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Welcome to Richter Library's Resource Guide
for Nursing and Health Studies!

Free vector patient lying in bed during intensive therapy

This guide is a great tool for finding information for research, collecting articles for classes, and broadening your knowledge of Nursing and Health Studies. Each tab contains current and relevent resources for assisting you in collecting the best information for your project, interest, or research.Ā 

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  • Saily Marrero

    Nursing & Health Studies, Biology, and Psychology Librarian

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Table of Contents

PubMed vs Embase vs Medline

Adams, H. (2024, May 15, 2024). Research: What's the difference between PubMed, Medline & Embase? King Edward Memorial Hospital.

Research Databases

Clinical Care Databases

Visual & Physical Exam Databases

Drug Information

Image Databases


Directions to the Stacks

1)Ā Go to the 2nd floor of Richter Library

2) If you're coming from the elevators go to your right. If you're coming from the stairs go straight toward the elevators across and take a left.

3) Look for the sign that says "Stacks Elevators" down the hall.

What is Evidence Based Medicine?

Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM)Ā is the conscientious, explicit, judicious and reasonable use of modern, best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. EBM integrates clinical experience and patient values with the best available research information. (Sackett, 1997).

Evidence-Based Public HealthĀ is defined as the "conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of the current best evidence in making decisions about the care of communities and populations in the domain of health protection, disease prevention, health maintenance and improvement (health promotion)."Ā In other words, "it is the process of systematically finding, appraising, and using contemporaneous research findings as the basis for decisions in public health."Ā (Jenicek, 1997)Ā 

Clinical Questions, Study Design, & EBM Resource


Appraisal Worksheets

Use the following worksheets to help you evaluate articles for quality and risk of bias.

Critical Appraisal Skill Programme (CASP): Produces simple critical appraisal checklists for different study designs. Each checklist covers validity, results, and clinical relevance of an article.

Dartmouth Libraries EBM Checklists: DartmouthĀ University's EBMĀ Research Guide hasĀ appraisal worksheets by study design you can use to evaluate studies.

Duke University Appraisal Worksheets: Duke University's EBP Research Guide hasĀ appraisal worksheets you can use to evaluate studies.Ā 

Evidence Based Medicine Toolbox Worksheets: The EBM Toolbox website has example scenarios and worksheets you can download to evaluate studies.Ā 

EBM Calculators: The EBM Toolbox website has EBM calculators that help you calculate statistics, odds ratio, and etc.

Evidence Based Practice Resources

EBM Research Guide: This guide from George Washington University's Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library helps with identifying the different types of tudy design and levels of evidence

Understanding Research Study Designs: University of Minnesota Libraries' research guide includes information on the basic designs of research studies.

Evidence-Based Practice, Step by Step: A collection of articles provided by the American Journal of Nursing to equip nurses with the knowledge and skills needed to implement evidence-based practice.Ā 

Point of Care Tools

Further Reading

Jenicek M. (1997). Epidemiology, evidenced-based medicine, and evidence-based public health.Ā Journal of epidemiology,Ā 7(4), 187ā€“197.

Sackett D. L. (1997). Evidence-based medicine.Ā Seminars in perinatology,Ā 21(1), 3ā€“5.

Young, J. M., & Solomon, M. J. (2009).Ā How to critically appraise an article. Nature Clinical Practice. Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 6(2), 82ā€“91.

Information for Healthcare Providers

MedlinePlus: Extensive information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on over 750 diseases and conditions. Contains translated health information for non-English speakers.

Office of Minority Health:Ā Excellent resource for basic information about health issues of minority groups in the U.S.

ethnoMED:Ā Educates healthcare providers on clinical and cultural topics relevant to patient care and provides patients with tailored health resources.

Health Information Resources in Foreign Languages

MedlinePlus en EspaƱol: Medline has a Spanish version of its website for Spanish speaking populations.

Medline in Multiple Languages:Ā You can browse health information in multiple languages fromt this website.Ā 

U.S. Data

U.S. Census State Profiles: Explore the the demographics of each state and learn about a state's education, income, health, and etc.

State Immigration Data Profiles: This website includes information the demographics, languages spoken, education, workforce, and income of immigrants in each U.S. state.

Note on Federal Government Data

Some U.S. government websites are currently being reviewed and modifying their data to comply with the current administration. As a result some datasets may not be accessible.Ā Look for a notice like this on visible web pages.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Health Statistics

National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS): The U.S.'s principal health statistics agency providing insights into the health of people and how it has changed over time.

Health, United States:Ā Provides national trends in health statistics. You can explore the latest analyses by topic.Ā 

HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention AtlasĀ (NCHHSTP): You can request statistics from the years 1981-2002

AtlastPlus: You can view and track diseases by year, geography, and demographics.

Health & Human Services (HHS)

U.S. Department of Health & Human ServicesĀ (HHS):Ā The HHS has information on different programs, services, laws, and policies regarding the U.S.

Office of Minority Health:Ā This government run website was created with the intention to "improve the health of racial and ethnic minority populations through the development of health policies and programs that will help eliminate health disparities."

Office onĀ Women's HealthĀ (OWH): Created under the HHS, this office addresses critical women's health issues by informing and advancing policies to educate health care professionals and consumers. In their website you will find information about varying health topics thatĀ affect women.

