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Welcome to the University of Miami Libraries guide to Public Relations resources! The purpose of this guide is to help you navigate through the many resources available to you through the University of Miami Libraries system.

Streaming Videos

Primary Databases

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    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

Top Public Relations Databases

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  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

MRI Simmons Training

I strongly recommend watching the training video Insight Platform Introduction.
The password is MRISimmons2020. You will actually see several videos there. The one you want is the second one (center of the top row). Half an hour long but well worth the time!



Keeping up with your chosen profession

This page lists a variety of sources that can be used to keep up with current trends and events in the field of public relations. If you are serious about joining this field as a professional, then you should begin now to develop the habit of regularly perusing these sources.

This is not a comprehensive list but rather a suggested list. You may need to add additional sources depending on your personal focus and interests within the field of public relations.

PR Trade Publications & Journals

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    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

Associated Press Stylebook

Social Media & Marketing

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    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

Check out polls, too!

Be sure to check out the "Polls & Public Opinion" section of this guide, too!

Government Resources



The American marketplace : demographics and spending patterns
HA203 .A635 (Richter Reference)
The American Marketplace draws on scores of government and proprietary sources to give you a population profile of the United States in one handy volume. Its hundreds of tables are organized into nine chapters on education, health, housing, income, labor force, living arrangements, population, spending, and wealth.

American generations : who they are, how they live, what they think
HC110.C6 M545 2003 (Richter Reference)
This resource for marketing professionals analyzes government statistics to identify current trends in the lifestyles of Americans. The first chapter profiles five generations, from the affluent elderly WWII generation to the "millennial" generation of people born into the high tech world. The remaining ten chapters describe the similarities and differences among these generations in areas such as education, health, spending, and living arrangements. The fifth edition features a new section on the housing market, as well as the results of the American Time Use Survey.

Best customers : demographics of consumer demand
HC79.C6 B48 2005 (Richter 6th Floor Stacks)
Based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2002 Consumer Expenditure Survey, this reference for market researchers examines spending patterns by the demographic characteristics of households to reveal who the best and biggest consumers are for specific products and services. Two-page spreads for 300 products and services include brief overviews of spending patterns and future predictions, and present tables analyzing household spending by age, household income, race and ethnic origin, region, household types, and, new to this edition, educational attainment.

The Lifestyle market analyst
HF5415.3 .L525 (most recent edition in Richter Reference)
This print service, published by SRDS and Equifax, provides market analysis of potential local, regional and national audiences. Use The Lifestyle Market Analyst to obtain data compiled from more than 15 million households.

Access to demographic, lifestyle and consumer segment profiles help you locate your best prospects. You can identify where certain consumers live and how they spend their money and free time. This one source integrates all the data you need and is cross-referenced so you can find your ideal market easily.

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  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

MRI Simmons Training

I strongly recommend watching the training video Insight Platform Introduction.
The password is MRISimmons2020. You will actually see several videos there. The one you want is the second one (center of the top row). Half an hour long but well worth the time!


Polls & Public Opinion Resources


The SAGE handbook of public opinion research
HM1236 .S24 2008 (Richter 6th Floor Stacks)
This major new Handbook is the first to bring together into one volume the whole field of public opinion theory, research methodology, and the political and social embeddedness of polls in modern societies.
Polling America : an encyclopedia of public opinion
HN90.P8 P645 2005 (Richter Reference)
Entries are included both on the perennial issues and on the process of polling (with the emphasis on the latter), so that readers will find entries on abortion, crime, gay rights, and trust in government and more.
Public opinion and polling around the world : a historical encyclopedia
HM1236 .P83 2004 (Richter Reference)
Volume 1 addresses public opinion in democracies, then concentrates on the US with sections on history, individual issues and "Key People, Institutions, and Concepts." The latter offers chapters on well-known pollsters (Gallup, Roper, Converse) and a section on concepts best described as light on methodology. Volume 2 covers the public opinion environment of 41 countries, adding a comparative section for "Beginning Democracies," "Developing Countries," and "Industrial Democracies."

Public information campaigns & opinion research [e-book]
Electronic book
Drawing on multidisciplinary insights and the experiences of campaign practitioners, this book is a guide to planning, implementing and measuring public information and communication campaigns using survey research. Chapters outline the theoretical approaches and draw on examples of national and international campaigns.

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    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

Business Librarian

You can also contact Doris Jui, Buisness Librarian, if you have in-depth questions regarding company information. She may be reached at:

Phone: 305-284-6516


In-person: Judi Prokop Newman Information Resource Center (in the School of Business)

See also: Business Subject Guides

Industry Information

Company Information

Top Databases

PR Companies

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    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian


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    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian

Avoiding Plagiarism

Plagiarism: What It is and How to Recognize and Avoid It
Indiana University Writing Tutorial Services

Avoiding Plagiarism
The OWL at Purdue University
How to avoid plagiarism
The University of Wisconsin Writing Center

Common citation requests in APA style

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    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian


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  • Terri Robar

    Communication, Media, Geography, and Maps Librarian