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Adrian Legaspi
History, Religious Studies, Political Science, International Studies, and Modern Languages & Literatures Librarian
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Required Reading
Additional Reading
General Encyclopedias and Reference Material
Britannica Online includes the online version of the Encyclopedia Britannica, the 10th ed. of the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Britannica's Internet Guide, and The World Guide with maps, country information, and news
Encyclopedia of Western Colonialism Since 1450
Online version of the 3 volume print Encyclopedia. The set traces many facets of colonial growth and imperialism, including Europe's overseas expansion into the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Pacific, beginning in the 15th century; the collapse of empires; race relations in decolonized regions. In addition, a number of articles address the ideology and theories behind colonialism and imperialism, as well as the major and controversial issues at the core of the debate on colonialism and its consequences, such as Apartheid in South Africa, the Maji Mahi Revolt, and the Minas Gerais Conspiracy.
Credo Reference is a library subscription database that provides access to thousands of articles from reference sources such as encyclopedias and dictionaries. It is a great place to find overviews and background information on your research topic. The articles come from highly respectable reference sources. You can use these types of sources to gain knowledge on the subject and to help you focus or narrow your topic.
Primary Source Databases
General Databases
JSTOR provides digital versions of the backfiles of major scholarly journals. Primarily an archival collection, JSTOR does not provide access to the most recent 3-5 years of content for most titles.
Academic Search Premier is a multi-disciplinary full text database containing full text for nearly 4,500 journals, including more than 3,600 peer-reviewed titles.
ProQuest Research Library
ProQuest Research Library provides in-depth coverage of the top 150 core academic subject, including 5,060 titles -over 3,600 in full text- from 1971 forward. It features a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and newspapers.
Political Risk Yearbook
Political Risk Yearbook forecasts the risk of doing business in 100 countries. Each includes comments and analysis on recent events, profiles of key political players, and wide-ranging forecast scenarios, as well as basic historical and political background and data on the government, political entities, the environment, and the economy, including key sectors.
Columbia International Affairs Online
Columbia International Affairs Online contains the full-text of working papers, conference proceedings, policy briefs, economic indicators, and other theory and research resources in international affairs.
EIU Viewpoint (Formerly Economist Intelligence Unit)
In-depth country analysis and data, including descriptions of the politics, economy, risk, regulation, and business environment of a country. Also includes analysis of global automotive, consumer goods, energy, financial services, healthcare, and telecommunications industries. This service's Data tool can be used to compare economic data across or within countries.
News Databases
New York Times Digital Edition
Digital edition of The New York Times.
Miami Herald (1911-Current)
Full-text content of local and regional news, including community events, schools, politics, government policies, cultural activities, local companies, state industries, and people in the community.
The Economist
The Economist is a weekly news and opinion publication focused on world politics, current affairs, international business, technology, and culture.
Wall Street Journal Online
Published since 1889, the Wall Street Journal covers U.S. and world news, as well as politics, arts, culture, and more. The online version includes streaming news, interactive options, video features, blogs, and more traditional content.
East View Global Press Archive (GPA) is a program that embraces an unprecedented variety of global news publications, presented in full-image and full-text format optimized for scholarly use. GPA encompasses newspapers in more than 30 languages and will ultimately include titles from over 80 countries. GPA is the result of a landmark initiative of Stanford Libraries and the Hoover Institution Library & Archives to digitally preserve and make more accessible thousands of original print newspaper publications collected by the Hoover Institution and now housed by Stanford Libraries.
Global Newsstream covers national and leading regional newspapers including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA TODAY, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Barron's, The Boston Globe, The Christian Science Monitor, and The Washington Post. International coverage includes The Guardian, The Globe and Mail, Jerusalem Post, and El Pais.
Latin American Newsstream (ProQuest)
A selection of full-text Latin-American newspapers and newswires covering international and Latin-American regional topics. Includes over 35 Latin American newspaper in Spanish and Portuguese, with some additional content in English. Leading newspapers include: Mural (Mexico), El Norte and Reforma (Mexico), O Globo and Folha de Sao Paulo (Brazil), La Nacin (Argentina), El Pais (Uruguay), El Nuevo Dia (Puerto Rico).