI(doing business) and AB(cultur*) AND SU(mexico)

- Access to Asia: your multicultural guide to building trust, inspiring respect, and creating long-lasting business relationships (e-book)


Business cultures around the world: a practical guide (e-book)

Commisceo Global Country & Culture Guides: Obtain a brief guide on understanding a country's language, religion, culture, society, social etiquette, customs, business culture & etiquette.

CultureGrams World Edition: Contains reports on over 200 countries and cultures that focus on categories such as the country's history, personal appearance, gestures, family unit, economy, and more.

Doing business in Germany: a concise guide to understanding Germans and their business practices (e-book) 

Doing business in Latin America: challenges and opportunities (e-book)

Global Business Etiquette: a guide to international communication and customs (e-book)

Global Connectedness Index (searchable by country): Studies how countries are connected in terms of trade, export, and other criteria.

globalEdge: This site allows you to compare countries based on a variety of indicators of the economy, trade and investment, energy, people, government, infrastructure, education, health, and labor. 

- ​Hofstede Insights Country Comparison Tool: Compares country cultures based on Hofstede dimensions of culture (power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long term orientation, indulgence.)
Lex Mundi Guides to Doing BusinessGuides to doing business by country which provide general information about each jurisdiction's legal and business infrastructures.

The 7 keys to communicating in Mexico: an intercultural approach (e-book)

World Bank: Doing Business series


If you have a research question this guide does not address, please send an email to:

Business Library Hours & Library Services

2025 Spring schedule (Jan. 13 - April 28)
Business Research Desk (In-person & Email service)
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Closed on the following University holidays:

  • Mon. - Fri., March 10 - 14, 2025 (Spring Recess)


UM Libraries' Online Services

For a full list of the UM Libraries' online services, click here.

MHBS Faculty & Students FAQs

Undergraduate Graduate Essentials

Resources for industry analysis reports as well as industry SWOT and a Porter's 5-Forces analysis.

ABI/Inform Collection (International) 
Access reports that contain a U.S. industry outlook, forecasting data, and a market overview. Copy and paste the following example into the database's search engine, replacing the industry name in parenthesis with your country of choice.  Example:  PUB(Industry Reports) AND TI(gas)  Watch a 1-minute demo video of this search.

Fitch Solutions Country Industry Reports: For an industry SWOT analysis, copy and paste the following example into the databases's search engine.  Make sure to replace the search statement with the industry of your choice.  Example:  PUB(Fitch Solutions Country Industry Reports) AND TI(healthcare)  Watch a 1-minute video demo of this search.

Business Monitor International (BMI) Industry Reports (International)
Retrieve in-depth industry reports by country or by industry name.  International in coverage.

Business Source Premier (International) 
Obtain industry profiles on numerous sectors in various countries. Copy and paste the following example in the database's search engine, replacing the industry name in parenthesis with the industry of your choice.  Example: TI(marketline industry profile and gas)  Watch a 1-minute demo video of this search.

Statista (International) 
 A statistical portal that aggregates over 1 million statistics on over 80,000 topics.  Industry statistics are available within this database.  Watch a 1-minute viideo of this search.


If you have a research question this guide does not address, please send an email to:

Business Library Hours & Library Services

2025 Spring schedule (Jan. 13 - April 28)
Business Research Desk (In-person & Email service)
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Closed on the following University holidays:

  • Mon. - Fri., March 10 - 14, 2025 (Spring Recess)


UM Libraries' Online Services

For a full list of the UM Libraries' online services, click here.

MHBS Faculty & Students FAQs

Undergraduate Graduate Essentials

Use these recommended resources to locate a list of company competitors.

Hoover's Company Profile (U.S. & International company data) 
This database allows you to see a company's top competitors and compare profits and ratios.  Enter the company name in the database's search box.  Select the company's full-text PDF report.  Go to the report's section labeled "Competitor List.Watch a 1-minute demo video of this search.

Mergent Online (U.S. & International company data)
To obtain a list of worldwide competitors, conduct a company search and select the "Competitors" tab at the company profile page.  Download or print the list of international competitors. 


If you have a research question this guide does not address, please send an email to:

Business Library Hours & Library Services

2025 Spring schedule (Jan. 13 - April 28)
Business Research Desk (In-person & Email service)
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Closed on the following University holidays:

  • Mon. - Fri., March 10 - 14, 2025 (Spring Recess)


UM Libraries' Online Services

For a full list of the UM Libraries' online services, click here.

MHBS Faculty & Students FAQs

Undergraduate Graduate Essentials

Company Financials

Mergent Online  (U.S.& International companies):  This database provides financial reports that include the balance sheets, income statements, retained earnings, and cash flow data.  Additionally, this database provides the annual 10K report.  Watch a 1-minute video demo of this search.

Market Share & Rankings Data

Business Insights: Global (U.S. and International companies)
Search this service to obtain a company's market share or ranking data on your company. Be aware that this data is not available for all public companies. Enter a company name on the database's homepage and review the company profile. When available, select "Market Share Reports" or "Rankings" to view the data. Watch a 1-minute video demo of this search.

News Resources

Newspaper Articles, Journals & Trade Magazines  ==============
Press Releases & Newswires ==============
Broadcasts & Transcripts

SWOT analysis reports

Business Insights Global (U.S. & International companies)
Search this service to obtain a company SWOT analysis report. Be aware that a SWOT report is not available for all public companies. Enter a company name on the database's landing page and review the company profile. Select "SWOT Reports" to review several reports. Watch a 1-minute demo video of this search.

- Business Source Premier (U.S. & International companies)
SWOT analysis reports are not available for all companies listed in this database. To obtain a SWOT report, begin by selecting the "Company Profiles" link. Next, type the company name and select the "Browse" button. Select the PDF report. From the "Table of Contents" section, select the "SWOT Analysis" link.
Watch a 1-minute demo video of this search.


If you have a research question this guide does not address, please send an email to:

Business Library Hours & Library Services

2025 Spring schedule (Jan. 13 - April 28)
Business Research Desk (In-person & Email service)
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Closed on the following University holidays:

  • Mon. - Fri., March 10 - 14, 2025 (Spring Recess)


UM Libraries' Online Services

For a full list of the UM Libraries' online services, click here.

MHBS Faculty & Students FAQs

Undergraduate Graduate Essentials

UM Libraries' Recommended Resources for Citation Guidelines

Citation Style Guides
This guide provides exmples of four common citation styles (APA, MLA, Chicago and Turabian) that you may want to use when compiling your project's bibliography.


If you have a research question this guide does not address, please send an email to:

Business Library Hours & Library Services

2025 Spring schedule (Jan. 13 - April 28)
Business Research Desk (In-person & Email service)
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Closed on the following University holidays:

  • Mon. - Fri., March 10 - 14, 2025 (Spring Recess)


UM Libraries' Online Services

For a full list of the UM Libraries' online services, click here.

MHBS Faculty & Students FAQs

Undergraduate Graduate Essentials


If you have a research question this guide does not address, please send an email to:

Business Library Hours & Library Services

2025 Spring schedule (Jan. 13 - April 28)
Business Research Desk (In-person & Email service)
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Closed on the following University holidays:

  • Mon. - Fri., March 10 - 14, 2025 (Spring Recess)


UM Libraries' Online Services

For a full list of the UM Libraries' online services, click here.

MHBS Faculty & Students FAQs

Undergraduate Graduate Essentials