subjectId: 13212 visibleTabCount: 6

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Description of Collection

The library collections contain materials covering geographic, cultural, historical, and other information for most areas of the world. There is a particular emphasis on the southeast U.S., Latin America, and Europe.

For geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing, the library concentrates on the application of these technologies across many fields of study. You may want to look at our guide on GIS Resources at UM Libraries.

Be sure to also check out our guide on Sustainable Development!


Primary Databases

Need more help?

  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

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Streaming Videos

Book catalogs


SimplyMap Exercise Guide
This word document contains exercises that will will guide you through all the basic functions of the system and show how to set up your personal workspace.

Primary Databases

Other Databases

Need more help?

  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

Map Collection

If you're looking for maps in hard copy, please contact Terri Robar,, for more information.

Aerial Photography

Modern Maps

Historical Maps


Human health and well-being are closely tied to the environment, which provides benefits such as clean water, clean air, and protection from natural hazards. 

Chemical and non-chemical stressors can impact the environment’s ability to provide these benefits, also known as ecosystem goods and services.  

EnviroAtlas provides geospatial data, easy-to-use tools, and other resources related to ecosystem services, their stressors, and human health. 

Need more help?

  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

Reference Materials

Useful Resources

Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene
Contents: volume 1. Geologic history and energy -- volume 2. Climate change -- volume 3. Biodiversity -- volume 4. Ethics -- volume 5. Contaminants.

Need more help?

  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

2,400 Years of European History

The history of Europe is breathtakingly complex. While there are rare exceptions like Andorra and Portugal, which have had remarkably static borders for hundreds of years, jurisdiction over portions of the continent’s landmass has changed hands innumerable times.

This video comes to us from YouTube channel Cottereau, and it provides an informative overview of European history starting from 400 BC. Empires rise and fall, invasions sweep across the continent, and the borders of modern countries slowly begin to take shape (with the added bonus of an extremely dramatic instrumental).


GEG 335 - Sustainable Food Systems

GEG 346 - Immigrant & Refugee Health

GEG 406 - Survey Research