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Browse through topics related to Design Strategies, Building Science, Building & Project Types, Design Process, Codes & Certifications
Brophy, Vivienne., and J. Owen. Lewis. A Green Vitruvius: Principles and Practice of Sustainable Architectural Design. 2nd ed., Earthscan, 2011.
Building Industry
A gateway to up-to-date information on integrated 'whole building' design techniques and technologies.
Sweets Construction
Building product source for design and construction professionals.
Journals & Serials
Case Studies
Methods, Toolkits, Guidelines
EPA’s EXPOsure toolBOX (EPA ExpoBox) is a toolbox created to assist individuals from within government, industry, academia, and the general public with assessing exposure. It is a compendium of exposure assessment tools that links to guidance documents, databases, models, reference materials, and other related resources.
United States Census Bureau Building Permits Survey
This page provides data on the number of new housing units authorized by building permits. Data are available monthly, year- to- date, and annually at the national, state, selected metropolitan area, county and place levels. The data are from the Building Permits Survey.
Healthcare Centers, Organizations & Programs
Miller School of Medicine Department of Public Health Sciences University of Miami
CDC Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
CDC National Health Initiatives, Strategies & Action Plans
Institute for Health Metrics
IHME is an independent population health research center at the University of Washington Medicine that provides rigorous and comparable measurement of the world's most important health problems and evaluates the strategies used to address them. IHME makes this information freely available so that policymakers have the evidence they need to make informed decisions about how to allocate resources to best improve population health.
United Nations Development Program Sustainability Goal
#3 Good health and well-being
Data Clearing Houses
C40 Covid-19 Knowledge Portal
Portal dedicated to Cities and Coronavirus (COVID-19) featuring the following:
- Peer-to-peer support offerings.
- City action and initiative trackers.
- Data and visulisation resources.
- Upcoming virtual events.
- Public resources from C40 networks and programmes.
Article Indexes & Databases
Albert, Marie-Theres., Caroline. Lawrence, and Judith. Andreyev. Perceptions of Sustainability in Heritage Studies. Heritage Studies (Berlin, Germany); v. 4. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015.
Licciardi, Guido., Rana. Amirtahmasebi, and World Bank. The Economics of Uniqueness Investing in Historic City Cores and Cultural Heritage Assets for Sustainable Development. Urban Development Series (Washington, D.C.). Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 2012.
Longstreth, Richard W., and National Forum on Historic Preservation Practice. Sustainability & Historic Preservation toward a Holistic View. Newark [Del.]: Lanham, Md.: University of Delaware Press ; Rowman & Littlefield, 2011.
National Trust for Historic Preservation. Why Old Places Matter: How Historic Places Affect Our Identity and Well-being. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2018.
Page, Maxt. Why Preservation Matters. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 2016.
Rodwell, Dennis. Conservation and Sustainability in Historic Cities. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publ., 2007.
United States. Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Author. Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan., 2010.
Young, Robert A. Stewardship of the Built Environment Sustainability, Preservation, and Reuse. 2012. Metropolitan Planning Design. Washington, DC: Island Press/Center for Resource Economics: Island Press, 2012.
Print Resources
Cody, Jeffrey W., and Francesco Siravo. Historic Cities: Issues in Urban Conservation. Readings in Conservation. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, 2019.
Tyler, Norman, Ilene R. Ligibel, and Ligibel, Ted. Historic Preservation: An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practice. Third ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2018.
Reports / Guidelines
OSCAR (Online Sustainable Conservation Assistance Resource) / Initiative of the Association for Preservation Technology International (APTI) and its Technincal Committee on Sustainable Preservation
The Secretary Of The Interior’s Standards For Rehabilitation & Illustrated Guidelines On Sustainability For Rehabilitating Historic Buildings. National Park Service

Dade Heritage Trust
Historic Preservation Association of Coral Gables
Miami Design Preservation League (MDPL)
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Global/International, international
non-profit organization dedicated to documentation and conservation of buildings, sites and neighborhoods of the Modern Movement.
ICOMOS International Council on Mouments & Sites
Article Indexes & Databases
International coverage of more than 1,150 leading arts and humanities journals as well as selective coverage from leading science and social sciences journals.
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
The Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals covers architecture and related fields such as archaeology, urban planning, historic preservation, and interior design. Coverage reaches from the 1930s (with selective coverage dating back to the 1860s) to the present.
Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS)
The Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) is a collection that documents achievements in architecture, engineering, and landscape design in the United States and its territories through a comprehensive range of building types, engineering technologies, and landscapes.
Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS)
The Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS) mission is to record historic landscapes in the United States and its territories through measured drawings and interpretive drawings, written histories, and large-format black and white photographs and color photographs.
JSTOR provides digital versions of the backfiles of major scholarly journals. Primarily an archival collection, JSTOR does not provide access to the most recent 3-5 years of content for most titles.
Nexis Uni
Nexis Uni™ features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis®—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790—with an intuitive interface that offers quick discovery across all content types, personalization features such as Alerts and saved searches and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents.
ProQuest Research Library
ProQuest Research Library provides in-depth coverage of the top 150 core academic subject, including 5,060 titles -over 3,600 in full text- from 1971 forward. It features a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and newspapers.
Journals / Serials
Miami Dade County Zoning / Florida Building Codes
Building, plumbing, residential, energy conservation, accessibility and more.
Miami Dade County Zoning Resources
Site-specific zoning data for properties in unincorporated Miami-Dade County is maintained by the Zoning section. Information available includes: the zoning of the site, the uses permitted within that zone and development parameters, such as the minimum lot size, the maximum density, the required setbacks from property lines, the maximum lot coverage and floor area ratio, the maximum height, parking and green area requirements.
Miami Dade Small Area Studies
PDF docs of completed charrette processes for various small areas in Miami Dade.
Sustainability Initiatives
Reports / Guidelines

Geo-Spatial Data
Collaboratively developed, open source, federated web application to rapidly discover, preview, and retrieve geospatial data from multiple repositories in an effort to share resources and best practices in the areas of application development, metadata, data sharing, data licensing, and data sources in support of geospatial data repositories.
Sociological Abstracts
Sociological Abstracts indexes and abstracts research literature published worldwide in journals and other serial publications. Social Planning/Policy Development (SOPODA) is included as a subfile, providing additional literature on policy issues addressing violence, abuse, housing, the environment and other social issues.
Urban Affairs Review
UAR is a peer-reviewed, bi-monthly journal focused on questions of politics, governance, and public policy specifically as they relate to cities and/or their regions.
Maps & Gazeteers
Renowned geographic encyclopedia.
Digital Sanborn Maps
More than 660,000 Sanborn maps chart the growth and development of more than 12,000 American towns and cities. Sanborn maps are large-scale plans of a city or town, drawn at a scale of 50 feet to an inch. They were created to assist fire insurance companies as they assessed the risk associated with insuring a particular property. The maps list street blocks and building numbers including numbers in use at the time the map was made and previous numbers.
Library of Congress
Digital Collection with over 15,000 scanned maps.
NOAA Nautical Chart Locator
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
University of Texas, Austin
Old Maps Online
A resouce combining over 400,000 digitized maps from collections all over the world.
United States Geological Survey
Over 100K modern and historic scanned topographic maps of the United States.
USGS Map Downloader