subjectId: 690653

Some Additional Streaming Databases

Primary Streaming Databases

Need more help?

  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian


Course Reserves

Do you want to include any films in your course? Just send a list of your desired films to our Course Reserves service:

Please include your class number and section as well as the title, date, and director or principal actor for each film.

Don't worry if you can't find a particular title or don't have time to search in all these databases! If you know the films you want, just tell us what you need and we'll take it from there.

We do not guarantee success but we'll do our best!

Additional Resources

IMDB - The Internet Movie Database
An extensive encyclopedia of movies, documentaries, and TV shows with full details about cast and crews.

An online TV guide that indexes the currently available streaming sources for movies, documentaries, and TV shows. Indexes free sources, personal subscription services, public library systems, and pay-per-view services.