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Hello and welcome to the Chemistry Research Guide! You will find information on how to get started with your research along with available resources at the University of Miami Libraries and beyond.Click on the different tabs of the guide to learn more about a specific topic. Throughout this guide there are sections labelled, "Diverse Voices." There is a lack of diversity in STEM and the "Diverse Voices" sections highlight resources/contributions from underrepresented groups as well as information regarding the lack of representation in STEM. This guide is not exhaustive and if you find resources you think would be a great addition or if you have questions please email me.
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Are you an undergraduate?
Undergraduate Essentials includes recommended resources at the library for undergraduates, many of which are online.
Are you a graduate?
Graduate Essentials has recommended resources at the library for graduate students, many of which are online.
Are you faculty?
Faculty Essentials includes recommended resources at the library for faculty, many of which are online.
Need help?
Erica Newcome
STEM and Interdisciplinary Research Librarian
Library Chat box
Article Types
- Peer-reviewed: Procedure where scholarly work is evaluated by experts of the same discipline against a set of criteria to ensure that it meets certain standards necessary for publication.
- Preprint: A version of a scientific manuscript posted on a public server prior to peer review.
- Scholarly: Written by academics and other experts and contributes to knowledge in a particular subject by sharing new research findings, theories, analyses, insights, news, or summaries of current knowledge.
- Web of Science
Web of Science, published by Thomson Reuters, is a multi-disciplinary database that provides integrated access to over 8,000 key research journals indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Science Citation Index, and Arts and Humanities Citation Index.
There are two main ways to search the database: --- select General Search to search for articles by subject term, author name, journal title, or author affiliation --- select Cited Reference Search to search for articles that cite an author or article that you specify. Web of Knowledge features citation searching, email alerts, links to the full text of many items. - SCOPUS
Covering the life, physical, health, and social sciences, Scopus is a large abstract and citation database of research literature and web sources.
Scopus covers: Over 15,000 peer-reviewed titles from more than 4,000 international publishers, including coverage of: 500 Open Access journals, 700 Conference Proceedings, 600 Trade Publications, 125 Book Series. More than 60% of titles are from countries other than the US Abstracts go back to 1966. References go back to 1996. 80% of content is indexed with controlled vocabularies. 100% coverage of Medline, including unique Medline journals. 28 million abstract records. 245 million references added to all abstracts. Scopus also covers 250 million quality web sources, including 13 million patents. Web sources are searched via Scirus, and include author homepages, university sites and resources such as the preprint servers CogPrints and, and OAI compliant resources. - Knovel Library
An online reference shelf including handbooks, dictionaries and datasets covering the full range of engineering disciplines; also includes biochemical, biology and chemistry reference resources - SciFinder-n
CAS SciFinder-n is a source for authoritatively identifying a chemical substance and its related chemical structures, chemical names, regulatory information, and properties, including CAS Registry Numbers, reaction schemes, step-by-step experimental procedures, detailed conditions, and product yields. - Full List of Chemistry Databases
eJournal Collections
- American Chemical Society Web Editions
Provides access to the entire library of ACS full-text journals. ACS Journal archives allows access to 120 years of chemistry research. The online archives searches the full text of all titles published by ACS from 1879 to the present day providing seamless integration between the archives and web editions. ACS allows electronic delivery of articles in PDF format with fullscale integration with the original document. - Royal Society of Chemistry Journals
Full-text articles published in Royal Society of Chemistry journals. - Directory of Open Access Journals: Chemistry
Library Catalog
Digital Journal Newsstand
Delivers subscribed academic journals to your desktop or laptop, smartphone or tablet.
Diverse Voices
List of databases to search for articles or authors.
Libraries, U. of T. (2015, November 5). What counts as a scholarly source?
Preprints. (n.d.). PLOS. Retrieved August 9, 2022, from
- eBook Central (Proquest): Chemistry
eBooks from well-regarded publishers and scholarly sources, including University Presses. - Wiley Online Library: Chemistry
Multidisciplinary collection of online resources.
