Can I renew an item?

The lending library sets the loan, renewal, and use policies for borrowed item. It has the right to deny a renewal request, grant a renewal request, or recall the book before the due date. Renewal is not permitted for any overdue Interlibrary Loan items.

If the ILL book band on the item does not state, "No Renewals", you may submit a renewal request through your ILLiad account by viewing your active requests and clicking the Renew Item button. Requests should be submitted 1-3 days before an item is due. You may request one renewal for each item you borrow, unless the lending library stipulates that no renewals will be accepted.

If the lending library doesn't agree to your renewal request, Interlibrary Loan will notify you via email to return the item. If the renewal request is denied, the book must be returned on the original due date.