subjectId: 690579 visibleTabCount: 1


Research Sprints offer University of Miami faculty and staff the opportunity to partner with a team of library experts on a component of their broader project. Each Research Sprint will take place over the course of two days to address the project-based obstacle and deliver a tangible plan or outcome. Two faculty/groups will be offered Research Sprints in spring 2025. An application submission is required.

The Research Sprints initiative (previously called the U-Link Research Sprints) was created in 2019 through collaboration between the library and the University’s Laboratory for Integrated Knowledge (U-LINK) and has now expanded to support research teams more broadly. For more information on the history of the University of Miami Libraries’ support for U-LINK, please see U-LINK Librarians and Support for Interdisciplinary Research.

What Are Research Sprints?

Research Sprints dedicate time for team-based problem solving and/or brainstorming. University of Miami Libraries’ Sprints aim to foster engaging and equitable collaborations that advance interdisciplinary research for the public good. Each member of the Sprint Team brings unique ideas, creativity, and expertise that are essential to building projects and connections during this period and beyond. We believe that the expertise of librarians and other specialists can enrich the goals and outcomes of interdisciplinary research. Sprints differ from standard library consultations in their timing and depth of interaction, in their orientation to interdisciplinary research and public scholarship, and in their aim to build sustainable campus and community connections. 

Potential project areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Technology
    • AI-based research tools and strategies
    • Creativity tools and technologies
  • Pedagogy
  • Teaching
    • Open Educational Resources
    • Information literacy pedagogy and instructional design
  • Scholarship
    • Open Access
    • Scholarly profile management
    • Research metrics
    • Scholarship Communication
  • Research strategies
    • Literature searching and systematic reviews
    • Citation Management 
    • Primary Sources
  • Data
    • Analysis, data deposits, data management, and data visualization
    • GIS and mapping
    • Open Data
  • Open Science
  • Collaboration strategies
    • Community connections  
  • Metadata creation and management


Eligibility includes all University of Miami tenured, tenure-track, or clinical faculty and academic staff as defined in the University of Miami Faculty Manual. Student assistants may participate in teams if the primary researcher or instructor is a faculty member.

*The expectation is that the faculty members will be present for the entire duration of the Sprints, although they are welcome to invite graduate students to participate on teams.

Application Selection Criteria

  1. The scope/scale of the project can be completed in two days.
  2. Project demonstrates the impact of the project on the faculty member’s research or teaching.
  3. There is rationale for partnering with University Libraries to accomplish the project and the role of library staff in supporting the project.

Date of Sprint

Spring 2025


Have questions before applying? Pre-application consultations are available.