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online access
* peer-reviewed
open access
Gibbs, Mark T. Asset Anchoring as a Constraint to Sea Level Rise Adaptation. Ocean and Coastal Management, vol. 85, 2013, p. 119.
Johnsohn, Marcha, Amanda Bayley. Coastal Change, Ocean Conservation and Resilient Communities. Cham: Springer, 2016.
Kuittinen, Matti, Alan Organschi, and Andrew Ruff. Carbon : A Field Manual for Building Designers. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2022.
Masselink, Gerhard, et al. Coastal Environments and Global Change. First ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
McGuire, Chad J. Adapting to Sea Level Rise in the Coastal Zone Law and Policy Considerations. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 2013.
Pilkey, Orrin H., et al. Sea Level Rise: a Slow Tsunami on America's Shores. Duke University Press, 2019.

* peer-reviewed

Case Studies
Union of Concerned Scientists. National Landmarks at Risk: How Rising Seas, Floods, and Wildfires Are Threatening the United States’ Most Cherished Historic Sites. May 21, 2014. 15 Case study sites from Alaska to Virginia.
climate adaptation / change
coastal cities / community(ies) / resilience / risks
island ecosystem
sea level rise
climate change adaptation AND disaster risk
coastal cities / community(ies) / resilience / risks
island ecosystem
sea level rise
climate change adaptation AND disaster risk
Regional Resources
Resilient 305
Resilient305 Strategy is a living document created to address resilience challenges that are prioritized through intergovernmental and community collaboration. Throughout the process Greater Miami and the Beaches (GM&B) engaged thousands of stakeholders to help shape the Strategy and make sure it reflected the input from a wide range of expertise, ages, ethnicities, cultures, income levels and geographic areas. Continued interaction will be key to the successful implementation of the Strategy.
Sea Level Rise in Miami Dade County History Map
Urban Land Institute (ULI). 2020. The Business Case for REsilience in Southeast Florida: Regional Economic Benefits of Climate Adaptation
This summary report was created by ULI. Technical support for this study was provided by AECOM’s Sustainable Economics Practice and is presented in The Business Case for Resilience in Southeast Florida, a technical report prepared for the Urban Land Institute and Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact.
Resilient305 Strategy is a living document created to address resilience challenges that are prioritized through intergovernmental and community collaboration. Throughout the process Greater Miami and the Beaches (GM&B) engaged thousands of stakeholders to help shape the Strategy and make sure it reflected the input from a wide range of expertise, ages, ethnicities, cultures, income levels and geographic areas. Continued interaction will be key to the successful implementation of the Strategy.
Sea Level Rise in Miami Dade County History Map
Urban Land Institute (ULI). 2020. The Business Case for REsilience in Southeast Florida: Regional Economic Benefits of Climate Adaptation
This summary report was created by ULI. Technical support for this study was provided by AECOM’s Sustainable Economics Practice and is presented in The Business Case for Resilience in Southeast Florida, a technical report prepared for the Urban Land Institute and Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact.
Tool Kits, Guides
U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit
Stephen Tyler & Marcus Moench (2012) "A Framework for Urban Climate Resilience", Climate and Development, 4:4, 311-326, DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2012.745389
Stephen Tyler & Marcus Moench (2012) "A Framework for Urban Climate Resilience", Climate and Development, 4:4, 311-326, DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2012.745389
Papers, Journal Articles and other E-Resources
Masselink, Gerd and Lazarus, Eli D. "Defining Coastal Resilience", Water. 2019; 11(12) 2587
Gibbs, Mark T. Asset Anchoring as a Constraint to Sea Level Rise Adaptation. Ocean and Coastal Management, vol. 85, 2013, p. 119.
Johnsohn, Marcha, Amanda Bayley. Coastal Change, Ocean Conservation and Resilient Communities. Cham: Springer, 2016.
Kuittinen, Matti, Alan Organschi, and Andrew Ruff. Carbon : A Field Manual for Building Designers. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2022.
Masselink, Gerhard, et al. Coastal Environments and Global Change. First ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
McGuire, Chad J. Adapting to Sea Level Rise in the Coastal Zone Law and Policy Considerations. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 2013.
Pilkey, Orrin H., et al. Sea Level Rise: a Slow Tsunami on America's Shores. Duke University Press, 2019.