subjectId: 690723

News Sources


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  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian


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MRI Simmons Training

I strongly recommend watching the training video Insight Platform Introduction.
The password is MRISimmons2020. You will actually see several videos there. The one you want is the second one (center of the top row). Half an hour long but well worth the time!



Keeping up with your chosen profession

This page lists a variety of sources that can be used to keep up with current trends and events in the field of public relations. If you are serious about joining this field as a professional, then you should begin now to develop the habit of regularly perusing these sources.

This is not a comprehensive list but rather a suggested list. You may need to add additional sources depending on your personal focus and interests within the field of public relations.

PR Trade Publications & Journals

Need More Help?

  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian
