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Cover page from The Carrell: Journal of the Friends of the University of Miami Library, Vol. 31, 1996. Explore this collection and more through UML's Digital Collections.
Teaching with Primary Sources: I-ATE Workshop Resources
This resource guide is a companion to First-Hand Knowledge: Exploring Primary Sources at UM Libraries and the Teaching with Primary Sources workshops, hosted by UM's Platform for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (PETAL). The workshops, along with this guide, introduce faculty and graduate students to primary sources from UML Distinctive Collections, focusing on pedagogical strategies for student engagement. Faculty presenters also highlight specific resources in the libraries' distinctive and digital collections and provide guidance on finding aids and resources.
Subject Specialist

Cover page from The Carrell: Journal of the Friends of the University of Miami Library, Vol. 31, 1996. Explore this collection and more through UML's Digital Collections.
University of Miami Archival and Digital Collections
To quickly search for manuscripts and archival materials in the University of Miami Libraries' collection go to And, go to to look for digitized materials from UML Distinctive Collection.
Background and Frameworks
Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education
Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy, ACRL RBMS-SAA Joint Task Force on the Development of Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy
TPS Collective
Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS)
Out of Context: Understanding Learning through Museum Studies
What is Object-based Inquiry?
Unleashing the Pedagogical Power of Object-based Learning
Library of Congress
Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy, ACRL RBMS-SAA Joint Task Force on the Development of Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy
TPS Collective
Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS)
Out of Context: Understanding Learning through Museum Studies
What is Object-based Inquiry?
Unleashing the Pedagogical Power of Object-based Learning
Library of Congress
Select Articles
Anderberg, L. “STEM Undergraduates and Archival Instruction: A Case Study at NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering.” The American Archivist 78.2 (2015): 548-566.
Brown, Amanda H.; Barbara Losoff; and Deborah R. Hollis. “Science Instruction Through the Visual Arts in Special Collections.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 14.2 (2014): 197-216.
Bunce, Louise. “Appreciation of Authenticity Promotes Curiosity: Implications for Object-Based Learning in Museums.” Journal of Museum Education, 2016, Vol. 41., No. 3 (230-239).
Garcia, P; J. Lueck and Elizabeth Yakel. “The Pedagogical Promise of Primary Sources: Research Trends, Persistent Gaps, and New Directions.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship 45 (2019): 94-101.
Hammond, Anna; Ian Berry; Sheryl Conkelton; Sharon Corwin; Pamela Franks; Katherine Hart; Wyona Lynch-McWhite; Charles Reeve; John Stomberg. “The Role of the University Art Museum and Gallery.” Art Journal (September 1, 2006) Vol. 65, No. 3 (20-39).
Hauf, James E. “Teaching World Cultures through Artifacts.” Journal of Geography (June 14, 2010) Vol. 109, No. 3 (113-123).
Hayden, W. “And Gladly Teach: The Archival Turn’s Pedagogical Turn,” College English 80 (Nov. 2017): 133-58.
Malkmus, Doris. “"Old Stuff" for New Teaching Methods: Outreach to History Faculty Teaching with Primary Sources.” Portal (Baltimore, Md.) 10, no. 4 (2010): 413–35.
McPeek, Melinda, Jennifer Piegols, and Ian Post. “Reconceptualizing the Classroom: An Immersive Digital Primary Source Exercise During COVID-19,” Museum and Society 18:3 (2020): 337-40.
Pace, D. “The Amateur in the Operating Room: History and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning,” The American Historical Review 109 (Oct. 2004).
Rawlinson, Kate; Susan Wood; Mark Osterman; Claudia Sullivan. “Thinking Critically about Social Issues through Visual Material.” Journal of Museum Education (June 1, 2007) Vol. 32, No. 2 (155-174).
Robyns, Marcus C. “The Archivist as Educator: Integrating Critical Thinking Skills into Historical Research Methods Instruction.” The American Archivist 64:2 (Fall-Winter 2001): 371-73.
Rockenbach, Barbara. “Archives, Undergraduates, and Inquiry-Based Learning: Case Studies from Yale University Library.” The American Archivist 74:1 (Spring/Summer 2011): 297-311.
Sabalis, Samantha. “Creating the Museum Experience: Using Museum Education to Teach Oral Presentation Skills in the Composition Classroom.” Pedagogy (2016) Vol. 17, No. 1 (139-147).
Tuckett, T., & Lawes, E. “Object literacy at University College London Library Services.” Art Libraries Journal (2017), 42 (2), 99-106.
Reese, Jacquelyn Slater. “Sources: Interacting with History: Teaching with Primary Sources.” Reference and User Services Quarterly 54, no. 3 (2015): 53–54.
Brown, Amanda H.; Barbara Losoff; and Deborah R. Hollis. “Science Instruction Through the Visual Arts in Special Collections.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 14.2 (2014): 197-216.
Bunce, Louise. “Appreciation of Authenticity Promotes Curiosity: Implications for Object-Based Learning in Museums.” Journal of Museum Education, 2016, Vol. 41., No. 3 (230-239).
Garcia, P; J. Lueck and Elizabeth Yakel. “The Pedagogical Promise of Primary Sources: Research Trends, Persistent Gaps, and New Directions.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship 45 (2019): 94-101.
