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Refworks is a web based bibliography and database manager that allows users to create their own personal database by importing references from text files or online databases.
- EndNote
Students, faculty and staff download from the University of Miami Technology Center.
Description of Collection
The library collections contain materials covering geographic, cultural, historical, and other information for most areas of the world. There is a particular emphasis on the southeast U.S., Latin America, and Europe.
For geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing, the library concentrates on the application of these technologies across many fields of study. You may want to look at our guide on GIS Resources at UM Libraries.
Be sure to also check out our guide on Sustainable Development!
Primary Databases
- PAIS International
PAIS indexes a wide range of literature on politics worldwide, public affairs, current events, international relations, public administration, marine policy, law and related topics. - ProQuest Research Library
ProQuest Research Library provides in-depth coverage of the top 150 core academic subject, including 5,060 titles -over 3,600 in full text- from 1971 forward. It features a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and newspapers. - Social Sciences Full Text (H.W. Wilson)
Wilson Social Sciences Full Text indexes a wide range of social sciences journals.Abstracting coverage begins with periodicals published in January 1994; full-text coverage begins in January 1995. - UM Libraries Website
Use this link to perform Author, Keyword, or Title searches. - Web of Knowledge
Web of Knowledge is a gateway providing cross product searching & integrated access to these services: Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, Current Contents Connect, Web of Science Proceedings and Highly Cited.
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Streaming Videos
- Academic Video Online
AVON is a streaming video platform providing more than 79,000 titles spanning a wide range of subject areas, including anthropology, business, history, music, and more. The platform allows users to to organize and bookmark clips, create and share playlists, personalize folders, and manage their entire collection. - Films On Demand: Master Academic Package
Films On Demand is a digital video streaming service that provides educational content from a wide range of subject areas with an especially good selection of foreign films. This collection contains more than 38,000 titles in dozens of subject areas, and the platform allows users to to organize and bookmark clips, create and share playlists, personalize folders, and manage their entire collection. - Kanopy
Kanopy is a video streaming service that provides students and educators access to a large database of over 30,000 films--including award-winning documentaries, training films, indie and foreign films, must-see classics, and blockbuster movies. Films are activated on-demand for faculty and graduate students. - Feature Films for Education
Feature Films for Education is a digital video streaming platform that offers hundreds of full-length feature films for educational purposes; focusing on both current and hard-to-find titles, the collection includes literary adaptions, blockbusters, classics, foreign films, and more. Recommend Chrome browser. - Swank Digital Campus
Streaming videos primarily of classic and modern Hollywood films. Additional films may be available upon request by faculty for course reserves.
Book catalogs
- Library Catalog
- WorldCat Online Catalog
The world's largest 'library' catalog. WorldCat is the OCLC Online Union Catalog, containing more than 40 million bibliographic items representing the merged library records of Richter Library & hundreds of other member libraries worldwide.
This word document contains exercises that will will guide you through all the basic functions of the system and show how to set up your personal workspace.
Primary Databases
- Academic Video Online
AVON is a streaming video platform providing more than 79,000 titles spanning a wide range of subject areas, including anthropology, business, history, music, and more. The platform allows users to to organize and bookmark clips, create and share playlists, personalize folders, and manage their entire collection. - International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology
The International Encyclopedia of Geography arises from an unprecedented collaboration between Wiley and the American Association of Geographers (AAG) to review and define the concepts, research, and techniques in geography and interrelated fields. The Encyclopedia contains more than 1,000 entries ranging from 1,000 to 10,000 words offering accessible introductions to basic concepts, sophisticated explanations of complex topics, and information on geographical societies around the world. - PAIS International
PAIS indexes a wide range of literature on politics worldwide, public affairs, current events, international relations, public administration, marine policy, law and related topics. - ProQuest Research Library
ProQuest Research Library provides in-depth coverage of the top 150 core academic subject, including 5,060 titles -over 3,600 in full text- from 1971 forward. It features a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and newspapers. - Social Sciences Full Text (H.W. Wilson)
Wilson Social Sciences Full Text indexes a wide range of social sciences journals.Abstracting coverage begins with periodicals published in January 1994; full-text coverage begins in January 1995. - UM Libraries Website
Use this link to perform Author, Keyword, or Title searches. - Web of Knowledge
Web of Knowledge is a gateway providing cross product searching & integrated access to these services: Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, Current Contents Connect, Web of Science Proceedings and Highly Cited.
Other Databases
- Country Studies
This collection contains the electronic versions of 80 books previously published in hard copy as part of the Country Studies Series by the Federal Research Division. Intended for a general audience, books in the series present a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, economic, political, and national security systems and institutions of select countries throughout the world. Most books in the series deal with a single foreign country, but a few cover several countries or a geographic region. The series includes several books on countries that no longer exist in their original configuration—such as Czechoslovakia, East Germany, the Soviet Union, Sudan, and Yugoslavia. These books remain in the series because they continue to offer valuable historical information and perspective. In some cases, studies on successor states are also part of the series. - Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
ICPSR is the world's largest archive of research and instructional data in the social sciences. Data collections available for secondary analysis include national opinion polls, attitude surveys, census and economic data.The University of Miami is one of over 500 member colleges and universities, and UM faculty and students can download data and documentation for their own research and instructional purposes. - Water Resources Abstracts
Water Resources Abstracts provides summaries of the world's technical and scientific literature on water-related topics covering the characteristics, conservation, control, pollution, treatment, use and management of water resources.This database, which concentrates on water supply and water treatment, complements Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts database, ASFA, where there is greater coverage of the marine environment and biological material - Urban Studies Abstracts
Includes 40,000 bibliographic records covering areas related to urban studies, including urban affairs, community development, urban history, and other areas of relevance to the discipline.
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Map Collection
If you're looking for maps in hard copy, please contact Terri Robar,, for more information.

