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Hello, and welcome to the University of Miami Libraries Guide to Advertising Resources! The purpose of this guide is to help you navigate through the many advertising related resources available to you through the University of Miami Libraries system and beyond.

Primary Databases

Additional Library Resources

 Check out the resources below for  assistance from the Libraries.
Ask-A-Librarian: Online research assistance. You can email or chat with library staff for help finding research.
Richter Library Remote Services: This page lists all of the available UM Libraries online services.
Undergraduate Essentials: Recommended resources at the library for undergraduates, many of which are online.
Graduate Essentials: Recommended resources at the library for graduate students, many of which are online.

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  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

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Streaming Videos

MRI Simmons Training

I strongly recommend watching the training video Insight Platform Introduction.
The password is MRISimmons2020. You will actually see several videos there. The one you want is the second one (center of the top row). Half an hour long but well worth the time!


Top Advertising Databases

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  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

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Directories Online

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  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian



Broadcasting & Cable



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    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

International Media



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    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

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  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

Business Librarian

You can also contact Doris Jui, Buisness Librarian, if you have in-depth questions regarding company information. She may be reached at:

Phone: 305-284-6516

Email: Doris Jui

In-person: Judi Prokop Newman Information Resource Center (in the School of Business)

See also: Business Research Guides

Top Databases

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  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

How to find market share information

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  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

Print Resources

Advertising in America: the first 200 years
HF5813.U6 G64 1990 (Richter Reference)
The first two chapters provide a brief history of the whole topic. Successive chapters focus on a specific kind of product or theme, as reflected in chapter titles: Cereal, Soap and Sex; The Great Names; Cosmetics; Automobiles; Cigarettes; Underwear; Art, Artists and Illustrators; Gender Change; Advertising in the Service of the Community.

Online Resources

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  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian


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  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

Film Annuals

Clio Awards (on DVD)
Nonfiction HF 6146 .T42
The Clio Awards is the world’s most recognized global awards competition for advertising, design, and interactive. There are several years of the award winning ads in the DVD collection.

Annuals in Print

Epica book : European advertising annual
NC998.6 .E87E64
Compiled from the winners, finalists and entrants of the Epica Awards for creative achievement in European advertising.
HF5816 .C55
This is an annual of the best advertising and design. It includes all the winners in Television, Radio, Design, Print, Poster, Billboard, Innovative Media, Internet, Integrated Campaign and Student categories.
NC1001.5 .O53
One of the most comprehensive compendium of creative advertising, the One Show Annuals set the industry standard for advertising and design. The print annuals feature all of the winners from the international awards shows.
HF6146.T42 G86
The Gunn Report & Showreel of the Year document the 100 most-awarded commercials and campaigns of the year. It combines the winners' lists from all of the major advertising award contests in the world--national, regional and global.

HF 5801 .N447
New York Festivals is an International Awards Group (IAG) Company. The annual is a hardback, full color book featuring the winning work (inc. Finalists) in the NYF Design and Print Advertising Awards, The Global Awards for Healthcare Communications, and The Midas Awards for Financial Services Communications.

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  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

Selection of Advertising Organizations

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  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

Managing your Citations

Avoiding Plagiarism

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  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

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  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian