subjectId: 690360

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Call numbers:
D731-838  World War II
DA566- 592  20th Century English History
DD256  Germany, World War II
 (These will all be on the 7th floor of Richter Library!)

Subject terms:
Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965
Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965. Second World War
World War, 1939-1945
World War, 1939-1945. Diplomatic history

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Find access to these important ebooks via the Internet Archive!  Click on the link below, and then sign in to create a free account.  (This account is not linked to UM.  You can choose whatever email you would like and your own password.)  Once you've 'checked out' the book online, you should have access to the full text.  Please email me at if you run into any problems!

Churchill: A Life by Martin Gilbert

Churchill by Roy Jenkins

Churchill and War by Geoffrey Best

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Subject Specialist

  • Ava Brillat

    Program Lead for Information Literacy and Instructional Design