- CRC Press Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
Broad coverage of science, technology, and medical resources. - Access Science: Science
Online encyclopedic resource that contains incisively written, high-quality reference material that covers all major scientific disciplines. - Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia
Since 1938, the Van Nostrand’s Scientific Encyclopedia has enjoyed a reputation as one of the most important and comprehensive general scientific references available, suitable for both academic and professional environments. - Oxford Reference: Chemistry
Specialized subject dictionaries are available in a wide range of disciplines.
Library Catalog
Diverse Voices
- Advancing educational outcomes in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics at historically Black colleges and universities
- Building gender equity in the academy : institutional strategies for change
- Diversifying STEM : Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Race and Gender
- Diversity and Equity in Science Education : Research, Policy, and Practice
- Success Strategies from Women in STEM: A Portable Mentor
- Women of Color in STEM: Navigating the Workforce
What is a dissertation or thesis?
Thesis: A proposition advanced and defended in a formal disputation, especially by a candidate in partial fulfillment of university requirements for a master's degree (for most United States universities).
Dissertation & Theses Databases
- Dissertations & Theses Global (ProQuest)
The world's most comprehensive collection of full-text dissertations and theses. Includes millions of searchable citations to dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day together with over a million full-text dissertations that are available for download in PDF format. The database offers full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997 and strong retrospective full-text coverage for older graduate works. It also includes PQDT UK & Ireland content. - Dissertations & Theses @ University of Miami
This database gives access to the dissertations and theses produced by students at the University of Miami. - Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
Contains full-text theses and dissertations from colleges and universities around the world. The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination and preservation of electronic analogues to the traditional paper-based theses and dissertations. - Center for Research Libraries: Foreign Doctoral Dissertations
An international consortium of university, college, and independent research libraries that supports original research and inspired teaching in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences by preserving and making available primary source materials from all world regions. - PhdData
Holds a database of doctoral dissertations in progress around the world.
Library Catalog
- Chemistry World (Royal Society of Chemistry)
Chemical stories, interviews, news and opinions, delivered directly to your device via podcast. - Distillations (Science History Institute)
Using stories from science's past to understand our world. - Stereo Chemistry (Chemical & Engineering News/ACS)
Voices and stories from the world of chemistry podcast.
- Chemistry (TED Talks)
A collection of TED Talks on the topic of Chemistry. - Academic Video Online
AVON is a streaming video platform providing more than 79,000 titles spanning a wide range of subject areas, including anthropology, business, history, music, and more. The platform allows users to to organize and bookmark clips, create and share playlists, personalize folders, and manage their entire collection.
C&EN (Chemical & Engineering News)
A chemistry journal twitter account from Nature Portfolio Springer Nature.
University of Miami Chemistry Department twitter account.
Diverse Voices
Diverse Voices
Women in Chemistry TV Show
TV show and companion film series, celebrates women scientists and entrepreneurs.
Amplifying Black voices and celebrating Black excellence in chemistry.
An online community for self-identified Black women in STEM.
Network of women in chemistry to provide support, encouragement and mentorship for young women.
A forum for Latin American chemistry community.
Improving LGBTQ+ visibility in STEM.
Encouraging conversations between emerging & established women of color in STEM.
The ACS Voices Diversity Podcast
Podcast series featuring interviews with diverse chemists.
- Registry of Research Data Repositories ( Chemistry
An international registry of research data repositories. - Dataverse Project: Chemistry
An open source web application to share, preserve, cite, explore, and analyze research data. - Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR)
Quality-assured global directory of academic open access repositories. - FigShare: Chemistry
Allows users to upload any file format to be previewed in the browser so that any research output, from posters and presentations to datasets and code, can be disseminated in a way that the current scholarly publishing model does not allow. - Zenodo
Built and developed by researchers, to ensure that everyone can join in Open Science. - National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Mission: "To promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life." Part of the U.S. Department of Commerce. - Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center
Provides data and information relevant to biogeochemical dynamics, ecological data, and environmental processes, critical for understanding the dynamics relating to the biological, geological, and chemical components of Earth's environmen.
Data Management
- Learn more about data management and DMPs.
Learn more about what data management and DMPs are and their importance.
