staffId: 595
Meg Merrill

Meg Merrill

Student Success Librarian


Meg Merrill earned her Master’s degree in Library and Information Science from the University of South Florida in 2021 and joined the University of Miami Library faculty in 2022. She was inspired to go back to school to become a librarian through her work with students, faculty, and staff at the UML Access Services Desk, where she had worked since March 2019. Meg also has a Master’s in Public History from Florida International University and a BA in History from the University of Connecticut.

Prior to UM, Meg enjoyed working at Miami museums: HistoryMiami, The Wolfsonian, and Vizcaya Museum & Gardens.

Meg grew up in New England, and while she really misses the changes in seasons (even winter), she loves that she can eat her lunch outside every day in Miami.