subjectId: 366233 visibleTabCount: 2

Cuban Heritage Collection Welcome / Bienvenidos


The Cuban Heritage Collection at the University of Miami Libraries collects, preserves, provides access to, and supports research in primary and secondary sources of enduring historical, cultural, and artifactual value that relate to Cuba and the Cuban diaspora from the colonial period to the present. CHC serves as a center for knowledge preservation, creation, and dissemination for the Cuban diaspora, the scholarly community, and the broader public. In that spirit, the Collection aims to strengthen its position as a leading site for the promotion and discussion of research in Cuban Studies.

This page provides information that will help you prepare for doing research in the Collection. Other sections of this Research Guide serve as pathways about the Collection's holdings as they pertain to selected subject areas.

Learn more about our collections, services, and programs on our website. You can also visit us in the Roberto C. Goizueta Pavilion on the second floor of the Otto G. Richter Library by booking an appointment here.

Research Tips

These resources will help you prepare for your visit to the Cuban Heritage Collection or any special collections repository.

Guía del investigador americanista en Miami 

  • A guide (in Spanish) for researchers visiting the Cuban Heritage Collection, authored by Romy Sánchez for the online journal Nuevo Mundo. Includes tips for out-of-town visitors for travel, lodging, and dining options.

Summer Tips for Visiting Archives 

  • Helpful tips for visiting archives any time of year. From the American Historical Association blog.

On The Road: Radical Research Tips For Historians And Other People 

  • From the Tenured Radical blog on The Chronicle of Higher Education website.

Some Tips and Suggestions for your Research Trip 

  • A guide by the Committee for Graduate Students of the American Historical Association.

Using Archives: A Guide to Effective Research

  • From the Society of American Archivists website and by Laura Schmidt

Taking a Byte Out of the Archives: Making Technology Work for You 

  • A guide by Kirklin Bateman, Sheila Brennan, Douglas Mudd, and Paula Petrik published by the American Historical Association in the Archives and Research column of the January 2005 issue of Perspectives.

Using Finding Aids 

  • A tutorial from the San Diego State University Library that teaches what a finding aid is; how it can help you with research in a special collection; the most important components of a finding aid; some tips to keep in mind when using archival and manuscript collections.

Learning Historical Research 

  • This website led by Prof. William Cronin (University of Wisconsin-Madison) provides a basic introduction to historical research for anyone and everyone who is interested in exploring the past.

For Out-of-Town Visitors


Travel Options: There are two major international airports that serve as options for air travel: Miami International Airport (MIA) and Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport (FLL), both of which are driving distance from the University of Miami's Coral Gables campus.

Miami's Metrorail system now offers transportation between MIA and the University. Board the Orange Line to University Station. From there, you can hop on the free Hurry 'Canes Shuttle, operated by the University during the fall and spring semesters with limited service during the summer.

Housing and Accommodations in Miami: On-campus housing is available during the summer from mid-May to early-August. For more information about on-campus housing, contact us at Please visit the University of Miami's Off-Campus Housing website for other accommodation options. You can also contact the Off-Campus Housing Coordinator at 305-284-4505. 

Dining Options: There are a variety of on-campus dining options, including a coffee shop on the first floor of Richter Library and a Einstein Bros. Bagels at the Law School near the Library.

Questions? Comments?

Subject Specialist

  • Elizabeth Cerejido

    Curator for Cuban Collections


  • Amanda Moreno-Schroeder

    Esperanza Bravo de Varona Chair and Director of the Cuban Heritage Collection

  • Juan A. Villanueva

    Cuban Heritage & Spanish Language Collections Archivist


Your Research Account


All researchers are required to register in Aeon, our patron and requests management system.  You can pre-register before your visit or sign up when you arrive.  Once registered in our system, you will be able to access your research account online to manage your personal information and make and track requests for CHC materials for your research. For more information, visit the Aeon FAQ page.

General Guides & Special Topics

History & Foreign Relations: 20th Century

History & Foreign Relations: 19th Century

Women & Gender

Cuban Diaspora



Arts & Culture