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Welcome to Richter Library's Resources Guide for Psychology! This guide is a great tool for finding information for research, collecting articles for classes, and broadening your knowledge of Psychology. Each tab contains current and relevent resources for assisting you in collecting the best information for your project, interest, or research. 

Subject Specialist

  • Saily Marrero

    Nursing & Health Studies, Biology, and Psychology Librarian

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Research Databases

Clinical Decision Support Databases



The DSM-5 is a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association and covers all mental health disorders for both children and adults. The DSM-5 also lists known causes of these disorders, statistics in terms of gender, age at onset, and prognosis as well as some research concerning the optimal treatment approaches. The University of Miami Libraries provides multiple sources of access to this resource.

The DSM-5 is available through Psychiatry Online

eBook Collections

eBook Central
Provides access to over 100,000 academic titles across many disciplines. Books may be viewed online using the ebrary reader. Many titles are also available to download for reading offline. Users will be prompted to create / log in to their own ebrary account to access the download functionality. Windows and Mac users will use Adobe Digital Editions to view the downloaded titles. iPad users will use the Bluefire Reader app to view the downloaded titles.

National Academy Press Digital Library
The National Academy Press is a searchable multidisciplinary digital library of full-text book length research studies and policy reports by leading experts in their fields. Hundreds of titles are available in PDF or HTML format. Readers are able to search the full-text of one or all publications; search all titles; browse by subject category.

Directions to the Stacks

Free path crossing direction illustration

1) Go to the 2nd floor of Richter Library

2) If you're coming from the elevators go to your right. If you're coming from the stairs go straight toward the elevators across and take a left.

3) Look for the sign that says "Stacks Elevators" down the hall.

Book List

The handbook of multilevel theory, measurement, and analysis

Humphrey, Stephen E. (Stephen Earle), editor.


Handbook of psychiatric measures

American Psychiatric Association. Task Force for the Handbook of Psychiatric Measures.


Rating scales in mental health

Sajatovic, Martha.


Handbook of sexuality-related measures

Davis, Clive M., 1940-



Instruments (tests, scales, etc.) for measuring behaviors, attitudes, etc. are often available commercially and must be purchased to access and use. UM Libraries does not purchase these items. It advises students and faculty to include the expense in research funding applications or request purchase through the department.

Tutorials for searching for & evaluating tests, measures University of British Columbia

Test & Measurement Databases

Tests & Measurements on the Web

ETS Test Link
Follow the instructions on the Advanced Search screen to Search for a Downloadable Test

NIH Toolbox
Set of brief measures - many freely available in full text - for assessing cognitive, emotional, motor and sensory function from ages 3 to 85.

Psychological Tests
Offers links to many organizations, websites, and tools that provide access to tests; information about tests; and other resources.

Testing and Assessment
An older website with links to many different psychological tests.

York University Psychology Resource Center
This Center offers an extensive collection of measurement resources. Use the tabs to explore it.

Dissertation Databases

What is Evidence Based Practice (EBP)?

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), evidence based practice (EBP) in Psychology is as follows:

"Evidence-based practice is the integration of the best available research with clinical expertise in the context of patient characteristics, culture and preferences." (APA, 2008)

The APA's Policy Statement on Evidence Based Practice in Psychology (EBPP) further elaborates that:

"The purpose of EBPP is to promote effective psychological practice and enhance public health by applying empirically supported principles of psychological assessment, case formulation, therapeutic relationship, and intervention." (APA, 2006)

Study Designs


Appraisal Worksheets

Use the following worksheets to help you evaluate articles for quality and risk of bias.

Critical Appraisal Skill Programme (CASP): Produces simple critical appraisal checklists for different study designs. Each checklist covers validity, results, and clinical relevance of an article.

Dartmouth Libraries EBM Checklists: Dartmouth University's EBM Research Guide has appraisal worksheets by study design you can use to evaluate studies.

Duke University Appraisal Worksheets: Duke University's EBP Research Guide has appraisal worksheets you can use to evaluate studies. 

Evidence Based Medicine Toolbox Worksheets: The EBM Toolbox website has example scenarios and worksheets you can download to evaluate studies. 

EBM Calculators: The EBM Toolbox website has EBM calculators that help you calculate statistics, odds ratio, and etc.

Databases for Systematic Reviews

Further Reading

APA Presidental Task Force Evidence-Based Practice. (2006). Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology. The American Psychologist, 61(4), 271–285.

American Pscyhological Association. (2008). Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology. American Pscyhological Association.

David, D., Lynn, S. J., Montgomery, G., & Wiley InterScience. (2018). Evidence-based psychotherapy : the state of the science and practice (D. David, S. J. Lynn, & G. Montgomery, Eds.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.