subjectId: 60860 visibleTabCount: 2

December 17, 2014: Cuba-US Relations Announcement

On December 17, 2014 U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the United States would begin normalizing full diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Cuba after more than half a century of minimal relations. President Obama's announcement included plans to re-establish the US embassy in Havana, allowing official visits of Cuban diplomats and officials to the United States, and increased official dialogue on public policy issues affecting both countries.

This research guide includes access to visualizations on the 2014 US-Cuba Policy Change Twitter archive held at the Cuban Heritage Collection and links to the archived websites collected by Cuban Heritage Collection curators.

Subject Specialist

  • Amanda Moreno-Schroeder

    Esperanza Bravo de Varona Chair and Director of the Cuban Heritage Collection

  • Juan A. Villanueva

    Cuban Heritage & Spanish Language Collections Archivist


Cuban Heritage Collection Twitter archive

The Cuban Heritage Collection has collected and archived Twitter activity from several days preceeding the December 17, 2014 announcement to about a week after the announcement in order to capture discussions, reactions and news relating to the announcement and its impact on everyday people. 

The 2014 US-Cuba Policy Change Twitter archive contains tweets automatically collected from Twitter and includes the following hashtags:
  • #cuba
  • #cubapolicy
  • #cubalibre
  • #cubausa
  • #uscuba
  • #cubanmiami
Public access to the complete archive is only open to the University of Miami community should contact the Cuban Heritage Collection for information on working with this data, or visit the University of Miami Scholarly Repository for access to the data.

Please see the "Twitter Visualizations" tab in this guide for access to visualizations of the Twitter data collected by the Cuban Heritage Collection.

Cuban Heritage Collection US-Cuba Policy Web Archive

The Cuban Heritage Collection began collecting websites reflecting a variety of points of view related to the US-Cuba policy change announcement of December 17, 2014. Websites are from the United States, Spain, Cuba and other Latin American countries. Websites in both Spanish and English are reflected in this web archive.

To access the web archive, please visit the University of Miami's US-Cuba Policy Change, 2014 December 17 web archive on Archive-It.

Tweet Map by Language

This visualization maps tweets by geolocation and language: currently, English and Spanish. To access the live visualization map, follow the link below:

Tweet Map by Language

Tweet Sentiment Analysis

This graph is a scatter plot visualization of the sentiment of all English tweets archived during the US-Cuba policy announcement. Natural language processing was used determine the positivity or negativity of a tweet. 

To access the visualization, follow the link below: 

Tweet Sentiment Analysis