Aerial Photography
- Florida Historical Aerials
Take a look back in time with historic aerial photography of Florida. Aerial photos are pictures taken from an airplane of the land below---a detailed snapshot from a specific point in time. The Univ. of Florida Map & Imagery Library has over 100,000 photos of Florida going back to the 1930s with coverage extending through 1990. The Map Search will guide you to your area of interest and bring up the photos that cover your area through time. You can even download the images to your computer!

Modern Maps
- US Geological Survey Publications Database
The various systems provide access to the publications of the USGS and includes references to U.S. Geological Survey reports and maps published from 1880 to the present including topographic maps. Many maps can be downloaded for free. - NOAA Nautical Chart Locator
This site provides viewing access and downloading of certain charts published by the United States National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration.

Historical Maps
- Caribmap: A Cartographic History of Caribbean Islands
Maps of the Caribbean from 1507 through the present. Includes some modern topographic maps. You may zoom in and see great detail. The maps can be saved as images. - David Rumsey Map Collection
The David Rumsey Historical Map Collection has over 18,460 maps online. The collection focuses on rare 18th and 19th century North American and South American maps and other cartographic materials. Also maps of the World, Europe, Asia, and Africa. - Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection, University of Texas
The Perry-Castaeda Library Map Collection, University of Texas Web site provides a well-organized collection of historical and current maps worldwide. All maps available on this server are in the public domain, and may be freely downloaded and copied. - Sanborn Maps (United States)
Digital Sanborn Maps, 1867-1970 provides digital access to more than 660,000 large-scale maps of more than 12,000 American towns and cities. The resource is useful for urban specialists, social historians, architects, geographers, genealogists, local historians, planners, environmentalists and anyone who wants to learn about the history, growth, and development of American cities, towns, and neighborhoods.The Sanborn Maps are large-scale plans containing data that can be used to estimate the potential risk for urban structures. This includes information such as the outline of each building, the size, shape and construction materials, heights, and function of structures, location of windows and doors. The maps also give street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, building use, and house and block numbers. Seven or eight different editions represent some areas. - Smithsonian Maps Catalog
The Smithsonian Institution, since the earliest days, has sent its researchers on expeditions to fulfill the mission of increasing and diffusing knowledge. These researchers usually relied on maps to plan and guide their quests. Now, thousands of these maps have been scanned and made available as JPGs.

Human health and well-being are closely tied to the environment, which provides benefits such as clean water, clean air, and protection from natural hazards.
Chemical and non-chemical stressors can impact the environment’s ability to provide these benefits, also known as ecosystem goods and services.
EnviroAtlas provides geospatial data, easy-to-use tools, and other resources related to ecosystem services, their stressors, and human health.
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Reference Materials
- Britannica Online
Britannica Online includes the online version of the Encyclopedia Britannica, the 10th ed. of the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Britannica's Internet Guide, and The World Guide with maps, country information, and news - Columbia Gazetteer of the World Online
This is a full-text database with detailed descriptions and statistics on thousands of countries, cities, mountains, rivers, and every other kind of political area or geographic feature. It allows the user to look up a single place or to produce lists of features based on statistical criteria i.e., a list of longest rivers or cities over 1000 feet above sea level. - Oxford Reference Online
Oxford Reference Online contains about 100 general and subject dictionaries, and language reference works published by Oxford University Press. The collection is fully-indexed and cross-searchable.The collection includes quotations, proverbs, place-names and other general reference works. Among the English language reference works are thesauri and a wide variety of dictionaries (e.g. grammar, abbreviations, idioms, eponyms, euphemisms). Foreign language dictionaries include German, Italian,and Spanish. Specialized subject dictionaries are available in a wide range of disciplines.
Useful Resources
Contents: volume 1. Geologic history and energy -- volume 2. Climate change -- volume 3. Biodiversity -- volume 4. Ethics -- volume 5. Contaminants.
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2,400 Years of European History
The history of Europe is breathtakingly complex. While there are rare exceptions like Andorra and Portugal, which have had remarkably static borders for hundreds of years, jurisdiction over portions of the continent’s landmass has changed hands innumerable times.
This video comes to us from YouTube channel Cottereau, and it provides an informative overview of European history starting from 400 BC. Empires rise and fall, invasions sweep across the continent, and the borders of modern countries slowly begin to take shape (with the added bonus of an extremely dramatic instrumental).