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Welcome to the Richter Library's Guide to Sociology!
Hello all, and welcome to the University of Miami Libraries' Guide to Sociology Resources! Throughout this guide, you'll find resources supporting not only the Sociology Department, but of many disciplines due to the interdisciplinary nature of the sociological field. Feel free to browse through the guide, make use of its resources, and if you need more help, Ask a Librarian!
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Sociology Encyclopedias
Sociology Dictionaries
Related Databases
America: History and Life abstracts and indexes journals and dissertations on the history of the United States and Canada.
CQ Researcher Plus Archive
The CQ Researcher explores a single 'hot' issue in the news in depth each week. Topics range from social and teen issues to environment, health, education and science and technology. 44 reports are produced each year.
Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI)
Provides descriptions of tests, manuals, rating scales and other instruments used to assess health and behavior. The information can assist researchers and others in locating a variety of instruments used in the health fields, psychosocial sciences, organizational behavior, education, and library and information science. The service contains primary and secondary material, such as checklists, interview schedules, rating and other scales, coding schemes, and projective techniques.
Historical Abstracts indexes and abstracts journal articles and dissertations on world history from 1450 to present excluding the United States and Canada.
Sociology Databases
A database of literature regarding gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues. LGBT Life with Full Text contains all of the content available in LGBT Life as well as full text for 50 of the most important and historically significant LGBT journals, magazines and regional newspapers, as well as dozens of full text monographs.
The database includes comprehensive indexing and abstract coverage as well as a specialized LGBT Thesaurus containing over 6,400 terms. Full text content available in LGBT Life with Full Text includes The Advocate, Gay Parent Magazine, Girlfriends, GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian & Gay Studies, James White Review, ISNA News, Ladder, Lesbian Tide, New York Blade, ONE, Tangents, Washington Blade, and many more.
ProQuest Research Library
ProQuest Research Library provides in-depth coverage of the top 150 core academic subject, including 5,060 titles -over 3,600 in full text- from 1971 forward. It features a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and newspapers.
Social Sciences Citation Index
Social Sciences Citation Index provides international, cover-to-cover indexing of the most cited journals in social sciences. The databases is searched via the Web of Knowledge Citation Databases service. It indexes more than 1,725 journals spanning 50 disciplines, as well as covering individually selected, relevant items from over 3,300 of the world's leading scientific and technical journals.
Sociological Abstracts
Sociological Abstracts indexes and abstracts research literature published worldwide in journals and other serial publications.
Social Planning/Policy Development (SOPODA) is included as a subfile, providing additional literature on policy issues addressing violence, abuse, housing, the environment and other social issues.
Additional Databases
Don't see what you need in the Sociology Databases section? Sociological topics can cross a wide variety of disciplines. Check out these databases for further help.
You can also use databases in other subject areas to help you find what you need. Just use the drop menu on the Databases page to navigate to the subject you prefer.
Need Ideas? - Blogroll!
"Sociological Images is designed to encourage all kinds of people to exercise and develop their sociological imagination by presenting brief sociological discussions of compelling and timely imagery that spans the breadth of sociological inquiry." - from Sociological Images
Newspaper Databases
Ethnic NewsWatch (ENW) is a comprehensive full text database of the newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press. Searchable in both English and Spanish, with titles in both languages and more than 834,000 articles in Spanish, Ethnic NewsWatch provides in-depth coverage of a wide range of current and historical topics easily accessed using free text and fielded searching. Extensive indexing, including unique fields such as Article Type and Ethnic Group.
Nexis Uni™ features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis®—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790—with an intuitive interface that offers quick discovery across all content types, personalization features such as Alerts and saved searches and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents.
Provides full-text information and perspectives from over 1400 U.S. and over 1200 international sources. Each source has its own distinctive focus offering diverse viewpoints on local, regional and world issues.
Global Newsstream covers national and leading regional newspapers including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA TODAY, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Barron's, The Boston Globe, The Christian Science Monitor, and The Washington Post. International coverage includes The Guardian, The Globe and Mail, Jerusalem Post, and El Pais.
Image Databases
More than 12 million photographs dating back to 1826, more than 36,000 audio sound bites, and more than 340,000 professionally-produced graphics. Coverage spans over 185 years, with more than 3,500 photos added daily.
More than 12 million photographs dating back to 1826, more than 36,000 audio sound bites, and more than 340,000 professionally-produced graphics. Coverage spans over 185 years, with more than 3,500 photos added daily.
ARTstor images are now available via JSTOR image search. When you search for images on JSTOR, you can now find Artstor's 3.2+ million licensed images and more than 800 additional collections alongside JSTOR's books and journal articles. The ARTstor collections are comprised of contributions from museums, individual photographers, scholars, special collections at libraries, and photo archives. All images are accompanied by comprehensive metadata and are rights-cleared for educational use.
News and Newspapers
Research Methods
Research Methods (Sage)
Online collection of ebooks focusing on research methods across many disciplines. SAGE Research Methods Cases 1
SAGE Research Methods Cases 1 is a collection of case studies written by the researches themselves that show the realities of doing research; they explain how the methods use were chosen, how problems in research were overcome, and what might have been done differently with hindsight. All of the cases are peer-reviewed and include tools for further learning and investigation that allow them to be used both as a teaching tool and as inspiration for other research projects.
SAGE Research Methods Datasets 1
SAGE Research Methods Datasets 1 is a collection of teaching datasets and instructional guides that are indexed by method and data type and optimized to be used for practicing analysis and analytical decisions as a way to improve as a researcher.
Polls and Public Opinion
iPOLL's online database contains survey results from academic, commercial and media survey organizations. iPOLL is a source for US nationwide public opinion. A full-text retrieval system, iPOLL is organized at the question-level providing the tools to sift through nearly a half million questions asked on national public opinion surveys since 1935.
Statistics Databases
The following resources are restricted to University of Miami students, faculty, and staff.
EIU Viewpoint (Formerly Economist Intelligence Unit)
In-depth country analysis and data, including descriptions of the politics, economy, risk, regulation, and business environment of a country. Also includes analysis of global automotive, consumer goods, energy, financial services, healthcare, and telecommunications industries. This service's Data tool can be used to compare economic data across or within countries.
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
ICPSR is the world's largest archive of research and instructional data in the social sciences. Data collections available for secondary analysis include national opinion polls, attitude surveys, census and economic data.
The University of Miami is one of over 500 member colleges and universities, and UM faculty and students can download data and documentation for their own research and instructional purposes.
Integrates over 85,000 diverse topics of data and facts from over 10,000 sources onto a single professional platform. The database provides business customers, researchers, and the academic community with direct access to relevant quantitative facts on agriculture, finance, politics, and many more areas of interest.
Statistics Websites
Population, housing, economic, and geographic data gathered by the U.S. Census Bureau and other government agencies. CIA World Factbook
US government profiles of countries and territories around the world.
Statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States.
The Census Bureau is the most authoritative service providing current and historical data about the people and economy of the United States. The site also contains international country data, and links to other quality data sites and statistical gateways.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.
"The Statistics Division is committed to the advancement of the global statistical system. We compile and disseminate global statistical information, develop standards and norms for statistical activities, and support countries’ efforts to strengthen their national statistical systems. We facilitate the coordination of international statistical activities and support the functioning of the United Nations Statistical Commission as the apex entity of the global statistical system." - from
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