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Welcome to the research guide for Environmental Science and Policy
This guide will assist you with exploring and navigating the numerous resources available through the University of Miami Libraries system and beyond. For more information about resources in Environmental Science and Policy, or to make an appointment for in-depth research assistance please contact the RSMAS Librarian, Angela Clark-Hughes.
For general inquires and assistance call or visit the RSMAS Library (305) 421-4060.
EVR Department
Subject Specialist
Angela Clark-Hughes
Director, Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science Library
RSMAS Internship Reports
There are many student Internship Reports available in the RSMAS Library. Check uSearch, search or browse current reports at the links below.
UM Scholarly Repository / RSMAS Internship Reports (Restricted)
Core Journals
Bulletin of Marine Science
Fisheries Research
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
ICES Journal of Marine Science
Ocean and Coastal Management
Fisheries Oceanography
Fishery Bulletin
Journal of Fish Biology
Aquaculture Research
Endangered Species Research
Coastal Management
Conservation Biology
Aquatic Conservation
Marine and Coastal Fisheries
Fisheries Research
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
ICES Journal of Marine Science
Ocean and Coastal Management
Fisheries Oceanography
Fishery Bulletin
Journal of Fish Biology
Aquaculture Research
Endangered Species Research

Coastal Management
Conservation Biology
Aquatic Conservation
Marine and Coastal Fisheries

Encyclopedia of Aquaculture
Encyclopedia of Aquaculture is a handy, easily accessible resource for scientists and professionals in aquaculture as well as individuals wishing to expand their knowledge of the field.
Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Online)
Major themes of the work include the evolution of biodiversity, systems for classifying and defining biodiversity, ecological patterns and theories of biodiversity, and an assessment of contemporary patterns and trends in biodiversity.
Encyclopedia of Coastal Science
Encyclopedia of Coastal Science
Encyclopedia of Coastal Science features contributions by 245 international specialists in their respective fields and is illustrated with line-drawings and photographs.
Encyclopedia of Theoretical Ecology (Online)
Encyclopedia of Theoretical Ecology (Online)
This major reference is an overview of the current state of theoretical ecology through a series of topical entries centered on both ecological and statistical themes. Coverage ranges across scales-from the physiological, to populations, landscapes, and ecosystems.
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (Online)
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (Online)
Coverage Includes: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Ecology, Evolution and Diversity of Life, Functional and Comparative Morphology, Genetics and Disease, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Immunology, Microbiology, Neuroscience, Plant Science, Science and Society, Structural Biology, Virology
Encyclopedia of Marine Sciences
The multidisciplinary character of marine sciences (biology, chemistry, geology, physical oceanography) is reflected in some 1,980 up-to-date alphabetically listed keywords, and many illustrations
Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences (Online)
Encyclopedia of Marine Sciences
The multidisciplinary character of marine sciences (biology, chemistry, geology, physical oceanography) is reflected in some 1,980 up-to-date alphabetically listed keywords, and many illustrations
Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences (Online)
The Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences is the most current, authoritative, and comprehensive resource on the science of the oceans. It covers ancillary topics such as ocean technology, law of the oceans, global programs, marine policy, the use of the oceans for food and energy, and the impact of pollution and climate changes.
National Marine Sanctuaries (Online)
National Marine Sanctuaries (Online)
In this online guide, you will find photos, streaming video and important biological information for over 100 marine species from each of the Marine Sanctuaries in the United States.
Conference Papers & Proceedings
Core Journals
Bulletin of Marine Science
Fisheries Research
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
ICES Journal of Marine Science
Ocean and Coastal Management
Fisheries Oceanography
Fishery Bulletin
Journal of Fish Biology
Aquaculture Research
Endangered Species Research
Coastal Management
Conservation Biology
Aquatic Conservation
Marine and coastal fisheries
Fisheries Research
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
ICES Journal of Marine Science
Ocean and Coastal Management
Fisheries Oceanography
Fishery Bulletin
Journal of Fish Biology
Aquaculture Research
Endangered Species Research

Coastal Management
Conservation Biology
Aquatic Conservation
Marine and coastal fisheries