staffId: 104
Cheryl Gowing

Cheryl Gowing

Associate Dean, Library Facilities, Space Planning & Organizational Development

Cheryl Gowing has served as a member of the librarian faculty since 1987.   In her current position as Associate Dean for Library Facilties, Space-Planning, and Organizational Development she provides leadership and oversight for the  Library Facilities department, overseeing facilities, renovation, and space-planning in the UM Libraries. 

Ms. Gowing received a Bachelor’s in Music from Rhode Island College, her Masters in Library Science in 1985 and a Masters in Music in 1984 in Organ and Liturgical Music both from the University of Michigan. Her previous positions at the University include Music Cataloger, Head of Cataloging, Integrated Library Systems Coordinator, Director of Technical & Access Services, and Associate Dean for Library Information Systems, Access, and Facilities.  Prior to joining the University of Miami faculty in 1987, she was a music cataloger for an NEH grant at the Bowling Green State University Popular Music Sound Recording Archives.

Ms. Gowing currently serves on the University's Academic Computing Advisory Committee.  She has represented the Libraries on the Faculty Senate and General Welfare Committees, the Senate Women & Minorities Committee, the Senate Library & Information Technology Committee, the Information Technology Leadership Council, the Information Security Advisory Council,  the Faculty Senate Administrative Services Committee,  the Portal Steering Committee, and the Provost’s Women’s Advisory Committee on Academic Affairs.   She was elected Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect in 2004 to a three year term on the Innovative Users Group Steering Committee, serving as Chair in 2005-2006.  She is active within several library professional organizations, including ALA  CORE Buildings for College and University Libraries Committee,  ACRL [Association of College & Research Libraries], ASERL [Association of Southeast Research Libraries Accessibility Interest Group, and FLA [Florida Library Association].  Within the local community Ms. Gowing served on the Library Board of Trustees for the Miami Shores Brockway Memorial Library for over twenty-two years, and is currently the Librarian for the Biscayne Chapter of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution, and Past-President of the Scottish American Society of South Florida.