Library Data Specialists
Call: 305.284.3257
- ChemDraw
Allows you to locate properties information for structures and create publication-quality structural diagrams/models. Note: You must register and download or use the cloud. - SciNote Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN)
SciNote’s flexibility allows you to organize all your data in your preferred way. It gives structure and context to all your notes, excel sheets, tables, checklists or pictures. - Overleaf/Latex
Overleaf is a collaborative cloud-based LaTeX editor used for writing, editing and publishing scientific documents. It partners with a wide range of scientific publishers to provide official journal LaTeX templates, and direct submission links.
Chemistry Department Software
- Conference Papers: An original paper at a formal gathering of peers which may be subsequently published in its proceedings.
- Conference Proceedings: The published record of a conference, congress, symposium, or other meeting sponsored by a society or association.
- Gray/Grey Literature: Documentary material in print and electronic formats, such as reports, preprints, internal documents, memoranda, newsletters, market surveys, theses, dissertations, conference proceedings, technical specifications, standards, or trade literature.
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science
Indexes current and retrospective bibliographic data on science conferences. Contains links to Web of Science source records so items may be included in word and citation searches. Data indexed: conference titles, sponsors, locations, dates article titles, authors, author addresses publisher names and addresses series titles, book titles, ISSN and ISBN numbers. - IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Full-text access to journals, conference proceedings and active standards published by IEEE and IET - American Institute of Physics Publications (AIP Publishing)
Leading journals and conference proceedings from AIP Publishing and AIP Member Societies. - Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) - U.S. Department of Energy
Collects, preserves, and disseminates both unclassified and classified scientific and technical information emanating from government-funded research and development activities at the Department of Energy's national laboratories, scientific facilities, universities, and other institutions nationwide.
- American Academy of Forensic Scientists
Promoting justice for all and integrity through forensic science. - American Chemical Society
Organization with the mission of advancing the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and its people. - American Institute of Chemists
Promote and protect the public welfare; to establish and maintain standards of practice for these professions; and to promote the professional experience through certification as to encourage competent and efficient service. - Geochemical Society
Nonprofit scientific society founded to encourage the application of geochemistry to improving our understanding of the Earth and solar system. - Society of Chemical Industry
A global network of innovators, formed in 1881 by prominent scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs, who went on to form the products, processes and companies that propelled society forward. - Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Not-for-profit, worldwide professional organization composed of about 5,000 individuals and institution in more than 90 countries dedicated to the study, analysis and solution of environmental problems, the management and regulation of natural resources, research and development and environmental education.
Library Catalog
Diverse Voices
- Association for Women in Science
The organization aims to combat job discrimination, lower pay, and professional isolation. - Chemists with Disabilities
Everyone is welcome to join this subdivision of the American Chemist Society, especially if you’re disabled or work with disabled professionals or students. - Gay and Transgender Chemists and Allies (GTCA)
People of all orientations and genders are welcome to join this subdivision of the American Chemical Society. - National Association for the Professional Development of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers
Build an eminent cadre of successful diverse global leaders in STEM and advance their professional endeavors by adding value to their academic, development, leadership, and philanthropic endeavors throughout the life-cycle of their careers. - Society for the Advancement of Chicanos & Native Americans in Science
Dedicated to fostering the success of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM.
What is a patent?
- Privilege granted to the inventor of a new product or process.
- Excludes others from producing or making use of an invention for a limited period, unless under license from the holder of the patent.
- Google Patents
Good for browsing or if you know the exact patent number. - Lens
Covers many international patent databases and jurisdictions. - World Intellectual Property Organization PatentScope
Using PATENTSCOPE you can search 106 million patent documents including 4.4 million published international patent applications (PCT). - United States Patent and Trademark Office
Search for patents in the United States Patent and Trademark Office database. - Free Patents Online
Global patent search engine. - esp@cenet
Euproean pantent search engine. - Japanese Patent Office
Japanese patent repository
University of Miami Policies
- Inventions, Intellectual Property, and Technology Transfer
The purpose of this policy is to outline rights and responsibilities regarding inventions, intellectual property and technology transfer and to provide guidelines for the protection, management, and commercial application of nnovations. - U Innovation Office
U Innovation oversees all aspects of technology commercialization at the University of Miami. Our team supports, promotes, and facilitates the transfer of university innovations for the benefit of the university community and the public.