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Architecture Research Center Finding Aids
Aristides J. Millas (1933-2021) taught architectural design, historic preservation, and history at the University of Miami School of Architecture for over forty years until his retirement in 2015. His expertise in historic preservation of architecturally significant South Florida buildings, his research on elderly populations in Miami Beach, and his diverse research collection of books, journals, reports, and ephemera are a significant contribution to the UM Libraries.
Center for Urban and Community Design Archives - Coconut Grove
The CUCD archives document the Center's mission to integrate research, teaching, and service, encouraging interdisciplinary thought and action in the areas of historic preservation, urban design & community engagement, and, sustainable & resilient design in the sub-tropics and tropics.
Architecture Drawings and Maps Collection - Coconut Grove
This collection includes regional and historic maps, original drawings, plans, elevations, photographs, and blueprints of residential and commercial architecture, community project plans, city/town plans, historic restoration plans and aerial photographs. The bulk of the materials are focused on, but, not limited to the areas of Miami-Dade, Coral Gables, and Miami Beach.
Richter Library Special Collections
Archives and History of the Coconut Grove Arts Festival, 1963-2012
Bob Simms Photographic Collection
The Bob Simms collection documents the life and activities of Robert H. Simms in the black communities in Coconut Grove and Miami and reflects his work with the Community Relations Board and the Defense Race Relations Institute.
Fnlay B. Matheson Collection
This photographic collection offers a unique visual representation of life in South Florida from the 1900s through the 1930s, with photographs and albums depicting the Matheson family, their residences, boats, activities, and travels. The Florida landscape, with a focus on Key Biscayne and Coconut Grove, is captured throughout the photographs and attests to a more leisurely lifestyle before the advent of skyscrapers and multi-lane highways.
Lillian Frow Peacock & Eunice Peacock Merrick Collection
The Frow and Peacock families were among the initial white settlers in the Coconut Grove area of Miami.
Woman's Club of Coconut Grove Records
University of Miami Land Acknowledgement
Archives and Special Collections in Miami Dade Region
National Collections
HABS collections document achievements in architecture, engineering, and landscape design in the United States and its territories through a comprehensive range of building types, engineering technologies, and landscapes.
Housing Bibliography
Firley, Eric; Stahl, Caroline. The Urban Housing Handbook. London: Wiley, 2009.
Gehl, Jan. Life Between Buildings: Using Public Space. New York: van Nostrand Reinhold, 1987.
Hall, Peter. Cities of Tomorrow: An Intellectual History of Urban Planing and Design Since 1880. Oxford, Blackwell, 1988.
Neufert, Ernst. Architects' Data. Chichster: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
Schneider, Friederike. Floor Plan Atlas. Basel: Birkhauser, 1997.
Seraji, Nasrine. Housing--Substance of Our Cities. Paris: Picard, 2007.
Taylor, Lisa. Housing: Symbol, Structure, Site. New York: Rizzoli, 1990.
Additional Suggested Readings
A+t. Complex Buildings Series: Dwelling Mixers. Madrid: a+t, 2017.
Banerjee, Tridib. Companion to Urban Design. New York: Routledge, 2011.
Barker, Paul. The Freedoms of Surburbia. London: Frances Lincoln, 2009.
Berghauser Pont, Meta, and Per Haupt. Spacematrix : Space, Density and Urban Form. Rotterdam: NAI, 2010.
Bijlsma, Like. The Intermediate Size: A Handbook for Collective Dwellings. Amsterdam: SUN, 2006.
Camesasca, Ettore. History of the House. New York, Putnam, 1971.
Caro, Robert. The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1974.
Dennis, Michael. Court and Garden: From the French Hotel to the City of Modern Architecture. Cambridge, MIT Press, 1986.
Duany, Andres. Smart Code: version 9 and Manual. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009.
Fernandez Per, Aurora. Density Projects: 36 New Concepts on Collective Housing. Victoria-Gasteiz, Spain: A+t Ediciones, 2007.
French, Hilary. Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century: Plans, Sections, and Elevations. New York: W.W. Norton, 2008.
Gans, Herbert J. The Levittowners: Ways of Life and Politics in a New Suburban Community. New York: Vintage Books, 1967.
Gordon, David. Planning Twentieth Century Capital Cities. London; New York: Routledge, 2006.
Grinberg, Donald. Housing in the Netherlands 1900-1940. Delft: Delft University Press, 1977.
Pamphlet Architecture 1-10. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1988.
Howard, Ebenezer. Garden Cities of To-morrow. London: Faber and Faver, Ltd., 1945.
Hunter, Christine. Ranches, Rowhouses and Railroad Flats: American Homes: How They Shaped Our Landscapes and Neighborhoods. New York: Norton, 1999.
Junhua, Lue. Modern Urban Housing in China. Munich: Prestel, 2001.
Komossa, Susanne. The Dutch Urban Block and the Public Realm: Models, Rules, Ideals. Nijmegen: Vantilt, 2010.
Leupen, Bernard. Housing Design: A Manual. Rotterdam, NAi Publishers, 2011.
Levitt, David. Housing Design Handbook: A Guide to Good Practice. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2010.
Panerai, Philipe. Urban Forms: the Death and Life of the Urban Block. Oxford: Architectural, 2003.