Hammond, Anna; Ian Berry; Sheryl Conkelton; Sharon Corwin; Pamela Franks; Katherine Hart; Wyona Lynch-McWhite; Charles Reeve; John Stomberg. “The Role of the University Art Museum and Gallery.” Art Journal (September 1, 2006) Vol. 65, No. 3 (20-39).
Hauf, James E. “Teaching World Cultures through Artifacts.” Journal of Geography (June 14, 2010) Vol. 109, No. 3 (113-123).
Hayden, W. “And Gladly Teach: The Archival Turn’s Pedagogical Turn,” College English 80 (Nov. 2017): 133-58.
Malkmus, Doris. “"Old Stuff" for New Teaching Methods: Outreach to History Faculty Teaching with Primary Sources.” Portal (Baltimore, Md.) 10, no. 4 (2010): 413–35.
McPeek, Melinda, Jennifer Piegols, and Ian Post. “Reconceptualizing the Classroom: An Immersive Digital Primary Source Exercise During COVID-19,” Museum and Society 18:3 (2020): 337-40.
Pace, D. “The Amateur in the Operating Room: History and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning,” The American Historical Review 109 (Oct. 2004).
Rawlinson, Kate; Susan Wood; Mark Osterman; Claudia Sullivan. “Thinking Critically about Social Issues through Visual Material.” Journal of Museum Education (June 1, 2007) Vol. 32, No. 2 (155-174).
Robyns, Marcus C. “The Archivist as Educator: Integrating Critical Thinking Skills into Historical Research Methods Instruction.” The American Archivist 64:2 (Fall-Winter 2001): 371-73.
Rockenbach, Barbara. “Archives, Undergraduates, and Inquiry-Based Learning: Case Studies from Yale University Library.” The American Archivist 74:1 (Spring/Summer 2011): 297-311.
Sabalis, Samantha. “Creating the Museum Experience: Using Museum Education to Teach Oral Presentation Skills in the Composition Classroom.” Pedagogy (2016) Vol. 17, No. 1 (139-147).
Tuckett, T., & Lawes, E. “Object literacy at University College London Library Services.” Art Libraries Journal (2017), 42 (2), 99-106.
Reese, Jacquelyn Slater. “Sources: Interacting with History: Teaching with Primary Sources.” Reference and User Services Quarterly 54, no. 3 (2015): 53–54.
Deep Dives
Select Books
Chatterjee, Helen and Leonie Hannan. Engaging the Senses: Object-Based Learning in Higher Education. (United Kingdom: Henry Ling Limited, at the Dorset Press, 2015).
Glesne, Corrine. The Exemplary Museum: Art and Academia. Edinburgh & Boston: Museums, Etc., 2013.
Jandl, Stefanie S.; Mark S. Gold. A Handbook for Academic Museums (Edinburgh; Boston: MuseumsEtc., 2012).
Keene, Suzanne. Fragments of the World: Uses of Museum Collections (Amsterdam; Boston: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005).
Paris, Scott G. Perspectives on Object-centered Learning in Museums (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002).
Totleben, Kristen, and Lori Birrell, editors. Collaborating for Impact: Special Collections and Liaison Librarian Partnerships (Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 2016).
Wiley, David A. The Instructional Use of Learning Objects. (Bloomington, Indiana: Agency for Instructional Technology and Association for Educational Communications & Technology, 2002).
Porterfield, Julie M., and Association of College Research Libraries, publisher. The Teaching with Primary Sources Cookbook. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 2021.
Waring, Scott Monroe, and ProQuest. Integrating Primary and Secondary Sources into Teaching: The Sources Framework for Authentic Investigation. New York, NY: Teachers College Press, 2021.
Glesne, Corrine. The Exemplary Museum: Art and Academia. Edinburgh & Boston: Museums, Etc., 2013.
Jandl, Stefanie S.; Mark S. Gold. A Handbook for Academic Museums (Edinburgh; Boston: MuseumsEtc., 2012).
Keene, Suzanne. Fragments of the World: Uses of Museum Collections (Amsterdam; Boston: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005).
Paris, Scott G. Perspectives on Object-centered Learning in Museums (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002).
Totleben, Kristen, and Lori Birrell, editors. Collaborating for Impact: Special Collections and Liaison Librarian Partnerships (Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 2016).
Wiley, David A. The Instructional Use of Learning Objects. (Bloomington, Indiana: Agency for Instructional Technology and Association for Educational Communications & Technology, 2002).
Porterfield, Julie M., and Association of College Research Libraries, publisher. The Teaching with Primary Sources Cookbook. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 2021.
Waring, Scott Monroe, and ProQuest. Integrating Primary and Secondary Sources into Teaching: The Sources Framework for Authentic Investigation. New York, NY: Teachers College Press, 2021.
Select Digital Libraries
Sunshine State Digital Network (SSDN)
Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)
Library of Congress
Smithsonian Institution
Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC)
ArchiveGrid, OCLC
World Digital Library
Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)
Library of Congress
Smithsonian Institution
Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC)
ArchiveGrid, OCLC
World Digital Library
Select UML Databases
19th Century U.S. Newspapers
African American Newspapers, Series 1
Readex AllSearch
African American Newspapers, Series 1
Archives Unbound |
Readex AllSearch
Sanborn Maps (United States) |
Deep Dive: Florida Resources
Contact Information
This guide is maintained by the following individual(s):
Subject Specialist
Amanda Moreno-Schroeder
Esperanza Bravo de Varona Chair and Director of the Cuban Heritage Collection