How do I find DVDs?

All the DVDs in Richter Library are on public shelves arranged by genre and may be browsed. DVDs at Weeks Music Library are stored behind the circulation desk. DVDs are also listed in the Libraries catalog just like books.

On the Libraries home page, click on Advanced Search under the orange Search button on the UM Libraries website. If you know the exact title of the film you want, change Any Field to Title and enter the name.

You can do an Author search for a film. Authors will include the director and the principal actors. Always enter the name last name first; i.e., Wayne, John.

You can search for a particular genre of film by doing a Subject search; i.e., comedy films, romance films, etc.

The nonfiction or documentary films are arranged by the same call number system as the books. If you already know where the books on your subject are, just check under the same call number in the DVD collection, nonfiction genre.

To search the catalog for films on your subject, use the Keyword search. Include the word "documentary" and any other terms that describe your subject.