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Parthenon. Athenian Acropolis. Greece.
5th Century BCE
Roman Forum. Fora Romanum.
5th Century BCE
Patara. (present day Turkey) 1st C. CE
Corso, Antonio. Drawings in Greek and Roman Architecture. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2016.
Dey, Hendrik W. The Aurelian Wall and the Refashioning of Imperial Rome, AD 271-855. Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Dunstan, William E. Ancient Rome. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2011.
Frederiksen, Rune. Greek City Walls of the Archaic Period, 900-480 BC. Oxford University Press, 2011.
Haggis, et al. Classical Archaeology in Context Theory and Practice in Excavation in the Greek World. De Gruyter, 2015.
Hansen, Mogens Herman. Polis an Introduction to the Ancient Greek City-State. Oxford University Press, 2006.
Hopkins, John North. The Genesis of Roman Architecture. Yale University Press, 2016.
Kamm, et al. The Romans: an Introduction. Third ed., Routledge, 2014.
Kemezis, Adam M. Urban Dreams and Realities in Antiquity : Remains and Representations of the Ancient City. Brill, 2015.
Lavan, Luke., et al. Housing in Late Antiquity: from Palaces to Shops. Brill, 2007.
Lee, A. D. From Rome to Byzantium AD 363 to 565: the Transformation of Ancient Rome. Edinburgh University Press, 2013.
Miles, et al. A Companion to Greek Architecture. Wiley Blackwell, 2016.
Morris, A. E. J. History of Urban Form: Before the Industrial Revolutions. Longman Scientific & Technical; Wiley, 1994.
Palyvou, Klairē. Akrotiri Thera an Architecture of Affluence 3,500 Years Old. INSTAP Academic Press, 2005.
Patterson, John R. Landscapes and Cities Rural Settlement and Civic Transformation in Early Imperial Italy. Oxford University Press, 2006.
Rich, et al. City and Country in the Ancient World. Routledge, 1991.
Rich, and Rich, John. The City in Late Antiquity. Routledge, 1992.
Rosenstein, et al. A Companion to the Roman Republic. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
Sear, Frank. Roman Architecture. Routledge, 1998.
Spawforth, Antony, et al. The Oxford Classical Dictionary. 4th ed. Oxford University Press, 2012.
Thomas, et al. Monumentality in Etruscan and Early Roman Architecture Ideology and Innovation. University of Texas Press, 2012.
Trajan's Forum and Markets. View across Via Dell'Impero (current Via Dei Fori Imperiali). ARTstor
Ulrich, Roger Bradley, et al. A Companion to Roman Architecture. Wiley Blackwell, 2013.
Classical Antiquity Periods
- Archaic period c. 8th to c. 6th century BCE
- Etruscans /Italy
- Minoans / Crete
- Classical Greece: 5th to 4th century BCE
- Hellenistic period: 323–146 BCE
- Roman Republic: 5th to 1st century BCE
- Roman Empire: 1st C. BCE to 5th C. CE
- Ceasaraugusta (Zaragoza) 19 BCE
- Gaul (France, Germany, Switzerland) 58 BCE
- Londinium (London) 43 CE
- Late antiquity (4th to 6th centuries AD)
Article Indexes & Databases
American Journal of Archaeology (AJA Online)
L'Annee Philologie: Bibliography of the Classical World
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA)
L'Annee Philologie: Bibliography of the Classical World
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA)
Archaeological Museums & Research Portals
Acropolis Museum
Archaeological Museum of Heraklion
Graeco-Roman Museum
Museo della Civiltà Romana (Museum of Roman Civilization)
Pergamon Museum
Perseus Digital Library
Archaeological Museum of Heraklion
Graeco-Roman Museum
Museo della Civiltà Romana (Museum of Roman Civilization)
Pergamon Museum
Perseus Digital Library
Internet Resources
Ara Pacis Augustae
Created by Prof. Charles Rhyne, Professor Emeritus of Art History at Reed College, the main purpose of this web site is to make available a more comprehensive body of images of the Ara Pacis than previously available in any print or web publication.
Pompeii Forum Project
The Pompeii Forum Project is a collaborative research venture that is archaeologicaly based, heavily dependent upon advanced technology, and so conceived as to address broad issues in urban history and urban design. Evidence gathered to date challenges commonly held and widely published notions about the evolution of the forum, especially during the final years of the city's life. The goals are to provide the first systematic documentation of the architecture and decoration of the forum, to interpret evidence as it pertains to Pompeii's urban history, and to make wider contributions to both the history of urbanism and contemporary problems of urban design.
Created by Prof. Charles Rhyne, Professor Emeritus of Art History at Reed College, the main purpose of this web site is to make available a more comprehensive body of images of the Ara Pacis than previously available in any print or web publication.
Pompeii Forum Project
The Pompeii Forum Project is a collaborative research venture that is archaeologicaly based, heavily dependent upon advanced technology, and so conceived as to address broad issues in urban history and urban design. Evidence gathered to date challenges commonly held and widely published notions about the evolution of the forum, especially during the final years of the city's life. The goals are to provide the first systematic documentation of the architecture and decoration of the forum, to interpret evidence as it pertains to Pompeii's urban history, and to make wider contributions to both the history of urbanism and contemporary problems of urban design.
"First among cities, the home of gods, is golden Rome".
Ausonious. The order of Famous Cities.
Ausonious. The order of Famous Cities.

