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Creative Commons Licenses
Table of Contents
Creative Commons Licenses
Selected Databases
- ASFA: Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts (ProQuest)
ASFA is the most comprehensive database covering research and technical literature in aquatic sciences. Subfiles include Environmental RouteNet and Water Resource RouteNet. - Aquaculture Compendium
A global compilation of knowledge on aquaculture for practical decision-making in aquatic resource management and aquaculture. - Biological Science (ProQuest)
This service indexes theoretical and applied research in biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology, ecology, and related resources in the biological sciences. MEDLINE and TOXLINE are included in the search. - Biosis Citation Index
Get a comprehensive view of life sciences research, including the most important discoveries, significant influences and relevant connections. Biosis Citation Index combines critical life sciences research with powerful citation indexing that only Web of Science provides. - BioOne
Provides access to full-text of research journals in the biosciences published by scientific societies such as the Wilson Ornithological Society, Society of Wetland Scientists, and Entomological Society of America. - Gale OneFile: Science
Gale OneFile: Science provides information on the latest scientific developments in particle physics, advanced mathematics, and nanotechnology. Updated daily, Science has articles to satisfy almost every scientific inquiry and keep researchers current. Key subjects include the biological sciences, computing, engineering, and technology. - Oceanic Abstracts
Oceanic Abstracts indexes journal articles and other international technical publications pertaining to the marine and brackish-water environment. Index coverage focuses on marine biology and physical oceanography, fisheries, aquaculture, non-living resources, meteorology and geology, plus environmental, technological, and legislative topics. - PubMed - US National Library of Medicine, NIH
Provides access to citations for biomedical articles from Medline and life science journals. Citations may include links to full-text articles. - SCOPUS
Covering the life, physical, health, and social sciences, Scopus is a large abstract and citation database of research literature and web sources.Scopus covers: Over 15,000 peer-reviewed titles from more than 4,000 international publishers, including coverage of: 500 Open Access journals, 700 Conference Proceedings, 600 Trade Publications, 125 Book Series. More than 60% of titles are from countries other than the US Abstracts go back to 1966. References go back to 1996. 80% of content is indexed with controlled vocabularies. 100% coverage of Medline, including unique Medline journals. 28 million abstract records. 245 million references added to all abstracts. Scopus also covers 250 million quality web sources, including 13 million patents. Web sources are searched via Scirus, and include author homepages, university sites and resources such as the preprint servers CogPrints and, and OAI compliant resources. - Web of Science Citation Indexes
Web of Science, published by Thomson Reuters, is a multi-disciplinary database that provides integrated access to over 8,000 key research journals indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Science Citation Index, and Arts and Humanities Citation Index.There are two main ways to search the database: --- select General Search to search for articles by subject term, author name, journal title, or author affiliation --- select Cited Reference Search to search for articles that cite an author or article that you specify. Web of Knowledge features citation searching, email alerts, links to the full text of many items.
For more related resources visit the University of Miami Libraries Database Lists.
Selected Journals
- Annual Review of Marine Science
- Aquatic Living Resources
- Aquatic Toxicology
- Bulletin of Marine Science
- Coral Reefs
- Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
- Fish and Shellfish Immunology
- Harmful Algae
- ICES Journal of Marine Science
- Marine Pollution Bulletin
- Marine Ecology and Progress Series
- Nature
- PLoS One
- Science
Find additional journals in the UM Libraries uSearch Catalog.
Find items in the uSearch Catalog
Theses and Dissertations
- Theses and Dissertations in the UM Scholarly Repository
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (PQDTGlobal)
- Darwin's fishes. An encyclopedia of ichthyology, ecology, and evolution (Online)
- Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology (Online)
- Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, eLS (Online)
- Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (Online)
- Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences. 2nd Edition (Online)
- Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science (Online)
Selected eBooks
Evaluating Sources by Western University Libraries
McMaster Libraries YouTube video: How to Evaluate Resources (the CRAAP Test)
For more information and background on The CRAAP test for evaluating resource, visit CRAAP test - Wikipedia.
Librarians recommend that students use library resources, databases, and ejournals when searching for information. However, many student will use Google to search for information on their topics. While some of the resources found through a Google search may be credible and peer reviewed, some information can less so, out of date, and inaccurate. When evaulating the information you find online use the "CRAAP" test!
For more information and background on The CRAAP test for evaluating resource, visit CRAAP test - Wikipedia.
Librarians recommend that students use library resources, databases, and ejournals when searching for information. However, many student will use Google to search for information on their topics. While some of the resources found through a Google search may be credible and peer reviewed, some information can less so, out of date, and inaccurate. When evaulating the information you find online use the "CRAAP" test!
Subject Specialist
Angela Clark-Hughes
Director, Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science Library
Marine & Atmospheric Science Guides
Getting Stated with Managing your Citations
There are many citation mangement programs available (also known as reference managers or bibliographic management tools) providing useful features that can help you with storing and organzing your citations, as well as creating a bibliography in whatever style you prefer.
It is important to choose the one that suits your needs. University of Miami Libraries has licensed access to: Mendeley, RefWorks and EndNote.
It is important to choose the one that suits your needs. University of Miami Libraries has licensed access to: Mendeley, RefWorks and EndNote.