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Hello and welcome to the Physics Research Guide! You will find information on how to get started with your research along with available resources at the University of Miami Libraries and beyond. Click on the different tabs of the guide to learn more about a specific topic. Throughout this guide there are sections labelled, "Diverse Voices." There is a lack of diversity in STEM and the "Diverse Voices" sections highlight resources/contributions from underrepresented groups as well as information regarding the lack of representation in STEM. This guide is not exhaustive and if you find resources you think would be a great addition or if you have questions please email me.

Getting Started

Ready to start searching?
uSearch allows you to discover materials from all University of Miami Libraries.

Need help with uSearch?
The uSearch Guide will help you with searching.

Not finding what you want in uSearch?
Through an interlibrary loan you can borrow items outside of UM.

Is the library open?
Different library hours are posted on this page.

Off Campus?
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) will let you connect to resources while away.

Are you an undergraduate?
Undergraduate Essentials includes recommended resources at the library for undergraduates, many of which are online.

Are you a graduate?
Graduate Essentials has recommended resources at the library for graduate students, many of which are online.

Are you faculty?
Faculty Essentials includes recommended resources at the library for faculty, many of which are online.

Subject Specialist

Article Types

There are different article types found in the below databases and eJournal collections.
  • Peer-reviewed: Procedure where scholarly work is evaluated by experts of the same discipline against a set of criteria to ensure that it meets certain standards necessary for publication.
  • Preprint: A version of a scientific manuscript posted on a public server prior to peer review. 
  • Scholarly: Written by academics and other experts and contributes to knowledge in a particular subject by sharing new research findings, theories, analyses, insights, news, or summaries of current knowledge.


Library Catalog

Diverse Voices

 List of databases to search for articles or authors.

500 Queer Scientists

Cite Black Authors

Diverse Sources  



Bullock, A., Jennings, C., & Timbrell, N. (2019). Peer review. In A dictionary of publishing. Oxford University Press.

Libraries, U. of T. (2015, November 5). What counts as a scholarly source?

Preprints. (n.d.). PLOS. Retrieved August 9, 2022, from



 List of dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks.

  • Knovel
  • Online reference shelf including handbooks, dictionaries, and datasets covering the full range of engineering and science discipline
  • CRC Press Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
    Access Science: Science
    Online encyclopedic resource that contains incisively written, high-quality reference material that covers all major scientific disciplines.
  • Broad coverage of science, technology, and medical resources.
  • Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia
  • Since 1938, the Van Nostrand’s Scientific Encyclopedia has enjoyed a reputation as one of the most important and comprehensive general scientific references available, suitable for both academic and professional environments.

Library Catalog

What is a dissertation or thesis?

Dissertation: A lengthy, formal written treatise or thesis, especially an account of scholarly investigation or original research on a specialized topic, submitted to a university in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Ph.D. degree (for most United States universities).​

Thesis: A proposition advanced and defended in a formal disputation, especially by a candidate in partial fulfillment of university requirements for a master's degree (for most United States universities).


Library Catalog


Reitz, J. (2013, January 10). About ODLIS. In ODLIS About. Retrieved August 19, 2022, from




Tip: To accces the X handles below you must first login to X to view them.

Advancing the physical sciences with a unifying voice of strength from diversity.

There's space for everybody.

Physics Today is the world's most popular physics magazine.

Diverse Voices

Diverse Voices

Tip: For any X handles below you must first login to X to view them.

An online community for self-identified Black women in STEM.

Improving LGBTQ+ visibility in STEM.

Encouraging conversations between emerging & established women of color in STEM.


Data Management

Library Data Specialists

Timothy Norris

Data Scientist
Call: 305.284.2826

Cameron Riopelle

Head, Data & Visualization Services
Call: 305.284.3257

What is a technical report?

Technical Report: A scientific paper or article describing research or other significant developments in a field of the applied sciences.​

Technical Reports

Library Catalog


Reitz, J. (2013, January 10). About ODLIS. In ODLIS About. Retrieved August 19, 2022, from


The below conference databases contain conference papers, proceedings, and gray/grey literature.
  • Conference Paper: An original paper at a formal gathering of peers which may be subsequently published in its proceedings.
  • Conference Proceeding: The published record of a conference, congress, symposium, or other meeting sponsored by a society or association.
  • Gray/Grey Literature: Documentary material in print and electronic formats, such as reports, preprints, internal documents, memoranda, newsletters, market surveys, theses, dissertations, conference proceedings, technical specifications, standards, or trade literature.

Library Catalog

Conference Proceedings


Reitz, J. (2013, January 10). About ODLIS. In ODLIS About. Retrieved August 19, 2022, from