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  • Ava Brillat

    Program Lead for Information Literacy and Instructional Design


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​ARTstor images are now available via JSTOR image search. When you search for images on JSTOR, you can now find Artstor's 3.2+ million licensed images and more than 800 additional collections alongside JSTOR's books and journal articles. The ARTstor collections are comprised of contributions from museums, individual photographers, scholars, special collections at libraries, and photo archives. All images are accompanied by comprehensive metadata and are rights-cleared for educational use. ​Digital Theatre+ is the world’s leading educational platform for English and the Performing Arts, providing  students with access to 600+ theatre productions and educational resources. Digital Theatre+ collaborates with renowned theatre companies, actors and creatives to capture live performances in stunning quality and bring you insights from behind the scenes. The eHRAF Collection of Ethnography, published annually by Human Relations Area Files (HRAF), is a full-text, fully-indexed cultural database. It focuses on mostly pre-industrial cultures from around the world, and on North American immigrant groups. As of the year 2000, the Collection of Ethnography on the Web contains 78 selected cultures from around the world, including information on all aspects of cultural and social life. Topics range from family relationships to religious practices to ideas about gender. CultureGrams is a reference for concise and reliable cultural information on the countries of the world. The database provides up-to-date country reports on 200+ cultures of the world, all 50 United States, and the Canadian provinces, that go beyond mere facts and figures to deliver a one-of-a-kind perspective on daily life and culture, including the background, customs, and lifestyles of the world's people.