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Welcome to the Richter Library's Guide to Writing Studies! This guide is intended as an introduction to online and print writing studies resources. Writing Studies is an interdisciplinary field. You can refer to subject specific research guides for additional resources related to niche topics.
Subfields in Writing Studies:
Academic Writing
Professional Communication
Legal Writing
Writing for Civic Engagement
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Academic Search Premier is a multi-disciplinary full text database containing full text for nearly 4,500 journals, including more than 3,600 peer-reviewed titles.
Communication & Mass Media Complete
The most comprehensive index to communication journals and other materials. Includes full-text for most articles.
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
ERIC is an internet-based digital library of education research and information sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education. ERIC provides access to bibliographic records of journal and non-journal literature from 1966 to the present. The ERIC online system provides the public with a centralized site for searching the ERIC bibliographic records (citations, abstracts, and other pertinent data) of more than 1.6 million items indexed since 1966.
Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints
Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information and opinions on hundreds of today's hottest social issues. Drawing on the acclaimed Greenhaven Press series, the solution features continuously updated viewpoints, topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.
JSTOR provides digital versions of the backfiles of major scholarly journals. Primarily an archival collection, JSTOR does not provide access to the most recent 3-5 years of content for most titles.
MLA International Bibliography
The MLA Bibliography indexes some one million citations from over 4,000 journals and series published worldwide on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics.
ProQuest Research Library
ProQuest Research Library provides in-depth coverage of the top 150 core academic subject, including 5,060 titles -over 3,600 in full text- from 1971 forward. It features a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and newspapers.
How to find journals
If you have the title of a journal and wish to search its contents, check out UM's list of journals. Enter the name of the journal into the search box and let it take you directly to the journal you're looking for.
Select Journals
- Across the disciplines : interdisciplinary perspectives on language, learning, and academic writing
Across the Disciplines, a refereed journal devoted to language, learning, and academic writing, publishes articles relevant to writing and writing pedagogy in all their intellectual, political, social, and technological complexity.
- Assessing Writing
Assessing Writing is a refereed international journal providing a forum for ideas, research and practice on the assessment of written language.
- College Composition and Communication (CCC Online)
College Composition and Communication publishes research and scholarship in rhetoric and composition studies that supports college teachers in reflecting on and improving their practices in teaching writing and that reflects the most current scholarship and theory in the field.
- College English
Publishes articles about literature, rhetoric-composition, critical theory, creative writing theory and pedagogy, linguistics, literacy, reading theory, pedagogy, and professional issues related to the teaching of English.
- Community Literacy Journal
Publishes both scholarly work that contributes to the field’s emerging methodologies and research agendas and work by literacy workers, practitioners, and community literacy program staff.
- Composition Studies: Freshman English News
An academic journal dedicated to the range of professional practices associated with rhetoric and composition: teaching college writing; theorizing rhetoric and composing; administering writing related programs; preparing the field's future teacher-scholars.
- Computers and Composition
Devoted to exploring the use of computers in writing classes, writing programs, and writing research.
- Currents in Electronic Literacy
A journal of rhetoric, writing, and composition published by the Digital Writing and Research Lab at the University of Texas at Austin.
- Journal of Advanced Composition
Peer-reviewed journal that serves as a forum for scholars interested in theoretical approaches to the interdisciplinary study of rhetoric and writing.
Journal of Basic Writing publishes articles related to basic and second-language writng as well as freshman writing transitions.
- Journal of Business and Technical Communication
Covers the latest communication practices, problems and trends in both business and academic settings or sectors.
- Journal of English for Academic Purposes
JEAP publishes articles, book reviews, conference reports, and academic exchanges in the linguistic, sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic description of English as it occurs in the contexts of academic study and scholarly exchange itself.
- Journal of Literacy and Technology
An online peer-reviewed international academic journal exploring the complex relationship between literacy and technology in educational, workplace, public, and individual spheres.
- Journal of Second Language Writing
Devoted to publishing theoretically grounded reports of research and discussions that represent a contribution to current understandings of central issues in second and foreign language writing and writing instruction.
- Journal of Teaching Writing
Publishes articles of interest to teachers at all grade levels, from preschool through university, that address the practices and theories which bear on our knowledge of how people learn and communicate through writing.
- Praxis: A Writing Center Journal
Welcomes articles from writing-center consultants, administrators, and others concerned with issues related to writing-center training, consulting, labor, administration, and initiatives. Published biannually by the University Writing Center at the University of Texas at Austin.
- Research in the Teaching of English
Research journal of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) in the United States. It is a broad-based, multidisciplinary journal composed of original research articles and short scholarly essays on a wide range of topics significant to those concerned with the teaching and learning of languages and literacies around the world, both in and beyond schools and universities.
- Rhetorica
Published quarterly for the International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Rhetorica includes articles, book reviews, and bibliographies that examine the theory and practice of rhetoric in all periods and languages and their relationship with poetics, philosophy, religion, and law.
- Rhetoric Society Quarterly
Publishes article-length manuscripts on all areas of rhetorical studies, including theory, history, criticism, and pedagogy.
- Technical Communication
Includes both quantitative and qualitative research while showcasing the work of some of the field’s most noteworthy writers.
- Technical Communication Quarterly
Publishes research focused on technical communication in academic, scientific, technical, business, governmental, and related organizational or social contexts.
- WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship
A forum for exchanging ideas and information about writing centers in high schools, colleges, and universities.
- WPA: Writing Program Administration
Publishes empirical and theoretical research on issues in writing program administration.
- Writing Center Journal
The official journal of the International Writing Centers Association, an Assembly of the National Council of Teachers of English.
- The Writing Instructor
A networked journal and digital community for writers and teachers of writing.
- Writing on the Edge
Writing on the Edge, an interdisciplinary journal focusing on writing and the teaching of writing, is aimed primarily at college-level composition teachers and others interested in writing and writing instruction. It is published at the University of California at Davis and appears two times a year-in spring and fall.
- Written Communication
A broad, interdisciplinary journal for research on the study of writing in all its symbolic forms.
How to Find the Stacks
To get to the stacks, you must go to the 2nd floor of Richter Library. If you are getting off of the elevator, make a right. If you take the stairs, proceed straight toward the elevators and take a left. The stacks elevators will located down the hall; look for the hanging sign that reads "Stacks Elevators".
External Funding Resources
- Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition - Feminist Research Grant
- Conference on College Composition and Communication Grants and Awards
- Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication Grants
- International Society for the History of Rhetoric Fellowships
- International Writing Centers Association Grants
- Modern Language Association Grants and Awards
- National Council of Teachers of English Research Grants
We are always looking to add new resources to this page! Email the Humanities Librarian.
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