staffId: 569
Kelsa Bartley

Kelsa Bartley

Education and Outreach Librarian


Kelsa Bartley is the Education and Outreach Librarian in the Learning, Research, and Clinical Information Services department at the Louis Calder Memorial Library. She joined the University of Miami Libraries in 2013 as a Manager in the Reference and Education department.

Kelsa has a Master of Science (MS) in Information degree, with a certificate in Health Information Technology from Florida State University. She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Photography from Barry University, in Miami Shores, Florida.

Kelsa is Calder Library’s EndNote Specialist, and she manages Calder Library’s social media presence on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. She creates content for the Library’s promotional materials, displays and online presence. She also answers questions related to mobile apps and library resources with videos and images.

Kelsa is a member of the University of Miami Library’s Diversity and Inclusion Group. She is also a committee member on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee for the Medical Library Association (MLA). She is currently the Social Media Coordinator as a member of the Florida Health Science Library Association (FHSLA). She is also a member of the MLA Southern Chapter.

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