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Ibañez Daniel, et al. Wood Urbanism: From the Molecular to the Territorial. Actar Publishers, 2019.
Menges, Achim, et al. Advancing Wood Architecture: A Computational Approach. Routledge, 2016.
McLeod, Virginia. Detail in Contemporary Residential Architecture. Laurence King Pub., 2012.
McLeod, Virginia. Detail in Contemporary Timber Architecture. Laurence King Publishing, 2010.
Mayo, Joseph. Solid Wood: Case Studies in Mass Timber Architecture, Technology and Design. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2015. Chapter 1 - 3
Lennartz, Marc Wilhelm. New Architecture in Wood. Birkhauser, 2015.
Jodidio, Philip. 100 Contemporary Wood Buildings. Taschen, 2015.
Harvard GSD Energy, Environments & Design Lab, “Unpacking conductivity in solid wood buildings: uncovering a more holistic description of thermal performance,” report, 2015.
Mary M. Berlik, David B. Kittredge, and David R. Foster. “The Illusion of Preservation: a Global Environmental Argument for the local Production of Natural Resources.” Journal of Biogeography, 29, p. 1557-1568. *
Denis Zastanvni and Bernard Wittevrongel, In Discussion with Jurg Conzett, Belgium : UCL, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2014. pp. 178-180.
Michel Carlana and Luc Mezzalira, eds., Jürg Conzett, Gianfranco Bronzini, Patrick Gartmann: Forms of Structures, Electa Publishers, 2011. pp. 56-65.
Mohsen Mostafavi, ed, Structure as Space: Engineering and Architecture in the works of Jürg Conzett and his partners, London : Architectural Association, c2006. pp. 32-57.
Global Timber Industry - Carbon Cycle
Arpad Horvath. 2004. “Construction Materials and the Environment.” Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 29: 181-204. *
Peter Dauvergne and Jane Lister, 2011. "The Global Political Economy of Timber,” in Timber (Malden: Polity Press), p. 1-26.
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, 2005. “A History of Weediness”, in Friction: An Ethnography of Global Connection, (Princeton: Princeton University Press), pp. 171-212
Ursula Biemann, Paulo Tavares, 2014. Forest Law – Selva Juridica, Broad Art Museum. pp. 1-141
Mary M. Berlik, David B. Kittredge, and David R. Foster. “The Illusion of Preservation: a Global Environmental Argument for the local Production of Natural Resources.” Journal of Biogeography, 29, p. 1557-1568. *
Shelia Kennedy and Christian Grunenberg. “Material Presence: Return of the Real.” KVA: Material Misuse. 4 Vol. (London: Architectural Association, 2001) pp. 2-21.
David Foster, David Kittredge, Brian Donahue, et al, “Woodlands and Wildlands: A Vision for the Forests of Massachusetts,” Harvard Forest, Harvard University, 2005.
Chadwick Dearing Oliver, Nedal T. Nassar, Bruce R. Lippke, James B. McCarter. “Carbon, Fossil Fuel and Biodiversity Mitigation with Wood and Forests.” Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 33:248-275, 2014.
Massachusetts, Energy and Environmental Affairs, Working Forest Initiative
W. Scott Prudham, Knock on Wood: Nature as Commodity in Douglas-Fir Country. New York: Routledge, 2005.
Vaclav Smil, Harvesting the Biosphere: What we have taken from Nature. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2013.Thermal Properties
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Henning Großeschmidt, “The Tempered Building: Renovated Architecture – Comfortable Rooms - A "Giant Display Case” Michael Kotterer, Henning Großeschmidt, Frederick P. Boody,Wolfgang Kippes, eds., Climate in Museums and Historical Buildings: Tempering.
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Stephane Hameury, “Moisture buffering capacity of heavy timber structures directly exposed to an indoor climate: a numerical study” Building and Environment 40 (2005) 1400–1412. *
Anais Jeanjean, Regis Olives, Xavier Py, “Selection criteria of thermal mass materials for low-energy building construction applied to conventional and alternative materials,” Energy and Buildings 63 (2013) 36–48 *
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