subjectId: 690632

Newspaper Subscriptions

Newspaper Subscriptions
See the range of news resources available, including free subcriptions to the web editions of NYT, WSJ and FT.

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Find Journal Articles and Reports

US Government Databases

A service of the US Government Publishing Office, which is a Federal agency in the legislative branch. It provides free public access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.
Online guide to US Government information and services. "How to" guide.

A-Z list of US Govt Departments and Agencies
Links two websites and contact information.

Online Access to Past Budget Data

Guide to Past Budget Data from Library of Congress
The LoC has compiled a list of e-books containing past budgets of the Federal Government. To find your agency, you may have to dig through these one by one.

Subject Specialist

Statistical Resources

UM Libraries Data Services Team

Data Services at UM Libraries

Provide advice and assistance with finding and collecting data, data analysis, and the use of tools and programs.