Plunz, Richard. A History of Housing in New York City: Dwelling Type and Social Change in the American Metropolis. New York: Columbia University Press, 1990.
Riis, Jacob. How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1970.
Ring, Kristien. Selfmade City: Berlin: Self-initiated Urban Living and Architectural Interventions. Berlin: Jovis, 2013.
Rossi, Aldo. The Architecture of the City. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1982.
Rybczynski, Witold. Home: A Short History of an Idea. New York: Viking, 1986.
Schoenauer, Norbert. 6000 Years of Housing. New York: Garland STPM Press, 1980.
Schwartz, Alex. Housing Policy in the United States. New York: Routledge, 2015.
Solomon, Dan. Housing and the City: Love Versus Hope. Atgen, PA: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 2018.
Coconut Grove Bibliography
Bachin, Robin Faith and University of Miami Initiative for Urban and, Social Ecology. The Living Traditions of Coconut Grove: The Work of the University of Miami Initiative for Urban and Social Ecology (INUSE). Coral Gables, Fla.: University of Miami, School of Architecture, INUSE, 2002.
Cocoanut Grove, Development Company. Cocoanut Grove by Bay Biscayne: The Land of Perpetual June. Cocoanut Grove, Fla.,Cocoanut Grove Development Co.,1910.
Coconut Grove Arts Festival. Archives and History of the Coconut Grove Arts Festival, 1963-2012; University of Miami. Library. Special Collections, 1963.
Coconut Grove Chamber, of Commerce. Miami's Coconut Grove.
———. A Ramble Tour of Coconut Grove Area. Coconut Grove, Fla.: Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce, 1961.
Cohan, Carol. Broadway by the Bay: Thirty Years at the Coconut Grove Playhouse. Miami, FL: Pickering Press, 1987.
Coulombe, Deborah A. Season of Innocence: The Munroes at the Barnacle in Early Coconut Grove, edited by Herbert L. Hiller. Miami, FL: Pickering Press, 1988.
Dearborn Edwards, Jay. A Creole Lexicon: Architecture, Landscape, People. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, 2004.
Doughty, Robert N. The Heart of the Grove: The First 100 Years of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Coconut Grove, Florida, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Coconut Grove, FL: St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, 2010.
Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company Town Planners. Coconut Grove Regulating Plan, Coconut Grove, FL. 2002.
Dunlop, Beth. The Tropical Cottage: At Home in Coconut Grove. New York: New York: Rizzoli International Publications, 2013.
Flynn, Kelly. The Housing Project-Miami. Kelly Flynn Photography, Clover Innovations Studio, Miami, FL., 2008.
Gibson, Thelma Vernell Anderson. Forbearance: The Life Story of a Cocoanut Grove Native, edited by Helen McGuire, H. Carter. Homestead, Fla.: Helena Enterprises, 2000.
Haase, Ronald W. Classic Cracker : Florida's Wood-Frame Vernacular Architecture. Sarasota, Fla.: Pineapple Press, 1992.
Kent, Gertrude M. The Coconut Grove School in Pioneer Days, 1887-1894. Parker Printing, Coral Gables, FL., 1972.
Junior League of Miami, Inc. Historic Coconut Grove Self-Guided Tour. Miami, FL., 1988.
Miami (Fla), Planning Department. A Planning Study for Coconut Grove. Miami, Fla., City of Miami, Planning Department, 1974.
Parks, Arva Moore. Coconut Grove, edited by Bo Bennett, Arcadia Publishing. Mount Pleasant, SC: Mount Pleasant, SC: Arcadia Pub., 2010.
———. The Forgotten Frontier : Florida through the Lens of Ralph Middleton Munroe, edited by Ralph Munroe. Miami, FL: Centennial Press, 2004.
———. A History of "Snug Harbor" : The Property and Residence .., Miami, Fla.: Arva Parks & Co.,1988.
———. The History of Coconut Grove, Florida, 1821-1925. 1971.
Plymouth Congregational Church (Miami, Fla. ). Plymouth Congregational Church: The First Hundred Years, 1897-1997. Miami, Fla.: Plymouth Congregational Church, 1997.
Quraeshi, Samina, Arva Moore Parks, Gregory Bush, Robin Faith Bachin, Yvonne McDonald, Sanjeev Chatterjee, Michael L. Carlebach, et al. Reimagining West Coconut Grove. Washington, DC: Spacemaker Press, 2005.
Roper Matkov, Becky. Miami's Historic Neighborhoods: A History of Community. Historical Publishing Network. San Antonio, TX. 2001.
Shulman, Allan T. Miami Architecture : An AIA Guide Featuring Downtown, the Beaches, and Coconut Grove, edited by Randall C. Robinson, James F. Donnelly. Gainesville, FL: Gainesville, FL : University Press of Florida. 2010.
Strang, Max. Shotgun: A Photographic Record of West Grove Architecture: Photographs by Max Strang. 2002.
University of Miami. KEBO West Grove Photography Project. Center of Urban and Community Design Archives, Architecture Research Center, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL.
Woman's Club of Coconut Grove.Woman's Club of Coconut Grove Records, 1891-1991. Coral Gables, Fla.: University of Miami Libraries, Special Collections, 1891.