subjectId: 690340 visibleTabCount: 6

Table of Contents

Creative Commons Licenses

Selected Databases

Evaluating Sources by Western University Libraries

McMaster Libraries YouTube video:  How to Evaluate Resources (the CRAAP Test)

For more information and background on The CRAAP test for evaluating resource, visit CRAAP test - Wikipedia.
Librarians recommend that students use library resources, databases, and ejournals when searching for information.  However, many student will use Google to search for information on their topics.  While some of the resources found through a Google search may be credible and peer reviewed, some information can less so, out of date, and inaccurate.  When evaulating the information you find online use the "CRAAP" test!



Subject Specialist

  • Angela Clark-Hughes

    Director, Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science Library

Getting Stated with Managing your Citations

There are many citation mangement programs available (also known as reference managers or bibliographic management tools) providing useful features that can help you with storing and organzing your citations, as well as creating a bibliography in whatever style you prefer.

It is important to choose the one that suits your needs.  University of Miami Libraries has licensed access to: Mendeley, RefWorks and EndNote.


Additional video tutorial at:


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