Substancs Abuse and Mental Health Servuces AdministrationĀ (SAMHSA): This website has information and statistics on a variety of topics concerning mental health and substance abuse.Ā 

National Institute of Health (NIH)

The following websites were all created or are associated with the National Institute of Health (NIH). The NIH website has general information on a variety of health topics while the other other two are more focused on mental health and drug abuse, respectively.Ā 

Other Government Websites

Agency for Healthcare Research & QualityĀ (AHRQ): Created to improve the safety and quality of healthcare for everyone by developingĀ  knowledge, tools, and data needed to improve the healthcare system and help consumers, healthcare professionals, and policymakers make informed health decisions. You can find a variety of statistics and data under the "Data & Analytics" tab.Ā Dedicated to making health data more accessible to the public

National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses: Has data on the state of the nursing workforce. On their dashboard you can explore by demographics, education, years, and etc.

U.S. Census Bureau: On the U.S. Census website you can find statistics about the demographics in the U.S. including past years.


Global Health Statistics

Global Public HealthĀ [UM Subject Guide]: This guide has more global health information and statistics under the "Statistics, Data, & Grey Literature" tab.

UNICEF Data - Child Statistics: This UNICEF website has data and statistics about children's health from varying countries.

World Bank: You can search for free and open access data by country and/or indicators.

World Health Organization (WHO) Data: Has worldwide data on varying health topics, it can also be broken down by country or health topic.

Other Sources of U.S. Data

Alternative Sources for Archived Government Data: Butler University has compiled a list of both alternative sources for government data as well as links to archived datasets and resources removed from government websites.

Kaiser Family Foundation: Here you will find information about policies affecting different health issues as well as statistics by state.

Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health: They conduct the National Survey of Children's Health, a semi-annual survey about children's mental and physical wellbeing. You can access the Data by going to the "Explore the Data".

Guidelines in Databases

1) On top bar, click on Evidence Based Care Sheets and Quick Lessons type in the topic, condition, or procedure.
2) In Advanced Search, type the topic, then select Publication Type and select Practice Guidelines in the limiter section,

Clinical Key
Click on Guidelines menu next to the search box at the top. Search by organization name, specialty, or topic.

1) Click onĀ Additional FiltersĀ 
2) SelectĀ Practice GuidelinesĀ and it will appear underĀ Article Type.
3) Run search and click on theĀ Practice GuidelineĀ filter

DynaMedĀ or UpToDate
1) Type in condition, procedure, or etc. in the search box
2) Select one of the results
3) On the left handside under Topic OutlineĀ you will findĀ Guidelines

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Agency for Healthcare Research and QualityĀ (AHRQ): You can use this website to search forĀ comprehensive, science-based information on common or costly medical conditions and new healthcare technologies and strategies.

American College of Physicians (ACP): UsersĀ can browse for clinical guidelines and best practice adviceĀ on selected health topics.

Center for Disease Control (CDC) Infection Control Guidelines: This page informs and provides further resources on how to prevent the spread of infections in healthcare settings.

Cincinnati Children's J. M. Anderson Center for Health Systems Excellence: Here users will find a few evidence based care guidelines that were developed by Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and created byĀ xperts, patients and families to help pediatricians improve patient care.

CMA - Clinical Practice Guidelines: The Canadian Medical Association website has a vast list of guidelines on a variety of health topics.

Health Services/Technology Assessment Texts (HSTAT): Available through PubMed, HSTAT provides evidence reports on health services and technology assesments.Ā 

National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines (NCCN): The NCCN provides several guidelines organized by cancer type.

US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF): Users can browse or search for specific preventative guidelines for different health issues.Ā 

Veterans Affairs (VA) Clinical Practice Guidelines: The VA website has guidelines and resources to treat different health issues including chronic disease, mental health, rehabilitation and more.Ā 

Nursing History Online

Francis Liberty, Army Nurse Corps:Ā Audio, video and text of interviews of Francis Liberty which chronicle her service in World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam War. Includes escaping from a downed helicopter (with sense of humor intact).Ā 

Nurses in the U.S. Navy: Bibliography and Sources: Includes oral histories from WWII Navy nurses (nurse experience during Pearl Harbor attack, Navy hospital nurse, nurse prisoner of war, nurse serving in Philippines), historical photos and Uniform Regulation, Navy Nurse Corps, 1917.

Contagion: Historical Views of Diseases and Epidemics:Ā An online exhibit from Harvard University Libraries' Open Collections Program, it tracks several outbreaks of contagious diseases using primary documentation. Highly recommended for its historical focus.

Black Nurses in History: A Bibliography and Guide to Web Resources:Ā Originally created by Sharon Whitfield at CMSRU Library, this guide hosts a list of articles, books, and websites dedicated to prominent black nurses in history.

American Association for the History of NursingĀ (AAHN): AĀ professional organization dedicated to the importance and the understanding of the history of nursing.

Nurse Edith Cavell (1865-1915): A Norfolk Heroine:Ā A website dedicated to Nurse Edith Cavell, a British nurseĀ known for saving many lives of soldiers during World War I.

Archival Photos

At John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland a nursing student is weighing a baby in the pediatrics ward. Photo from Library of Congress.

Nursing History Books

This list was adapted fromĀ Celebrating Nursing History : What to Keep by Margaret "Peg" Allen. The list can be found at the Nursing and Allied Health Resource Section of the Medical Library Association.

Eminent Victorians

Strachey, Lytton, 1880-1932.


Notes on nursing : what it is, and what it is not

Nightingale, Florence, 1820-1910.


Civil War nursing.

Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888.


Memoirs of a soldier, nurse, and spy : a woman's adventures in the Union Army

Edmonds, S. Emma E. (Sarah Emma Evelyn), 1841-1898.


The path we tread : Blacks in nursing worldwide, 1854-1994

Carnegie, Mary Elizabeth, 1916-2008.


Florence Nightingale on public health care

Nightingale, Florence, 1820-1910.


A history of nursing

Nutting, M. Adelaide (Mary Adelaide), 1858-1948.