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  • What is a QR code?

    QR codes (Quick Response Codes) are similar to traditional barcodes.  However, instead of representing a number, the pattern of dark squares represents encoded text, usually a message, website or contact information.

     How do I use it?

    You must have a phone or other smart device with a camera.  Some phones have a QR code reader already installed, otherwise you need to download a QR code reader.  Most are free downloads.  Once you have a QR code reader on your phone, simply point the camera at the code. Some readers automatically read the QR code while others require you to “take a picture” of the QR code.  Some QR code readers work better on certain devices, so read reviews and try a few until you find one that works for you.

     What does it do?

    You can scan the QR code and receive different types of information depending on what is encoded and the capabilities of your QR code reader.

    In the library catalog, the QR code will provide the location, call number and availability of a book.   

    The library is exploring other uses of QR codes.  For example, the code on a poster or exhibit might take you to a website, or open an email application with the “To” field filled in.  

    Is there any risk?

    Most QR codes are safe to use.  But malicious QR codes can contain viruses, so be cautious of QR codes that show up in unsolicited emails or that you find on suspicious websites. 

     Wikipedia article

  • Is there wireless access in the Libraries?

    Wireless access to library resources, services, and the internet is available on the Coral Gables campus through the SecureCanes or CanesGuest wireless networks.

    University of Miami students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to register their mobile devices on the SecureCanes wireless network, as this will provide a greater bandwidth and access speed.   Registered UM users will also be able to access licensed library resources without needing to authenticate.

    CanesGuest wireless network access is available to visitors to the Coral Gables campus.Access is not available to licensed library resources.

    Wireless Printing to library printers is available through UPrint, but requires the download of UPrint drivers. Instructions for wireless printing are found on the UPrint webpage.

  • How do I troubleshoot off-campus access to electronic resources?

    Access to licensed electronic resources is restricted to current UM students, faculty and staff. Most of the Libraries' electronic resources are available without restriction from any computer workstation on campus. If you are off-campus, access to licensed electronic resources will require logging in with your CaneID and password. You can find more information about CaneIDs, including what to do if you forget your username and/or password, at the CaneID home page.

    NOTICE: These materials may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S. Code). Fair Use Provisions of the Copyright Law [section 107] and licensing agreements for the use of the Libraries' electronic resources prohibit the systematic downloading and retention of substantial portions of a given volume or resource. Please consult our Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources Policy for general use guidelines.

    Troubleshooting Remote Access Checklist

    1. Do you have a valid CaneID username and password?

      Make sure you are using the same username and password you use to access your MyUM/CaneLink account. If you are a new student, faculty, or staff member it can take several days or weeks for your credentials to be fully processed by the University's Central IT Division. Please contact Ask a Librarian if you are a current student, faculty or staff member but are having difficulty accessing resources.

      Remote access to licensed library resources varies according to your affiliation with the University. Please consult the Access & Borrowing Privileges page to determine whether you qualify for remote access.

    2. Are you having problems with all electronic resources, or just a specific resource?

      Sometimes there are problems with a specific vendor or resource. Try to connecting to several other licensed resources to see if you have a problem to connecting to everything, or just a specific resource.

    3. Are you on the Medical Campus?

      The Calder Medical Library separately licenses many resources. If you are affiliated with the Medical Campus, please contact Calder Library staff at libraryservices@miami.edu.

    4. What internet browser are your using?  Are Cookies enabled?

      Make sure the Cookies and JavaScript are enabled in your browser, as most resources require these in order to connect and utilize the various search services. Try connecting with a different browser, e.g. try using Chrome, if you have problems with Firefox. Sometimes certain forms, scripts, or services have difficulty working properly in one browser or another.

    5. Are you behind a firewall?

      If you are behind a non-UM firewall, make sure it is configured to allow access to the Libraries' proxy server (https://access.library.miami.edu), in order to allow proper authentication through the University's CaneID service.

  • Can I borrow a laptop?
    Yes, the Library Laptop Lending Program, located in Richter Library, offers you the opportunity to check out a laptop for one week with one renewal possible. To reserve a laptop, you can call 305-284-3233 or email richter.circulation@miami.edu. Laptops are picked up at Access Services at the entrance of Richter Library.
  • Can I access a desktop computer remotely?
    Yes, you can access desktop computers in Richter Library remotely. Learn more about the experimental remote labs.