5th Century BCE

5th Century BCE

Print Resources
Barroero, Liliana. Via Dei Fori Imperiali : La Zona Archeologica Di Roma, Urbanistica, Beni Artistici E Politica Culturale. Venezia: Marsilio, 1983. Print.
Carandini, Carafa, Carandini, Andrea, Carafa, Paolo, and Università Degli Studi Di Roma "La Sapienza". Atlante Di Roma Antica: Biografia E Ritratti Della Città. Milano: Electa, 2012.
Heyden, A. A. M. Van Der, A. A. M. Van Der. Scullard, and Scullard, H. H. Atlas of the Classical World. London; [New York: Nelson, 1960.
Nash, Ernest., and Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Rome. Thames & Hudson, 1968.
Novelli, Italo. Atlas of Rome: The Form of the City on a 1:1000 Scale Photomap and Line Map. New York, N.Y.: Marsilio Publishers, 1992.
Carandini, Carafa, Carandini, Andrea, Carafa, Paolo, and Università Degli Studi Di Roma "La Sapienza". Atlante Di Roma Antica: Biografia E Ritratti Della Città. Milano: Electa, 2012.
Heyden, A. A. M. Van Der, A. A. M. Van Der. Scullard, and Scullard, H. H. Atlas of the Classical World. London; [New York: Nelson, 1960.
Nash, Ernest., and Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Rome. Thames & Hudson, 1968.
Novelli, Italo. Atlas of Rome: The Form of the City on a 1:1000 Scale Photomap and Line Map. New York, N.Y.: Marsilio Publishers, 1992.
Corso, Antonio. Drawings in Greek and Roman Architecture. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2016.
Dey, Hendrik W. The Aurelian Wall and the Refashioning of Imperial Rome, AD 271-855. Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Dunstan, William E. Ancient Rome. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2011.
Frederiksen, Rune. Greek City Walls of the Archaic Period, 900-480 BC. Oxford University Press, 2011.
Haggis, et al. Classical Archaeology in Context Theory and Practice in Excavation in the Greek World. De Gruyter, 2015.
Hansen, Mogens Herman. Polis an Introduction to the Ancient Greek City-State. Oxford University Press, 2006.
Hopkins, John North. The Genesis of Roman Architecture. Yale University Press, 2016.
Kamm, et al. The Romans: an Introduction. Third ed., Routledge, 2014.
Kemezis, Adam M. Urban Dreams and Realities in Antiquity : Remains and Representations of the Ancient City. Brill, 2015.
Lavan, Luke., et al. Housing in Late Antiquity: from Palaces to Shops. Brill, 2007.
Lee, A. D. From Rome to Byzantium AD 363 to 565: the Transformation of Ancient Rome. Edinburgh University Press, 2013.
Miles, et al. A Companion to Greek Architecture. Wiley Blackwell, 2016.
Morris, A. E. J. History of Urban Form: Before the Industrial Revolutions. Longman Scientific & Technical; Wiley, 1994.
Palyvou, Klairē. Akrotiri Thera an Architecture of Affluence 3,500 Years Old. INSTAP Academic Press, 2005.
Patterson, John R. Landscapes and Cities Rural Settlement and Civic Transformation in Early Imperial Italy. Oxford University Press, 2006.
Rich, et al. City and Country in the Ancient World. Routledge, 1991.
Rich, and Rich, John. The City in Late Antiquity. Routledge, 1992.
Rosenstein, et al. A Companion to the Roman Republic. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
Sear, Frank. Roman Architecture. Routledge, 1998.
Spawforth, Antony, et al. The Oxford Classical Dictionary. 4th ed. Oxford University Press, 2012.
Thomas, et al. Monumentality in Etruscan and Early Roman Architecture Ideology and Innovation. University of Texas Press, 2012.
Trajan's Forum and Markets. View across Via Dell'Impero (current Via Dei Fori Imperiali). ARTstor
Ulrich, Roger Bradley, et al. A Companion to Roman Architecture. Wiley Blackwell, 2013.
Subject Specialist
Gilda Santana
Director, Architecture Research Center / Art & Art History Librarian
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